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Comment History
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ Unofficial Patch for The Elder Scrolls: Total War

Keep up the good work! This mod and the original are both awesome! Hands down the best mods I've ever played for M2TW

Good karma+2 votes
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ The Elder Scrolls: Total War

This will forever remain my favorite mod for MTW2. Out of all of the mods I've played for medieval (I pretty much played all of them), this is the only one I consistently come back to. I might buy Battle of Middle Earth II just to play the mod you guys are developing for that game too. I remember it being a ton of fun on its own, but I'm not as interested in LoTR as I am with TES

Good karma+3 votes
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ Wind of Time

Can anyone tell me if and how to get your money back after you've been captured by the military in Agroprom? I found the artifacts they took from me but I had over 120000 RU they took from me and obviously I want it back. Do I get the money back later on?

Good karma+2 votes
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ The Elder Scrolls: Total War

Captured Rimmen as Anequina. On the turn I finished the tonokana palace It gave me an option to build a stupid thieves guild in Rimmen and I think that messed up the script. Because it didn’t give me the option to accept the Tsaesci AT ALL!!! idk if this bug can be fixed but here’s another one

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ The Elder Scrolls: Total War

I’ve switched the campaign files before but the 4th era campaign crashes upon startup or if the orc faction is selected in faction selection. 3rd era will also crash if switched upon startup or if Indorill, Redoran, or Dagoth is selected. I searched for hours in the files trying to figure out why these factions specifically are crashing when selected but unfortunately I have no idea what I’m doing or if these factions are even connected to the game crashing at all. Nevertheless, thanks for the help.

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ The Elder Scrolls: Total War

Is it possible at all to have hotseat on 4th era? Primarily why I was so hyped for this new release. Though it’s great in every other aspect the lack of a 4th era hotseat campaign really messes with it for me. It has to be at least possible to edit the files somehow to make it work.

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PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ The Elder Scrolls: Total War

Fourth era is not playable on a hotseat campaign but third era is. I’ve tried to find a way to make it work but I don’t know what I’m doing. What I’ve done so far is switch the imperial_campaign and fourth_era files because the hotseat automatically selects the campaign from imperial_campaign. It works as far as hotseat automatically selecting the 4th era and bringing me to the faction selection screen. But selecting the orc faction or starting the campaign results in CTD with the standard error message. Anybody know how I could fix this? Or if the developers are reading may I ask if you could address this issue?

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ The Elder Scrolls: Total War

I spoke too soon. I never was able to stop it from crashing

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ The Elder Scrolls: Total War

Nvm figured out how to do it

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PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ The Elder Scrolls: Total War

I know you guys didn’t make this mod with hotseat as a priority but currently only the third era is playable for hotseat whereas the fourth isn’t. I tried to just switch the files from the 2 campaigns but that broke it, lol. Anyways me and me brother loved the 1.5/1.6 release and we played it for about 8 months on hotseat. If there’s any way to play the fourth era hotseat I would greatly appreciate to know how get it working.

Good karma+2 votes
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ Divide and Conquer

I downloaded some files that would make it hotseat playable. I think it removes a lot of the single player scripts. I forgot where I found it. The internet somewhere.

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ Divide and Conquer

Nvm I figured out how, I'm happy now, good mod.

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ Divide and Conquer

Can this mod be played with hotseat? Because that's the only reason why I got it and it doesn't seem like it can, it just infinitely loads for the second player. It isn't advertised as being hotseat compatible or not so I'm just wondering if I wasted my time installing this mod because I really don't care to play it single-player.

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ THERA: REDUX

May I suggest you add a little tiny instruction to your installation tutorial?

For steam users: Use the 4gb patch to patch both the kingdoms.exe AND medieval2.exe. Otherwise the mod will crash upon startup. I spent 3 hours trying to figure out why this mod wasn't working and it's because I wasn't told I had to patch both executables. Other than this frustrating installation tutorial... the mod is great, you did a great job.

Good karma+2 votes
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ THERA: REDUX

Also, there's inconsistency in the folder names. The mod folder is like Therav4 then the patch folder i think is theraV4.

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ THERA: REDUX

OK... So do I run the 4gb patch before I install patch 3 or do I install patch 3 then run the 4gb patch? I installed patch 3 before I installed the 4gb patch and the game started up fine, and it got to the loading screen but then CTD with the standard "Medieval 2 encountered an unspecified error" message. I really want to play this mod so if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ OBSOLETE. DOWNLOAD THERA: REDUX (Full Release 3) instead.

OK... So do I run the 4gb patch before I install patch 3 or do I install patch 3 then run the 4gb patch? I installed patch 3 before I installed the 4gb patch and the game started up fine, and it got to the loading screen but then CTD with the standard "Medieval 2 encountered an unspecified error" message. I really want to play this mod so if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ The Elder Scrolls: Total War

Me and me brother have been playing hotseat campaign in 1.5 for awhile. But we stopped when the forebears became so powerful, me and me bro declared them the victors since we didn’t want to spend time fighting them, and the daedra never came... Once 2.0 releases we’ll be back to play again. I can’t wait to see all the new features, the ESTW development team has come a long way.

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ Sigh of Empire (eng)

I revisited this mod after while of not playing it. When I go to begin a new campaign a message pops up saying "please select a file from the list". I don't know what this is I tried loading my save game but it crashed. But I wanted to start a new campaign, for some reason I can't. What does this message mean, I haven't touched the files at all. Should I just do a complete reinstall?

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ TES:TW 2.0 - new mercenary armies

I can't believe how far this mod has come, somehow you've managed to surpass third age and that's an accomplishment. 2.0 is going to be the best mod of M2TW without a doubt.

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ Elder Scrolls: Tamriel at War

How soon does the oblivion crisis script activate? Also is it lore friendly? (not that it matters)

Good karma+2 votes
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ Aurei Imperii

Is this going to have playable battles? Ancient Conquest doesn't have playable battles because it's designed for hot seat. That's the one crucial flaw about that mod, and it's the only mod so far set Pre-Macedonian Conquest that I know of.

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ The Elder Scrolls: Total War

Thank you for patching that skaal script. I really appreciate how much effort you guys are putting into this mod. 2.0 is gonna be awesome.

Good karma+5 votes
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ The Last Kingdom (M2TW)

So I was playing as northumbria and the vikings attacked me pretty early. I was actually kind of worried because they had a maxed out army. I gathered as many troops as I could to fight them back. Then I realized I had a diplomat and he must've been a really good talker because he somehow managed to reason with the vikings, calling off the war and making the vikings pay me 10000.

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ The Elder Scrolls: Total War

I've encountered a bug where as Great House Telvanni, after I've defeated the Skaals I would be awarded with Tharsten (I think his name is) and his Skaal army, however I could not train any Skaal units in the fighters guild despite being told I could. This basically results in me having a very limited Skaal army and no way to retrain them. I was playing hotseat with my brother when I found this out but I tested it on single player and the bug still exists.

This is a great mod, my favorite so far. Magic is awesome. Dagoth are terrifying.

Also the Ashlanders faction can't die. They have absolutely nothing but they're still alive somehow.

Good karma+1 vote
PappyNatzy - - 26 comments @ Europa Barbarorum 2

Do I absolutely NEED 2 drives in order to move medieval 2 to another directory? I only have 1 but I still want to install the mod. Can I just move it somewhere else within the C: drive? This installation process is one of the more confusing ones I've come across, I don't want to mess anything up.

I'm running low on space on my drive too how much free space would you recommend I have before I install anything?

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