Blake's Civilization 1 For Windows - Soundtrack Overhaul Mod that replaces all the old CivWin (NOT CivNet) short low quality WAV music files with full length high quality Roland MT-32 recordings from the DOS version.

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As someone who grew up playing the Dos version of Civilization I was frustrated when I tried the windows version and found that all the music tracks had been converted from midi to low quality 10-30sec WAV files. Some of Civ1’s music tracks went for minutes so a lot was lost, especially considering that the Civ1 intro goes for 3 minutes meaning you sat there in silence for 2.5 mins! There wasn’t much we could do about this in the 1990s as space was premium however these days a few big WAV files isn’t going to do any damage!

So I decided to test replacing the game’s music files with high quality full length versions of the soundtrack and was pleased to discover that the game allowed them and on most occasions didn’t ‘chop end’ playing the music. I hunted across the internet and managed to discover on youtube a very special high quality genuine Roland MT-32 recording of all the Dos version tracks uploaded by BarbariaBros. He very kindly gave me his original uncompressed WAV files to use for this mod.

I had the lower the quality a bit for the files to be compatible with the game (see known issues) however working from an uncompressed source instead of a youtube compressed file has produced a much better final product which I hope you all enjoy. Most people couldn’t afford a Roland MT-32 back in the day so this soundtrack mod for CivWin (NOT CivNet) will give even experienced Dos Civ players a much upgraded music experience should they wish to jump ship!

Finally if you’re someone like me who also prefers the graphics & colours of the Dos version but wants to play in the higher resolutions of CivWin then I recommend you try out Honzas ‘DOS Tileset for Civilization I for Windows’ mod which combined with my mod converts CivWin into the ultimate classic Civ 1 experience. I’ve been playing Civ 1 in 1080p HD on my 46 inch screen with both these mods and having a blast!

Honzas DOS Tileset for Civilization I for Windows mod:

Check out my Civ1 HD tour & demonstration video to see how I used these mods:

Blake - a mod maker who likes tinkering around with old games. Feel free to check out my other projects such as my & Metropolis's Civ2 - Heroes of Might & Magic 2 scenario, my Civ2 - Red Alert 2 Siege of NYC scenario, my Civ2 - Command & Conquer scenario remaster, my Civ2 - Dune 2 Dynasty scenario, my Civ2 - Terminator Future War scenario remaster, my Civ2 - Civ1 Graphics mod demaster, my Civ2ToT - Master of Magic Jr scenario remaster, my Civ2 - Deadworld Reborn scenario remaster, my Civ2 - Starcraft scenario addon, my Civ2 - Warcraft scenario addon, my Civ2 - Better Terrain Graphics mod, my Civ2 - Playstation Graphics mod remaster, my Civ2 - ToT Graphics mod remaster, my Civ2 - Alpha Centauri scenario remaster, my Attila's Conquest - Play as Barbarians in every Civ game scenario series, my old Civ2 - Star Wars scenario, and my Civ1 - Soundtrack Overhaul mod. I'm also the creator of the popular GZDoom - Star Trek TNG Doom and GZDoom - Quest For Glory IV 3D Hexen mods.

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After a successful quiet release with no new bugs reported I've now decided to go public with the final full release of my Civilization 1 For Windows - Soundtrack Overhaul Mod that replaces all the old CivWin (NOT CivNet) short low quality WAV music files with full length high quality Roland MT-32 recordings from the DOS version.

Civ1Win Soundtrack Overhaul

Demonstration Video:

As someone who grew up playing the Dos version of Sid Meier's Civilization 1 I was frustrated when I tried the Windows version (CivWin NOT CivNet) and found that all the music tracks had been converted from midi to low quality 10-30sec WAV files. Some of Civ1’s music tracks went for minutes so a lot was lost, especially considering that the Civ1 intro goes for 3 minutes meaning you sat there in silence for 2.5 mins! There wasn’t much we could do about this in the 1990s as space was premium however these days a few big WAV files isn’t going to do any damage!

So I decided to test replacing the game’s music files with high quality full length versions of the soundtrack and was pleased to discover that the game allowed them and on most occasions didn’t ‘chop end’ playing the music. I hunted across the internet and managed to discover on youtube a very special high quality genuine Roland MT-32 recording of all the Dos version tracks uploaded by BarbarianBros. He very kindly gave me his original uncompressed WAV files to use for this mod.

I had the lower the quality a bit for the files to be compatible with the game (see known issues) however working from an uncompressed source instead of a youtube compressed file has produced a much better final product which I hope you all enjoy. Most people couldn’t afford a Roland MT-32 back in the day so this soundtrack mod for CivWin (NOT CivNet) will give even experienced Dos Civ players a much upgraded music experience should they wish to jump ship!

If you would like to try this mod you can find it here at ModDB:
Download Civ1Win Soundtrack Overhaul - Mod DB

For more information, installation instructions, and any known issues check out my mod development threads at these Civ forums:

Finally if you’re someone like me who also prefers the graphics & colours of the Dos version but wants to play in the higher resolutions of CivWin then I recommend you try out Honzas DOS Tileset for Civilization I for Windows mod which combined with my music mod converts CivWin into the ultimate classic Civ 1 experience. I’ve been playing Civ 1 in 1080p HD on my 46 inch screen with both these mods and having a blast! His mod can also be found at ModDB here:

Example pictures of Civilization 1 in HD:
(Click to expand)

(Click to expand)

(Click to expand)

If you like my work please feel free to check out my other mod projects such as my & Metropolis's Heroes of Might & Magic 2 Civ2 scenario, my Red Alert 2 Siege of NY Civ2 scenario, my Command & Conquer Civ2 scenario remaster, my Terminator Future War Civ2 scenario remaster, my Deadworld Reborn Civ2 scenario remaster, my Civ1 Graphics for Civ2 mod demaster, my ToT Graphics for Civ2MGE mod remaster, my Civ2 Playstation Graphics for Civ2MGE mod remaster, my Better Terrain Graphics for Civ2MGE mod, my Alpha Centauri Civ2 scenario remaster, my Attila's Conquest - Play as Barbarians in every Civ game scenario series, my old Star Wars Civ2 scenario, my new Master of Magic Enhanced Civ2ToT scenario, and my Civ1 Soundtrack Overhaul mod. I'm also the creator of the popular Star Trek TNG GZDoom and Quest For Glory IV 3D Hexen GZDoom mods.

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Civilization for Windows Soundtrack Overhaul Mod (CivWin)

Civilization for Windows Soundtrack Overhaul Mod (CivWin)

Full Version 1 comment

Blake's Civilization 1 For Windows - Soundtrack Overhaul Mod that replaces all the old CivWin (NOT CivNet) short low quality WAV music files with full...

Blake00 Creator
Blake00 - - 266 comments

Demonstration video of my soundtrack mod:

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