This mod will be taking the base game and bringing it to DirectX 9.0c at first to enable the use of Shader Model 3.0. This will allow for Parallax/Displacement Mapping or maybe Relief/Offset Bump Mapping, Procedural Textures(maybe), Subsurface Scattering and Transparent Materials. I will do my best to reach out to and collaborate with more devs to bring HDR, Soft Shadows, and High Precision Rendering to the game. I will look into relief mapping with self shadowing or steep parallax as an alternative to POM. This should allow for a more modern look to the game as well as improving the look of characters and the environment.

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Better Environment Mapping


So I have reached out to a number of folks working on wrappers and shader mods. It looks like thanks to ReShade and MasterEffect we will now be able to have MXAO in Thief 3! This will be available once the latest version of MasterEffect launches. This will make the game look incredible. So there is some news there. As far as POM; having tested a number of shaders and effects it seems the best possible effect with ReShade is one the uses the diffuse textures to approximate depth. The results of this are very ugly looking and not even remotely worth it. Marty who made MasterEffect spent weeks on this and had no luck. So my thoughts are that I can try to manually load the textures into ReShade as "Lut" or something of the sort to trick it into working, however I doubt that is a legitimate way of doing this.

Since I already have my own AO, Depth and Normal maps if figured instead I might do things the old school way and actually edit the Levels in the editor using heightmaps and mapping them onto the walls as if they are terrain. The results will not be the prettiest but since I am no modeler it will be the closest to real models I can get since actual geometry will be used. I think this will allow us to have beautiful roads and bricks etc

Hopefully once I am successful in this venture the mod will be complete pretty close to complete.

A quick Update!

A quick Update!


A little bit of info about the lack of more updates!

Lighting Improvements/ and Hardware Tesselation

Lighting Improvements/ and Hardware Tesselation


Lighting Upgrades and Possibility of Hardware Tessellation

DX9/ENB support

DX9/ENB support


Hey everyone so I apologize for lack of updates as progress in rather slow. I am going to link a tool that helps make SweetFX/ENB work with Thief 3 I...

D3D11 call support

D3D11 call support

Feature 3 comments

New tool for DX7->DX11 conversion in real time. Hey gang, so finally I have come across a tool that allows for better compatibility with older games on...

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Effects GFX 7 comments

Here it is ladies and gentlemen, DX9 wrapper to properly allow running ReShade

Texture pack 0.2

Texture pack 0.2

Texture 5 comments

Hey guys, so I went through and changed a couple of textures namely doors, some floor textures and touched up a couple of cement textures by John P for...

Texture pack 0.1

Texture pack 0.1

Texture 6 comments

This is my remake of John P's HD textures. All credit goes to the artists at Ion Storm and John P for the original work. I have remade a few normals and...

Comments  (0 - 10 of 25)
L3d - - 773 comments

dam how many thief games are there ,need this one i gues too ..

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Guest - - 706,898 comments

Only 4... it should really only take you about 2 seconds to figure out how many. It’s not that hard. Jesus.

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Hectrix - - 5 comments

Maybe you should start with something "basic", like implementing a DX9 renderer, and adding some visual techniques like soft shadows, HDR, AO, POM, etc, similar to what Sikkmod did in Doom 3.

Reworking models and textures may take a lot of time, and most likely will never be finished.

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cr4zyw3ld3r Creator
cr4zyw3ld3r - - 174 comments

Models will be converted from Thief 2014 at a later time. I would need to re-rig all of them. HDR and AO can already be achieved with Nvidia inspector and RadeonPRo tools. Current objective is to get pom up and running. DX9 wrapper is already working.

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Guest - - 706,898 comments

So...It's mid 2016 now...when is this awesome mod going to be finished? And is it possible to also have eye-adaptation in Thief DS?

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cr4zyw3ld3r Creator
cr4zyw3ld3r - - 174 comments

Sadly I am a one man team so progress is really slow. And even though its the internet and no one cares, I got injured in a motorcycle accident, suing my dealership over selling me a lemon and my grandma passed away so I have been dealing with a lot this year and this is contributing to the slowness. As for eye adaptation Unreal 2.X had it so it is possible just have to figure out how to do it. But getting the renderer up to par would be nice first. Unreal 2.X was DirectX 8.1 I think so having DX 9 would be a huge help.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
IAmTheWalrus! - - 122 comments

Sorry to hear mate, hope things get better for you.

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ES-Mike1518 - - 8 comments

Will animations also be updated in this mod upon completion? or will it just be models and shaders?

also, just an idea, would be awesome to have a compound bow kinda like there was in the reboot, I felt as the reboots graphics/designs and some gameplay was good, but the story and character was completely lost from the originals. would be cool to see the original thief games look more like the reboot but still have my classic thief <3

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,631 comments

I felt like the level design was horrible in the thief reboot. Its clear that there wasn't really any attempt to make game levels "livable spaces" neither was the introduction of special hooks for your rope arrows that have no in game universe logic for being there instead of the simple addition/removal of wood. There is also an attempt made to remove all the arrows/glowing/indicators everywhere telling you where to go and what to do BUT no hand-crafted maps that you can read and interpret based on the landmarks and road signs to find out where you are. They clearly did not understand what made Thief great, everything that absorbed the player into the experience was absent. The world building which gave it a unique atmosphere & real world logic of the gameplay is what made the game a bar above your average triple A title back then and esp now... it wasn't just about giving tools to the player to take on the numerous "puzzles" which can be described as dynamic events, ie lights, moving past guards, hiding bodies and sprawling maps. It had its own spark that has to be cherished.

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cr4zyw3ld3r Creator
cr4zyw3ld3r - - 174 comments

I would largely agree. However I do like the fluidity of the reboot quite a bit, though. I would have actually preferred that they used the old voice actor and had the story fall more in line with the prior games. But it is what it is. It was also disappointing to sse the game run on UE3 when 4 was already out and available to devs at the time of the game's design. My biggest gripe with the game is the lack of variety in the city landscape and general lazy design of the architecture of the entire city

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cr4zyw3ld3r Creator
cr4zyw3ld3r - - 174 comments

I am not planning on doing the anims, but perhaps with helps that can be done too. Might be possible to port the bow into this game, but the animations are something that I cannot do. Since the new game runs on UE 3 and this one is on UE2 the animatons are not compatible

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