Transistor was a brilliant game--it had stunning art, a fantastic and intelligent (albeit complex and subtle) narrative, interesting and thoughtful gameplay, and superb voice acting. However, Transistor suffers from an anti-problem; the game strove for quality over quantity. Recursion mode (Transistor's form of New Game +) aimed to fix the game's playtime somewhat, but most opine that Recursion fell short.

Enter Transition(). Transition() is a series of Transistor mods made by 0Azimuth and friends. Each mod refines and restructures Transistor's gameplay into a new theme.

The first mod, Hyperthread(), encourages using Functions in real-time and using Turn() as an evasion mechanic, making faster-paced gameplay. You can read more about it on the Features page, or head to Tutorials to learn how to download and play it for yourself. Don't forget to report any bugs you find and tell me what you think! Your feedback shapes the future of these mods. Have fun!
Downloads and instructions:

Details on who we are, blog updates, details on what the mods do / change, and other fun stuff is on that website too.

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Hyperthread() Update

v0.4 and the new launcher (v0.2_ZL) are dropping tonight!

2015 06 06 09 26 04 Hyperthread

Download it here when it comes out:

Hyperthread() Alpha v0.4

What's new in this update?

First of all, there's the brand new launcher. I got a lot of feedback from all of you about the old launcher, so I rebuilt the mod manager from the ground up with a new UI and your requested changes.

2015 06 06 10 23 32

There's plenty more coming for the launcher, too. In future updates, I'll continue adding UI improvements and animations (I'm thinking that I'll format the launcher to look like an OVC terminal), re-adding the sounds from the old launcher, and including any other settings you'd like me to include. Right now, that Hyperthread() Details button doesn't do anything, but in the next update, it'll give an overview of the changes Hyperthread() makes to the base game. Overclock() and Pipeline() will have buttons too.

2015 06 06 10 23 58 Transition

The settings screen is a work in progress, but everything you see here is functional! As you've requested, the mod manager now supports custom resolutions, custom install paths, and launching Transistor automatically on mod installation! Let me know if you'd like any other settings added (and don't worry, the UI on this screen will be cleaned up soon).

What about Hyperthread()?

Hyperthread() mostly received code updates in the background that prepare for the new version of Switch() (which is being completely replaced and recoded to more accurately fit Hyperthread()'s gameplay style) and Royce / Copycat (both of whom currently don't work, unfortunately). There were also numerous bug fixes, text updates, UI changes, crashes removed, and function tweaks.

You can read the full changelog for this update right here.

As always, thanks for playing, have fun, and feel free to leave me feedback, comments, or suggestions!

Thank you all for your support!

Thank you all for your support!


Hyperthread() is going strong, and thanks to your support and feedback, I've got plenty more in the works! A new mod in planning, a new launcher, enemy...

"How does Hyperthread() play faster than Transistor?"

"How does Hyperthread() play faster than Transistor?"


You've asked me how Hyperthread() encourages real-time combat, what changes are actually made, and how Transistor works without depending on Turn(). I...

Renamings, mod manager clarity, and Hyperthread() beta

Renamings, mod manager clarity, and Hyperthread() beta


The names for the other two mods are set, and the mod manager is being re-skinned to be much prettier and cleaner. Now, what's left to get Hyperthread...

Hyperthread() Public Alpha is now launched!

Hyperthread() Public Alpha is now launched!


Head on over to the Downloads page and try it out!

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Hyperthread() Alpha v0.4

Hyperthread() Alpha v0.4

Demo 2 comments

Transition() v0.2_ZL | Hyperthread() v0.4 | Read on for more info below

Hyperthread() Public Alpha - Legacy

Hyperthread() Public Alpha - Legacy


Transition() v0.9 | Hyperthread()v0.3_PublicAlpha | Read this file description or check tutorials for instructions and help.

marxy-boy - - 1 comments

so is anything going on with this?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
totalpatoot - - 1 comments

Great stuff!

Unrelated question: Since you guys work with the games files, are you able to access the artworks at all? I've been on the hunt for high-quality images of the Function characters with little success and wondered if you had access to them. Let me know!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
gannebamm - - 44 comments

nice ideas!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
0Azimuth Creator
0Azimuth - - 2 comments

Thanks! As of today, we have a playable public alpha of Hyperthread(). Come check it out and tell me what you think!

Reply Good karma+3 votes
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Latest posts from @zoneleftkai

Hyperthread() v0.4 update will be out at midnight tonight! Get it here:

Jun 6 2015

RT @IndiusOrg: Transition() est une série de mods conçus pour allonger la durée de vie de Transistor.

May 31 2015

Thrilled to see this promoted! Thanks for the support and interest!

May 31 2015