Post feature RSS This Week In Mods: September 23 2018

The biggest mod stories for the week of September 23 2018.

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For this recurring segment, we will be highlighting the five biggest stories on ModDB for the prior week. Whether it's new mod announcements, major mod releases, or important stories that affect the mod scene as a whole, you'll find them rounded up here each week.

The Week of September 23 2018

World with mix of many different nations. Imagine Star Wars fighting with Sauron, Steampunk conspiring againt XV century Europe, Aliens fighting Djiniis, Orc fighting Morloks, Uruks fighting agains Alien Pirates! Swords, Axes, Lightsabers, Flintlock, Laser Cannons, Plasma Blasters, Arqebusiers, Blunderbuses, Antique Shields and Energy Fields, Crossbows, Magic Staves and Bows, Arrows, whatever you can imagine - now in one, huge mod with exceptional mechanics. What is it? This is Paradigm Worlds mod for Mount and Blade: Warband.

Fallout 4: New Vegas aims to recreate Obsidian Entertainment's Fallout: New Vegas in Fallout 4's Creation Engine, with all of the original quests, story and content, with additional gameplay elements and systems from the new and improved engine!

Half-Life 2 : MMod is all about updated visuals, post processing shaders, particle effects, new gameplay mechanics and new weapons/npc's. This is the revival of my old Half-Life 2 Enhanced mod, I've decided to re-do mod concept completely. Half-Life 2 : MMod will follow Half-Life : MMod's approach : new effects, new weapons, a good amount of weapon tweaks, changes in gameplay mechanics and graphics enhancements.

Modders, put your flamethrower's down and wipe the Zed guts off your toolbox - it's time to get to work! Tripwire Interactive and Mod DB have joined forces to host the NEW GROUNDS Mapping Contest, with some serious prizes on offer - to the tune of $50,000 (USD) up for grabs.

Uber Arena is a mod that takes the standard gameplay of Quake 3 and attempts to build upon and revitalize it with new gameplay mechanics and items. It has NO loadouts, NO abilities, NO champions, NO item timers, NO mechanics that use random number generators, and NO on-spawn inequality. All mechanics were designed around Quake's core principles such as on-spawn equality, item control, positioning, and movement, with the intention of enhancing these critical gameplay elements and introducing more skill without undermining the foundations of the game itself.

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Blue199 - - 6,970 comments

The new updates on MMod got me really excited about it. It just looks really amazing!

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