Bannerpage tries to add where Native MBW is thin and aims to significantly improve areas in which game hasn't aged well. It creates more immersive experience for hardcore players, returners but also new, younger players. At the same time mod religiously protects game's core values - single player campaign balance and maintains Vanilla's scent. Bannerpage is a full conversion from Native back to Native. Overhauled graphics, distinctive/immersive factions, new animations, new well balanced items, new music, new sounds, new scenes, improved AI, neat UI, new game mechanics in areas that don't affect balance but significantly improve player's experience and many, many more. Mod gives player multiple new options in almost every situation and thus adds a lot to the game's depth. I am dedicating Bannerpage to my two sons as monument of their father's love. Greatest thanks goes to my wife for her patience, love and support during many hours spent in making this mod.

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BannerPage impressions by the Warband's YouTube legend REFORMIST.

Famous YouTube gamer PIXELATED APOLLO plays BannerPage serving King Ragnar

BannerPage is fully localized to French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish!

Main features.

  • Underground & Undercover Ops - build hideouts and hidden bases. Employ shady characters and play as Ali Baba and the forty thieves or go further and organize your private underground operation.
  • The King and The Beggar - allows player to choose from wide variety of campaign start options, all the way from the major Calradian faction leader, independent ruler, peasant rebellion leader, bandit leader ,.., all the way down to the barefooted and penniless beggar.
  • Ludus Calradius - main Arena in Calradia, compete against the best in following categories: jousting, roman gladiators, historical gladiators, or just watch the best fight each other and bet,
  • 20+ New Quests - Talk to the guild master, lords, ladies and village elders to receive these quests. Also, there is a quest given by each faction leader which is rewarded with a unique new weapon with skill bonuses. Talk to a king/queen when you reach level 10 to receive these quests. Be warned that these quests provide fairly stiff challenges
  • Diplomacy 4.3 - Kingdom Management
  • PBOD Pre-Battle Orders & Deployment v.0.92.5 ( + all later non WSE updates added) - tactical options, important battle mechanics fixes, new commands and formations
  • Freelancer 1.6 (all known bugs fixed) - serve under any Lord as common soldier
  • Custom Commander (v.1397, some parts rewritten for better fit), level up your Companions faster by controlling them during battles, let AI control your character
  • Custom Troops (Player's Kingdom, carefully added/balanced item pools)
  • Tournament Play Enhancements 1.5 (expanded and factionized)
  • Duel Kit (rewritten code - added many new features) - Duel any Lord (improved AI)
  • Jousting (in Ludus or ask Swadian lord to duel)
  • Hunting (all across Calradia) - collect your trophies and make lucrative sale
  • New Recruitment System - 8 different ways (as realistic as it gets)
  • Camp Entrenchment (has meaning now - armies need to rest to remain fresh and maintain map speed)
  • Sea Trade, Sea faring and Sea Battles
  • Bridge Battles
  • Customizable Sparring Matches (separate from dueling)
  • Investment/Bank system Landowners/Moneylenders
  • Dark knight invasion (fully implemented, optional - player's choice)
  • Enslaving villagers - put them to work in Salt mine, make gold
  • Enhanced Trade (Trade Ledger, trade goods item modifiers, new commodities, new trade goods from hunting, sea trade)
  • Executing lords - as one of the outcomes of sending them to trial

User Interface

  • New reports (20+ neat reports, such as troop trees and all items list, dueling stats, Companions Overseer, Relation reports etc.)
  • In game manuals (explanation of main new features under "Game concepts" menu)
  • Extended Camp Action Menus - lot of new actions (Party Book-chest, Trade Ledger etc.)
  • Extensive settings - you can customize almost everything to suit your liking
  • HD campaign map and new icons (animals, lords, bandits, pine tree, castles, towns)
  • Custom Lord Notes (add your note on any lord)
  • Added controls, crouch, whistle for horse, spear bracing, deploy tower shield, shield bash etc. (check and redefine controls in-game)
  • Mouse death cam - Numpad death cam was replaced with mouse+arrow keys death cam
  • New Character Creation Screen
  • Expanded location UI notes (villages, towns)
  • Optional automated functions Auto-sell /Auto-buy / Auto-loot menus
  • Extended item descriptions
  • Book Library - Books are shared, Companions can learn too

Artificial Intelligence

  • Tweaked old and added new AI meshes (arenas and sieges)
  • Improved NPC Hero fighting AI - for a real Dueling challenge

Troops, skins and RPG elements

  • Extended Nobility Titles (Faction specific)
  • Dynamic Nobility Titles (they change in time depending on the Lord's current allegiance and holdings)
  • All faction troops - completely visually re-imagined, overhauled and now more distinctive but vanilla stats completely kept
  • 2 new fully lore integrated NPC companions Tin & Sven (with all dialogues and relationships)
  • Katrin is useful companion now - All Companions with Native Inventory Management skill over 2 got those points deducted and redistributed, Katrin benefited the most (Trade skill 5) , Rolf will now always recruit Sarranid troops
  • Medieval History inspired Mercenary Trees
  • 36 Different Carefully designed Mercenary Troops
  • Awol Historical Mercenary Parties who behave as bandits (Brigands, Routiers and Catalan Company)
  • Medieval History inspired Bandit Trees (all Native Bandits now come in 3 tiers)
  • 24 different Bandit Units
  • Medieval History inspired Faction Guards / Elite Troops (2x per faction) - recruit-able in towns
  • 10 Dark Knights Units in a special troop tree
  • 20 Dark Knights Nobles led by their Queen (by default they don't invade)
  • All New Banners - recognizable faction characteristics design, history inspired
  • Unique Combat and Civil outfits for each Lord (Factionized)
  • Lords wear Cloaks in Faction Colors or Heraldic Cloaks
  • Unique weapon and armor sets for each Lord to complement new dueling mod (Factionized)
  • Dynamic Outfits for Ladies loosely based on their character (Factionized)
  • New Faces (Factionized - Racial) - carefully chosen combo of multiple facepacks
  • Unique Faces (Factionized) - many characters got hand made redesign like Ragnar (image attached)
  • No double Faces - all young ladies have different face, some are beauties some are not
  • Top-tier-troop can be promoted to a Hero (after they have many, many battles survived)
  • New Npcs in taverns with many unique roles (Pro Recruiters, Black Market Merchants, Trainers ...)
  • Wife can become Party member and ride with you (fixed, now she never goes nuts)
  • Wife can be dressed (equipped) as companion buy her luxury dresses (or arm her)
  • 4 NPC gang leaders - with Gang Management options - Hidden Base staff

Scenes and scene props:

  • New Castles (all are completely different now and architecture has faction characteristics, roughly matched map icons)
  • Improved Siege scenes (AI movement tested and tweaked)
  • Optimized and Polished Landscapes Mod (carefully scene by scene added - bugfixed, all lods created for faster loading - better FPS)
  • Random Scene Generation - rewritten - used Polished Landscapes Mod flora as base
  • Polished Buildings Mod (all Swadian and Vaegir towns completely overhauled)
  • 54 different Skyboxes, moving Sun, time clock
  • New Terrain Borders designed to work with New Expanded horizons
  • Expanded horizons, added in multiple layers and shaders applied to create right illusion
  • Arena Overhaul Mod ( + new objects added, + new and tweaked AI meshes)
  • 3 Completely new Arenas (Suno as Calradia's Tournaments Capital, Narra and Halmar designed to accommodate horseback fights better)
  • Training Fields Mod
  • All coastal villages now have beach
  • New Flora (added more variety Sarranid lands)
  • New AI meshes
  • Salt mine - (leave and rent out your slaves there or buy cheapest salt in the Realm)
  • Live Taverns - musicians, people drinking, bartender new dialogues, new important Npcs
  • Moving watermills and windmills
  • Ludus Calradius with lot of new interiors and exteriors

Music - Completely overhauled and expanded:

  • SRing ambient sound tracks mod (Campaign map, town, village)
  • Battle music - multiple factions specific tracks
  • Duel music - multiple factions specific tracks
  • Castle music - multiple factions specific tracks
  • Bandit culture - different bandits have different sets of battle music (with variations), meaning totally different tracks will now play when you face sea-riders compared to what will be played when
  • 100+ new carefully chosen copyright free or rights received tracks
  • BannerPage main music theme: Celtic Music - Warrior - composed by Filip Lackovic
  • Lady meetings have music background
  • Added ambient sounds in Hunting scenes
  • Added ambient sounds in Walk around scenes


  • More metal sound Mod
  • Sounds of Suffering Mod
  • Added new sounds, expanded repetitive palettes

New animations:

  • All carefully chosen and tested to either improve functionality or immersion or both
  • Decapitation - when large cutting damage is applied on someones neck
  • Polearm Bracing
  • Shield Bash
  • Slingshot - perfected sling (not staff sling) set of animations
  • 1H Spear - considerably improved shield and spear animations
  • 1H and 2H overhead spear animation
  • 1H greatsword horseback thrust
  • thrown weapon ALT animation sets
  • Throw Grenade
  • Crouch animations
  • Throw Boleadora (Bola)
  • Throw gladiator net
  • Pike standing, walking and runing animations,
  • New Death and Stand animations,
  • Crossbow reload animation (crossbowman is more protected during reload)
  • Tavern animations

Uncut - 1 vs many with only sling, shield and spear

1969 Items:

  • New Books (Companions can now learn too, Party Book chest)
  • Merchant's Trade Ledger (keeps logs on trade changes, based on your past inquires and transactions)
  • Treasure chests revived (samurai sets back AND 25+ new hidden treasure chests added, over 70 unique items, FIND them!)
  • Factionized Shops (to aquire some things you will have to travel)
  • Carefully Balanced Item Modifiers, price and shop spawn probability
  • Improved Trade Goods (now have item modifiers too)
  • Armorer and Weaponsmith can repair items
  • Horse Merchant can make horse timid (-1 riding skill requirement)
  • Bugfixed Native items (wrong textures swapped and correct shaders applied)
  • Retxtured Native items and brought back to life
  • Hundreds if not thousands of new/tweaked textures to develop visual identities and to make everything blend together well
  • Ale, Wine, Date-fruit are food and give morale bonuses now
  • Lumber is a new commodity
  • Crowns - get Crown with leadership bonus when becoming a faction leader
  • Quest Items give skill bonuses

New Mounts (carefully designed both visually and stat wise)

  • Historically and geographically inspired 13 x Horse Breeds
  • 18 different 3D mount models - factionized according to historical breeds
  • In more than 200 variants, different/realistic skins and coats/ barded & caparisoned
  • Added Meek (+3 speed) to horse item modifiers
  • Bactrian and Dromedary Camels (horses fear camels, some breeds don't)
  • War Elephants, Asian and African (horses fear elephants)

New Weapons, Shields, Armor

  • Thoughtfully added to fit within preset max and min values, aim to add functional variety
  • No meaningless doubles or OPs
  • Slings - come with new weapon proficiency
  • Medieval grenades (Naft and Greek Fire)
  • Flaming/explosive arrows
  • NO firearms
  • Heraldic deployable pavise (Tower shield)
  • Many, many new heraldic items (most of them are dirty and sun bleached though :)
  • Chu Ko Nu - semi automatic crossbow
  • Boleadora thrown blunt weapon (gladiator net uses same mechanic)

Minor features and Tweaks

  • New buildings:
  1. Blacksmith - refills defender's ammo supply (player included) every minute during a defensive siege and weapons are repairable
  2. University - build it to increase and spread knowledge in your name. Increases your renown and improves town's relation standing every week
  3. Guild Hall - build it to please the merchant community and engage in trade enterprises. increases the town prosperity every week
  4. Palisade - a simple wooden wall around the village that helps protect from enemies. The time that it takes enemies to loot the village is now increases by 25%.
  5. Granary - increases village prosperity
  • NPC lords build improvements
  • Begging as beggar in towns - start from the very bottom is possible
  • Working hard as a farmer in villages
  • Bribing and Extortion of village elders
  • Prostitution in Swadian and Rhodok towns
  • Recruiting Farmers and Peasant woman (if in role of Rebellion Leader)
  • Recruiting Bandits (through Hidden Base and underground staff menus)
  • Killing regular troops or throwing them in chains
  • Killing regular prisoners or recruiting them as per your choice
  • Multiple ways of selling / renting out prisoners
  • Always choose side when joining battles (fixed)
  • Shield Bash depends on shield skill and shield weight, to shield bash you need at least shield 1
  • Hero escape probability is now based on party Tracking skill, higher skill lower chance
  • Party Looting skill level has now direct impact on raid loot amount
  • Player and Companions Battle Kills Counter - Post Battle Screen
  • Reduced Lord's defecting probability
  • Random events
  • Companion Bodyguards/Escorts
  • New dialogue options with the shop owners, tavern keepers, village elders and arena masters.
  • More mercenaries in taverns
  • New Npcs in taverns (spec item traders, trainers, recruiters etc.)
  • Kings will give the player a gift when they pledge
  • Equip Player's Faction Lord via dialogue menu
  • Companion export/import function added
  • Player can now besiege fiefs with neutral relation standing
  • Village raids can be aborted
  • Towns & villages prosperity tuned | fief income/rents changes [to make defending it worth]
  • Bonus for player and AI troop size in relative to title and holdings
  • The player can end his mercenary contract by speaking to liege
  • Removed the impossibility to get a quest from an village elder
  • The player can now always ask the guild master for a new quest
  • Increased renown required to become a vassal
  • All Castle/Towns Garrisons now get small amount of elite unit reinforcements
  • The player can change the color of his faction via action menu
  • Change banner anytime
  • Added ability to walk around without the cheat menu enabled
  • Added option to change your party's name
  • Added option to change your kingdom's color and name (many colors in palette)
  • Blood Enhancement Tweaks
  • Get renown for killing a Hart (male deer with large horns- antlers)
  • Native Quest and Dialogue Bugfixes

CHANGELOG from 1.3

You can reward BannerPage by
making one time donation here:

100% safe transaction


Installation is fairly simple. You download the file(archive) and then use WinRar or 7zip to unpack it. Either you unpack it directly in your Modules folder or anywhere else and then cut it and paste in your Modules folder. Beware, if you have unpacked it in folder named as the archive then you need to get the folder inside called BannerPage and cut/paste that one in your Modules folder. Repeat the same with any updates, check for updates here. Start it as you'd start any other mod. Please note BannerPage does NOT use WSE, nor is supported.


  1. (in Video Options) Disable HDR and Auto-exposure. Mod has its own solution. Disable it before starting to play, if you do it afterwards it may create some unwanted visual effects, in that case just quit WB and relaunch it. Turn everything else ON and max it out. If you need to lower something t in order to increase performance, do it in this order, first lower the number of rag dolls than the number of corpses and in the end only if you must anti-aliasing.
  2. Read Game Concepts - accessible through Campaign Map / Notes - most importantly study a new recruitment system
  3. MAC & Linux users - If experiencing problems, please check EXTRAS folder included in the BannerPage folder and seek solution there
  4. Turn OFF Cheat Mode - Mod is very resource hungry. If you have it ON, use it on pause, don't run more than few in game hours.


  1. For interesting Hunting experience and challenging Duels Combat AI has to be put on at least Good.
  2. Tournament mod default preset is to match faction culture. So armors, helmets, weapon choices, horses - are first faction and then arena specific (because horses are on larger fields, archers require natural shields et) It is recommended that you leave it this way.
  3. You may also consider getting something called 4GB patch, google for it and decide yourself
  4. Some UI parts are only available in English so for the best experience play in English
  5. MUSIC turn it ON. Best way to adjust right volume is to move it up until you are able to hear winds blowing while wandering on the Campaign Map. See sound tuning guide below.
  6. For those who go beyond Warband's max battle size limit of 150, recommended values are in-between 250 and 450 depending on your rig. Whatever you decide make sure you set the same in PBOD options. Please check EXTRAS folder included in the BannerPage folder.
  7. Set the same "Battle size" in PBOD options (accessible through Camp menu on Campaign Map) as you've set in Main options (or file itself for experienced users only).

Detailed Mod sound tuning guide:

To set up the sound properly first turn music off, then go in any arena and practice. Tune main sound bar until loudness is satisfactory to your ear. Then go on the Campaign map and turn a music ON. If any music track is playing wait till it stops or it becomes ambient sound. Then travel on the campaign map and turn up only a music bar until you can clearly hear winds.

Warband compatibility:

  • 1.174 - current
  • backwards compatibility 1.168


  • XXL battle tools with instructions
    • Quantity plugin with instructions (less plant variation, lower plant population density,lower plant detail, smaller random scenes)
    • Quality plugin with instructions (default setting)
  • Font alternatives with instructions
  • Mac and Linux support with instructions
  • Player Kingdom Titles switch with instructions

Your help is highly appreciated.

Uncut battle shot.4 years old rig, running OBS screen capturing software in the background.

330 Battle size adjusted with tools provided in EXTRAS folder.

Video Settings as in Recommendations below. HDR and Auto-Exposure Off.

Everything else maxed out. Corpses 10, Rag Dolls 5.


BANNERPAGE is not OSP, that especially refers to BannerPage assets, which are easier to grab,

every single item or scene prop was touched and very often reworked, model, shaders, textures, mip maps, vertex colors, vertex animations, rigging, LODs...You can ask though, send a PM.

BannerPage 3.1 notes - FLORA REVAMP

BannerPage 3.1 notes - FLORA REVAMP

News 3 comments

BannerPage Flora revamped - flora optimized and diversified - steppes are more steppes and plains are more plains - meadows are more meadows than they...

BannerPage 3.0 release date and notes

BannerPage 3.0 release date and notes

News 17 comments

BannerPage is now fully localized to French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish! BannerPage 3.0 has mainly been focused on: improving and balancing game-play...

Editors Choice - Mod of the Year 2020

Editors Choice - Mod of the Year 2020

Feature 19 comments

Welcome to the Editor's Choice awards for the 2020 Mod of the Year Awards, where we show recognition to the mods from the past year that we've found to...

BannerPage - The King and The Beggar

BannerPage - The King and The Beggar

Feature 5 comments

This BannerPage 2.0 feature allows player to choose from wide variety of campaign start options, all the way from the major faction leader down to the...

RSS Files
BannerPage 3.2 Patch

BannerPage 3.2 Patch

Patch 17 comments

Around dozen players have reported a freeze in Troop to Companion promotion dialogue. We were not able to recreate the problem and code was clean so we...

BannerPage 3.1 - FLORA REVAMP

BannerPage 3.1 - FLORA REVAMP

Patch 9 comments

BannerPage Flora revamped - flora optimized and diversified - steppes are more steppes and plains are more plains - meadows are more meadows than they...

BannerPage 3.0

BannerPage 3.0

Full Version 64 comments

BannerPage is now fully localized to French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish! ... AS IT WAS MEANT TO BE ... BannerPage 3.0 is expanding and improving...

BannerPage 3.0 Localization Project - Translation Materials

BannerPage 3.0 Localization Project - Translation Materials

Other 39 comments

It would be nice if we could bring BannerPage to broader audience. Maybe you can help by translating it from English to your language? All you need is...

BannerPage QUANTITY Plugin Updated to 3.0

BannerPage QUANTITY Plugin Updated to 3.0


If you want battle sizes from 500 to 1000 you mat want to try this Plugin. Add this plugin to any BannerPage version after v1.301 Unpack archive and put...

BannerPage QUALITY Plugin Updated to 3.0

BannerPage QUALITY Plugin Updated to 3.0


This plugin is by default installed and delivered with BannerPage core installation. It is here for your convenience itf you want to revert from QUANTITY...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 900)
TheBigCrow - - 38 comments

Absolute Revolution!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 699,990 comments

Is this available on steam workshop at all?

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GorillaGuerrilla Creator
GorillaGuerrilla - - 504 comments


Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 699,990 comments

I love this mod, however I have a bug that I have seen so far only in the armor of the Nordic lords which makes them transparent, can anyone help me with this?

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
GorillaGuerrilla Creator
GorillaGuerrilla - - 504 comments

You can't put those armors in other mod. They are coded.
If you don't see them in Bannerpage, you either don't have 1.168 or higher Warband version or you have used third party localization files.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
adem7777 - - 4 comments

I am ready to translate the mod into Arabic, but the Arabic letters do not appear. Can you help me solve the problem so I can start translating it?

I hope there is a response from you

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
GorillaGuerrilla Creator
GorillaGuerrilla - - 504 comments

You need to add an Arabic font.
This could help you:
Please stay in touch.
Cheers and thank you.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
adem7777 - - 4 comments

I could not reach the desired result .

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
adem7777 - - 4 comments

Thank you, but I checked that and it didn't work. If you have a little time, try creating an Arabic font and I will give you an actual translated file. Try to make it work and I will translate every word in the game.

This is the dialogue file you can try on. Try to make this work please. I will be there to translate future updates as well

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Guest - - 699,990 comments


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GorillaGuerrilla Creator
GorillaGuerrilla - - 504 comments

A window pops up giving you the option to name your new companion. You cant edit it afterwards.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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