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Is the BULAT suit worth it? (Games : S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat : Mods : MISERY : Forum : General subjects : Is the BULAT suit worth it?) Locked
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Aug 2 2015 Anchor

So, I managed to scrape together 80 thousand roubles, and I've been upgrading the crap out of my CS-3A body armor. I've been thinking about upgrading to the BULAT suit, is it worth it? Or should I keep the CS3-A? And no, I'd rather not save for an exosuit, I don't like them and I never will. And even then, is there an alternative to both the CS3-A and the BULAT suit? Playing as Assaulter class

Edited by: Vivik

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Aug 2 2015 Anchor

IMHO the SEVA is the best overall if you don't want to be a juggernaut. Exo is best for humping large amounts of loot around. You need either the red or green ecologist suit or a SEVA in order to go though the tunnels. So I go with the SEVA because it has decent bullet/scratch resistance and good anomaly resistance. Not sure what the best bullet only resistance is besides the Exo. You need good PSI resistance for the end game too. I get red ecologist, then SEVA and sometime's Exo after Pripyat. Everyone will rethink their usual armor progression after cammo effects become reality with 2.2. Can you use CS3-A with sphere helmet to get through tunnels? Never tried since they enabled Red and Green.

Aug 2 2015 Anchor

Thanks for the input, and no, I hardly got into the tunnels with a Sphere-08 and the CS3-A. I bought the Bulat anyways, since it has better ballistic protection levels, and since I dropped 40k upgrading the darn thing, it's superior in a few ways, the only place it fails is electrical protection. I'll make sure to work up some money to buy a SEVA as a backup suit, but I was thinking about buying the Sphere M12 and saw how heavy it was, so I'm opting for the 08 for now.

kcs123 Just Kcs123
Aug 3 2015 Anchor

No, helmet only is not good enough to go trough tunnels. Red, green ecologist suits and SEVA are ones that alows you to go trough tunnels. Ecologist suits performs better in fire anomalies, while SEVA is better for chemical/acid anomalies, although you can use SEVA for fire anomalies too, but it will degrade more quickly.


Aug 4 2015 Anchor

The red eco suit is my preference. By the time you do the tunnel mission you should have armour attachments from your other suit which you can use with the red eco one. This is easily enough to get through the snorks in the tunnel(you can switch back to your combat suit before you fight the monolith) and the red suit offers the bonus of being the best suit for anomalies. You can get a free SEVA suit and I always sell it and keep the red.

Other than that the CS3/bulat can get you to the end of the game no problem. The exo has more armour, but less attachment slots which reduces its relative effectiveness if you have some good artifacts. Not only that but I seem to recall the exo having some rather pathetic psi protection which greatly reduces its value for me. The CS3 not only offers some psi protection itself, but you can pair it with a good helm to give you maximum protection. Factor in the cost of the exo(you can buy a lot of good drugs for that money) I just don't see much value in it.

Aug 4 2015 Anchor
odizzido wrote:

Other than that the CS3/bulat can get you to the end of the game no problem. The exo has more armour, but less attachment slots which reduces its relative effectiveness if you have some good artifacts. Not only that but I seem to recall the exo having some rather pathetic psi protection which greatly reduces its value for me. The CS3 not only offers some psi protection itself, but you can pair it with a good helm to give you maximum protection. Factor in the cost of the exo(you can buy a lot of good drugs for that money) I just don't see much value in it.

The EXO can be used with an extra helmet too if i remember correctly. (I think thats the reason why the EXO hasn't got a "good" Psy protection - because it has no helmet).

Besides you can carry an enormous amount of stuff with an EXO - especially if you upgrade it. Same goes for the attachments - it can have up to two.


In the beginning (Zaton) i normally try to save the money for an Gasmask / Steelhelmet and a bulat suit. In Yanov i normally buy an additional SSP 99 Ecologist suit for artefacts. In Prypiat i buy the EXO + the best armored helmet then. Atleast when playing as an assaulter.

As a recon i would preferably go with lighter stuff and get a SEVA asap.


I'm really looking forward how the Misery Devs want to change the usual behavior - regarding the suits. I somewhere read that there maybe alternatives to choose from. Perhaps the stealth system comes more into account. Besides i guess you will need a closed suit for anomaly hunting nonetheless.

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Aug 4 2015 Anchor

Henni is right with a sphere helmet the Exo does quite well with PSI situations and IIRC it adds even more armour. The weight of one doesn't bother with the Exo. It sure is better until you eliminate all those mutants throwing things in the X8 lab. The now effective cammo system will make the choices all more interesting and relevant. The Red suit is a bargain with no need to upgrade at all and all those slots. If you can just avoid being hit/making enemies it's good for a lot of the first half of game.

Aug 5 2015 Anchor

I use the red one for the entire game. If I hunt for artifacts I will carry both suits and just wear the red while in the anomaly.

And since when could you wear a helmet with the exo?.....I seem to recall trying to once and not being able to, but it's possible I am just remembering vanilla? Or the zone has claimed my mind.

kcs123 Just Kcs123
Aug 5 2015 Anchor

In vanilla game exosceleton was come with built in helmet that could have special upgrades etc. In Misery mod, exosceleton comes without helmet, so you can have more combo that suits you gameplay style better. Sphere or steel helmet for better bullet protection or SPP99 helmet for better psy/anomaly protection.


Aug 8 2015 Anchor
Vivik wrote:

So, I managed to scrape together 80 thousand roubles, and I've been upgrading the crap out of my CS-3A body armor. I've been thinking about upgrading to the BULAT suit, is it worth it? Or should I keep the CS3-A? And no, I'd rather not save for an exosuit, I don't like them and I never will. And even then, is there an alternative to both the CS3-A and the BULAT suit? Playing as Assaulter class

The Bulat is better than the Clear Sky armour, but not by a massive degree. You might want to save your cash for when you come back from Pripyat, because then the PSZ-9d Duty Armour should be available. It looks like a Bulat with red trim, but it has significantly better protection.

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