It Came From Red alert! is a mod that brings the original Red alert into Red alert 2: Yuri's Revenge.
It requires Red alert 2: Yuri's Revenge V1.001.
Beta Releases 1 and 2 do not require additional patches, Beta Release 2.5 requires Rock Patch 1.08SE for all features to work correctly, Beta Release 3 requires NPatch Special Edition #0019 or newer for all features to work correctly and Pre-release Candidate 1 does not require any additional patches.
ICFRA! has had over 86000 downloads across its various releases.

If you have difficulty uninstalling the mod then read this post.

The mod was started on 25th November 2006 and was first publicly announced on the 29th November 2006. Beta R1 was released on the 1st of December 2006 followed by BR2 on the 2nd of January 2007. Like BR2 before it work has immediately began on BR3, but some serious errors found in BR2 lead to an BR2.5 bugfixing release on the 7th of January. BR3 was released 14th October 2007.
Pre-Release Candidate 1 was released on 20th December 2012 so that the latest version of the mod from my computer was actually available to people.

The mod originally started as a coding-only mod so that I could play something resembling Red Alert with the newer interface features like right click scrolling and turned into something way beyond that. It's been consistently popular since the first version was released with a steady trickle of views and downloads even to this day.

Thank you all for the kind comments the mod has received over the years and I'm sorry I never managed to finish it, especially as it got so close to being totally done.

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There were some articles in the "Features" section of the ICFRA ModDB profile that were written before ICFRA PRC1 was released so I have updated them.

The most important one is the uninstalling article as it was showing an out of date file list and an out of date screenshot of the deactivation prompt so I fixed those.

I also updated the about article and the version information article to include the information about PRC1.

Finally I've added a different format for the ICFRA PRC1 download, called PRC1z, which has the mod's files in a .zip file rather than using the .exe launcher created by XCC Mod Creator. If you already have the mod and it is working correctly you do not need to pay any attention to the new download, it's just for people who can't get the mod to run via the .exe version.
Please note that if you use the PRC1z version you are manually copying files into your game directory to install the mod and you will have to manually delete them to uninstall the mod. Instructions and a list of the mod's files are included in the download but you should probably backup your game install directory before installing the mod just to be safe. I am not responsible for you making a mess of your game directory!

The new format is here.
And of course the .exe launcher format is still available here.

Hello?  Want a new updated version of ICFRA?

Hello? Want a new updated version of ICFRA?


So... here's a newer but still unfinished version of ICFRA!

Asset theft and some updated screenshots

Asset theft and some updated screenshots

News 2 comments

A statement regarding a recent asset theft, and some new screenshots to replace the outdated ones.

Daz interviewed at Revora

Daz interviewed at Revora


Following up on the feature in Total PC Gaming Issue #18 Revora have run a feature on the mods hosted by them that appeared in the magazine. There's an...

Download counts and print media

Download counts and print media

News 1 comment

I've just done a little bit of maths and worked out It Came From Red Alert! has had 86734 downloads since Beta Release 1 was released and ICFRA! is in...

RSS Files
ICFRA! Pre-release Candidate 1z (Dec. 2012 .zip)

ICFRA! Pre-release Candidate 1z (Dec. 2012 .zip)

Full Version 2 comments

(Newest December 2012 Version in .zip format) After four beta releases (1,2,2.5 and 3) the number of reported bugs had flatlined, as such I was planning...

It Came From Red Alert! Pre-release Candidate 1

It Came From Red Alert! Pre-release Candidate 1

Full Version

It Came From Red alert! is a mod that brings the original Red alert into Red alert 2: Yuri's Revenge. It requires Red alert 2: Yuri's Revenge V1.001.

ICFRA! Pre-release Candidate 1 (Dec. 2012 Version)

ICFRA! Pre-release Candidate 1 (Dec. 2012 Version)

Full Version 4 comments

(Newest December 2012 Version) After four beta releases (1,2,2.5 and 3) the number of reported bugs had flatlined, as such I was planning to release a...

ICFRA Beta Release 3 (Oct. 2007 Version)

ICFRA Beta Release 3 (Oct. 2007 Version)

Full Version 21 comments

(October 2007 Version with NPatch requirement) Beta Release 3 of It Came From Red Alert! THE MOD REQUIRES NPatch SE #0019 TO FUNCTION CORRECTLY WHICH...

Comments  (0 - 10 of 122)
thelazysamurai4 - - 3 comments

Hey no idea if any work is still being done on this, but I found out about it about a week ago, and decided to run it. Just wonderful, I can finally play with my old RA1 units, but with the QoL upgrades that came with RA2/YR.

One caveat that I have though, is that while the Allied AI seem to be able to field a decent naval game, the Soviet AI seems to have some trouble in this regard. Not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but if you ever do work on it again, and there aren't any pressing matter... :P

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
CZLin - - 12 comments

Can I extract some models from your mod to my work?I will surely credit you in my release

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Guest - - 706,894 comments

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SteamsDev - - 274 comments

Upon removal of the mod I seem to still have this mod's desert look, and I don't know how to remove it. Is there a path through registry that I can try? I've tried everything else.

Also, great mod! Thanks for adding an FA2 Path Fix file. Really helpful.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
SPi-99 - - 789 comments

Looks amazing. Can't wait to try it.
Great work!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
DXSnakeEater - - 4 comments

Is this mod dead? I think it'd be nice of there was a version of this that ran on Ares through the Launch Base launcher.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Be7AMod - - 229 comments

No, its still alive.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Meyerm - - 1,186 comments

I think the mod's pretty much complete. Not much else to add considering it's a RA2 adaption of an existing game.

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CJames14 - - 4 comments

Can you build the command posts/technology centers?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
DazJW Creator
DazJW - - 237 comments

No, they're just included for completeness. You can only build stuff that you could build in Red Alert.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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