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Does Nimble EVER sell the SEVA suit? (Games : S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat : Mods : MISERY : Forum : General subjects : Does Nimble EVER sell the SEVA suit?) Locked
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neo_child Get out of here, Stalker!
Feb 3 2015 Anchor

I have saved, reloaded, so many times and all I get is the CS-3 Suit.

Don't get me wrong, its nice and all but, I'm faring well with just my Sunrise for raids and Ecologist for artifact hunting. I just want the SEVA suit as an upgrade to my Sunrise before I move onto Yanov.
I can choose only the a high tier armored suit and there are no options for a closed cycle one. People have been saying in threads that they have that option but the info is so old and not up to date which is why I made this thread.

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Feb 3 2015 Anchor

No, I don't think so. He sells the Ghillie now instead. You can buy the SEVA from all the traders later in game (well before you need it for tunnels) You can also use the green and maybe red ecologist suits for the tunnels now too. I don't remember the exact trigger for the inventory change. Except for ballistics, the Green ecologist is superior and cheaper. No upgrades needed either.

I think I started seeing SEVA's in traders inventories and ammo availability doubling right after I got to Yanov and found Snag.

neo_child Get out of here, Stalker!
Feb 4 2015 Anchor

I JUST got the SEVA suit options after I saved Snag. Either it was due to progression or the "Friend of Stalker" achievement popping up which triggered it.

jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Feb 4 2015 Anchor

It's progression one way or the other. Actually saving Snag is super easy and you can do it immediately when you get to Yanov so it moves the trader inventories along nicely for almost no effort. I hate not being able to buy all the bullets I can afford in one purchase. As soon as they introduced the Ghillie suit which was in the first update from 2.0, if I remember correctly, it replaced the SEVA in Nimbles offerings.

kcs123 Just Kcs123
Feb 8 2015 Anchor

No, not quite true. Exosceleton suit is replaced with ghillie.
Nimble still sells SEVA, but option is available only when you get quest to find closedcycle breathing suit.
As soon as you reach Pripyat it will be available within various traders inventory too and you no longer need SEVA to gat trough underpass.


Feb 11 2015 Anchor

Its was always like that in vanilla, no ? Nimble only selling SEVA after the mission for closed -cycle respirator showing up.

kcs123 Just Kcs123
Feb 11 2015 Anchor

lessavini wrote: Its was always like that in vanilla, no ? Nimble only selling SEVA after the mission for closed -cycle respirator showing up.

Yes, that was also in vanilla, that part was not changed. Different from vanilla is that you no longer need SEVA, you can go with other suits too and SEVA could be also bought from traders at that gameplay point, although with low chance to be in trader inventory, but it is possible.
You don't always need to go all way to Skadovsk to buy SEVA from Nimble.


jasper34 MISERY PR Lead
Feb 16 2015 Anchor

I forgot it was the Exo the Ghillie replaced ... Since Nimble's SEVA is no different than everyone else's, except possibly more expensive as it used to be, After completing the 3 chopper missions in Zaton and saving or killing Snag in Jupiter, the next level of trader inventories opens up and many sell the SEVA after that. That is well before you usually get enough done in Jupiter to find out you need a closed cycle breathing suit (which can now be the SEVA, Green or Red ecologist suits).

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