Full concept MODIFICATION of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat that touches every game aspect including textures, sfx, music, weapons, A.I., items, weather, mutants, difficulty and much much more!

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Misery 2.2 and future release dates (Games : S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat : Mods : MISERY : Forum : General subjects : Misery 2.2 and future release dates) Locked
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jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Aug 8 2015 Anchor

The MDT receives frequent enthusiastic inquiries regarding release dates for future editions of the mod. We thoroughly enjoy reading how much you like the mod and all the positive energy that comes with that enthusiasm.
Real life concerns unpredictably impact the process and make an accurate projection of release date impossible.

We will provide the most problem free Mod package we can. This includes updating all the existing translations, thorough testing, tweaking and retesting each new feature as it is completed. Our members are working hard in the limited time real life allows to complete the next release.

What are the future plans for Misery? Every update begins with a list of things we couldn’t get into the previous round and a review of the great ideas the community continues to submit. Please keep those ideas coming in. We recommend posting personal requests and specific feature questions in the public forums. As a side bonus this will add to the official knowledge and creative interaction on S.T.A.L.KE.R. modding in general. Try to utilize existing threads where applicable to consolidate discussions on like subjects for easier review. Keep an eye on the Facebook Page and news releases on the main ModDB page to keep up to date.

We thank you for your ongoing support and patience.

Edited by: jasper34

Aug 9 2015 Anchor

Misery is a masterpiece. Take your time. Don't rush making gold shine.

Aug 13 2015 Anchor

This. Thank you so much for this, I'm not so much part of the ETA?!?! Crowd, But seeing a simple message just saying "Were working on it guys" does wonders for me. I understand that there was some PR Issues the past few months resulting in a dry spell, but from now on I would love to see just any kind of message every week to keep the spirit alive. Your doing an awesome job Jasper, Keep it up!

Aug 13 2015 Anchor

What Ricksaw said ^^

I visit these forums almost every day looking for any kind of update on the progress of 2.2, any mention that it is still being worked on. I saw the list of changes so far and they really get me excited, I'm sure this release is going to be a really great one, so keep going! :)

I (and I'm sure most others) completely understand that it takes a long time. I'm working on my own little game in my spare time and I can see how easily progress can be slowed or stopped by life's little obligations, and that is just the way it is. In the meantime, I am being patient, looking forward to 2.2 so I can camp out in the zone and hunt mutants and mercs again :)

Keep going guys!


Hoard all the loots! :D

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Aug 13 2015 Anchor

I'm sure I have more free time than anyone on the team, which is why you see me trolling the forums so much that they drafted me to be the PR Lead :D Besides students with jobs, many work very long hours, and spare moments for scripting/modding are limited. Rest assured that work is steadily being done and will not cease until it is completed in a fashion we all will be proud of. As the mod has grown and new languages have been added, there are also translations to be updated. Keep an eye on the Facebook page and on the forum for updates.

Feb 2 2016 Anchor

I know asking for a release date is quite annoying, so I apologize in advance :P

Still, it's been several months since the last preview. Would it be possible to get some sort of update on how far we are from a release?

Not an exact date of course.

Feb 2 2016 This post has been deleted.
Feb 2 2016 Anchor

Well, that's one way to respond..

Are you really comparing a polite question about current status after 6 months of radio silence to the constant bickering of children?

For the sake of the MDT, I do hope you're not part of the PR team for The Seed.

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Feb 2 2016 Anchor

There are a finite number of ways to continue answering the question. You are just one of dozens and dozens who read the first entry in the thread specifically intended to forestall yet more inquiries and still ask. The current status is work is in progress, we have never stopped working on it. We will not hint, leak or divulge our intended release goals.

Feb 2 2016 Anchor

Well, I do understand why you deleted your first post.

Just a few points;

The forum aren't exactly overflowing with constant "is it ready!?" posts, is it?

I wasn't asking for a release date or anything, simply inquiring if after 6 months there might be something new to reveal.

As the official PR lead for the team, your response was to call me a an annoying child.

I won't tell you how to run your forum, or your PR. I guess all I can say is that this little conversation have certainly made me reconsider supporting the MDT team financially by buying any future products.

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Feb 2 2016 Anchor

The only thing you asked about was when, not what. I will find out if there are any further revelations we want to make short of the release video's and articles which will come at the time of release. We do not want to tease about features which may not end up in the final release.

If one of my answers proves too pointed I do delete them because flame wars are not in any way desired. Nobody wants to hear "soon" over and over and there really isn't any other answer to give. I am sure we will come up with a killer release video that will entice almost anyone to try the mod. That artsy stuff is beyond my meager abilities. Those will come with, not before the release.

Feb 2 2016 Anchor

I did not mean to ask either a date or for you to reveal any features you don't want to. At best I had hoped an answer like "We still miss 1-2 key features and a bunch of bug testing." I do some modding myself, and have worked a long time with software development. I know bugging users can be quite annoying as I stated in my first post. I am well aware that I cannot demand anything. I simply intended to ask a friendly question about the status.

MDT have moved away from "Happy amateurs" to professionals, when you guys went from modding in your free time to developing and selling an actual product (The Seed). While I appreciate the fact that you continue to deliver an amazing free product (MISERY mod), you are now judged by different eyes. Most of your potential customers are probably coming from MISERY mod, and as the PR lead, I'd guess maybe you'd want to "fan the flames", so to speak. The last official update was like 6 months ago after all.

I very much like MISERY. That's why I've been helping users on this forum, and suggesting new features to the team (such as linking to actual ambient sounds from Pripyat).

MDT have done great work in the past, and I have great expectation for your future work. Just keep in mind that we are no longer "annoying users" but "potential customers". As the PR guy, that means double for you. :P

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Feb 2 2016 Anchor

The Seed is completely separate from Misery in spite of sharing several key members. I am strictly affiliated with Misery, but you make a good point. We are still stuck with modding and in the case of the Seed crew trying to do both at once in limited free time. I am the only one with ample time on my hands.

We are for the most part down to finishing up a key feature without which we would be very unhappy to release. Once that is complete we will thoroughly test for any new bugs ( a week or so). We have already fixed many that have nagged the game since it's inception. There are bound to be one or two new ones we will do our best to eliminate before release.

I started a dialog with the guy who recorded those sounds you found about permission to use them and he has been silent a while. I'll have to follow up again.

Thanks for your continued support!

Feb 3 2016 Anchor

It seems that if I like a game, I'll play the shit out of it for years and years...Diablo II was like that, and 14 years after the release of LoD finally Diablo III was released...Blizzards favourite sentance: "When its done its done". So my personal patience is still good for a decade or so regarding Misery, of course I hope it wont come to that..! :)

Maybe, Jasper, if you have acces to the MDT Facebook there could be more small "updates" to keep interest up, and also advertise for new players. Personally I think Misery should theoretically be attractive for ten thousands players and more who like "survival/rpg/shooter" games..

just things like a screenshot while testing or some weird programming things with a sentence or two, its not even about the actual information being passed on but just showing that things are being worked on. We as a steady community know that things are happening, but for "outsiders" it could be difficult to see if this has become a "passive mod"

people will probably even like crap like i just did with my horrible paint skill or something like that: :)

User Posted Image

Edited by: Keksfront


Bonesetter - You look a touch pale, how about a little injection or two?

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Feb 3 2016 Anchor

I'm one of those dinosaurs who only finally moved to a smart phone last year and doesn't do any kind of social media. This is my only social media and my sarcastic nature sometimes gets the best of me. I also have anemic graphics arts skills. (your image link isn't working, PM me a link). The banners I did just barely meet my own meager standards. Like you, When I find a game with a user interface I like, and some re-play value I beat it to death. My steam counter says I've played COP 5147 hours and it's way below reality.

I'm not opposed to doing weekly updates, but we like to play things fairly close to the chest. Ideas being investigated, work in progress that potentially could lead to a feature not coming to fruition for release we don't want to divulge prematurely. So many mods have a plethora of pretty screen shots and videos and never make out of the TBA stage. 2015 blessed the team in many ways. Our growing extended family, births, new jobs (one in the gaming industry), scholastic workloads are all blessings that have impacted our modding time.

I'll see what I can come up with ...

Feb 4 2016 Anchor

I understand, teasing too much can lead to very high expectations and leaving people frustrated if things are delayed for whatever reasons.

But on social medias like facebook / youtube its all about regular new material, to keep things in peoples minds and attract more fans. Im no expert myself but my roommate does these things for a living and he keeps telling me that all thats needed is regluar content and a big enough followerbase, and then youtube channels make a (huge) profit just by advertisement. Money which would support MDT for their projects.

the content doesn't need to be a new thing that is in an upcoming version, and might get cut for whatever reasons, but can be all sorts of things, vaguely related to stalker, misery / the seed other things

for example:
- post one screenshot that are being taken by users, like the "favourite screenshot" and "tell your stories" thread
- "stalker artwork" photoshop things ect...for example I just discovered a few days ago that The Seed has some kickass wallpapers, stuff like that - content already existing - can just be reposted every once in a while, there is nothing wrong with that. every blog works like that, reposting something with a few words like "Hey guys, found this interesting article about blabla bllablablabla, have a nice weekend!" --> 2/3 posts like that on the facebook page will work wonders, trust me.

- repost links, maybe videos, movies, other games, ect anything that we can imagine loosely connected with stalker, misery/the seed, survival ect

- gifs and funny captions pictures are easy to make and there are whole sites with xxk followers who post nothing else then those kind of pictures from a certain tv show for example

- questions and problems by players with "official" answer, this shows continued support of the community.

and many more stuff like that, really its more about having regular content to keep the page viewed a lot of times. and I think facebook misery has around 2k followers so its not like we have to start from scratch ;)


Bonesetter - You look a touch pale, how about a little injection or two?

Mar 28 2016 Anchor

I hope the team has taken into consideration the many user complaints about the annoying aspects of enemy AI, such as laser-like aim and throwing grenades 500m with perfect accuracy. I like difficulty as much as anyone, but the enemy NPCs' godlike skills are unrealistic and not fun. Stealth is another thing I hope gets overhauled, since it's pretty much absent from the game and enemies can spot you perfectly in pitch darkness while you can't see them at all.

Edited by: turbo64

Mar 28 2016 Anchor
turbo64 wrote:

I hope the team has taken into consideration the many user complaints about the annoying aspects of enemy AI, such as laser-like aim and throwing grenades 500m with perfect accuracy. I like difficulty as much as anyone, but the enemy NPCs' godlike skills are unrealistic and not fun. Stealth is another thing I hope gets overhauled, since it's pretty much absent from the game and enemies can spot you perfectly in pitch darkness while you can't see them at all.

I don't know what mod you're playing, because literally none of the things you said are true. At best they're huge exaggerations.

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Mar 29 2016 Anchor

@Turbo64 You will be pleased to know the new camouflage system makes stealth very effective. Just as realistically, once the alarm is raised by a body being spotted, cry for help from someone you don't kill with first shot, etc. enemies will quickly locate and flank you.

IRT grenades, they are only accurate if you are still standing in the same place you were before. NPC's are unable to predict where you will be. Once you are noticed, you must move immediately. You should never fire more than a few shots in a row before moving unless you are well out of range.

Keep you head on a swivel and never stand still in an unprotected place and you chances to kill what annoys you before it kills you are greatly improved ;)

Dec 27 2016 Anchor

What's the news on the progression of misery 2.2?

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Dec 27 2016 Anchor

Work is ongoing.

Dec 29 2016 Anchor

Was hoping Misery 2.2 would be released by christmas, but oh well. Cheers to a new year of development and fortune on Misery 2.2

Dec 31 2016 Anchor

I'd like to thank you all for the work you've done on this mod misery is by far the best mod out there for the stalker series and although some of us have Begun to worry about the development stopping its very reassuring knowing you all are taking your time and making the mod as stable and well built as possible

May 12 2017 Anchor

How goes everything now that we're heading for a steady merge with CoC?

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
May 12 2017 Anchor

We expect an upload of the latest fixes from our coder next week. We are close to a hopefully final Release Candidate (RC). Translations are in-progress. Merging 2.2 features onto CoC will happen after release of 2.2. Testing will progress after new RC is compiled.

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