Mostly harmless.

RSS Reviews

The Cat Lady

Game review

Fantatstic game. Visually stunning and unique, beautiful soundtrack, enthralling story, and some of the BEST voice acting I have ever encountered. There really wasn't a thing I didn't truly like about this game. Honestly, not-a-single-thing. I really hope they decide to make another. Really really really really really really reeeeeeeaaaaally hope.


White Night

Mod review


Mod review

A much anticipated mod, I was beyond excited when this finally came out.

The story was very interesting, though I wish there was a bit more to it. It hardly subtracted from the fun I had playing this though. And the atmosphere was deliciously creepy. The only thing that really disappointed me about this was how short it was. Then again, most mods are, right?

Altogether, a fantastic mod. I definitely recommend it.


One Night 2: The Beyond

Game review

Survival horror... puzzles... RPG... extensive storyline... all of my favorite things!

Usually I wait to complete a game before I leave a review, but I am just having too much fun with this. Like Aooni meets Hidden in the Shadows.

I just love a good jumpscare. :)


The Mirror Lied

Game review

After playing To The Moon, I HAD to check this out.

Very interesting, to say the least. The music was lovely. The story was obscure, but it still drew you in. I actually really enjoy open-ended plots where it lets you draw your own conclusions. And boy, what a conclusion you will draw...

Speaking of, this game ended rather abruptly, which left me slightly disappointed and wanting more. Though, to be fair, the description did warn that it was short. Still... :/

Ah, well.

Definitely enjoyable and worth a playthrough... or two... or three. The more you play, the more you pick up on things you hadn't noticed before, and the more conclusions you can draw about it's... conclusion. :)

Go on, give it a whirl.


To the Moon

Game review

I'm a huge survival horror buff, but after hearing all the good things about this game I just couldn't bring myself to pass it up. And, boy, am I glad I didn't!

I don't know what it is about RPG's that draws me in... probably growing up with all those Pokemon gameboy games as a kid, yeah? That, and it's basically guaranteed you'll get a fantastic story out of it, since they can't rely so much on graphics. I'll take a great story over great graphics any day.

This game... no, no... this STORY was absolutely beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I can't remember a time when I connected with a game's characters so much. Oh gosh, and the MUSIC. Gorgeous. I went out of my way to buy the soundtrack immediately after I finished playing this. The creator even made nearly every object interactable. Seriously?? WHO DOES THAT?!

A damn creative genius, that's who.

Words really can't do this game justice. You simply MUST play this game. You will NOT be sorry.

Nope. Not at all.

Trust me.




Game review

Hilarious! I just loved clicking around on everything to see all the different actions!

I wish it was longer though... but otherwise, I have absolutely no complaints about this game. :)



Game review

Very fun game! It was much more than I expected, considering it's free.

Extremely well done. Great atmosphere, gameplay, map design, and that monster is creepy as hell. Hard to outrun though, and I do wish the story was a bit more extensive, but those are just minor personal preferences.

Reminds me a bit of Half-Life, and who doesn't like Half-Life??

All in all, a fantastic game! I definitely recommend this to anyone and everyone.


Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Game review

Does this really need a wordy review? Honestly?

Just play the game.





Game review

Loved this!

I absolutely adore horror puzzle games. And the story sucks you in right off the bat, keeping you wanting more. I'm a sucker for games with a great story line. Objects and scenery were extremely well done, as were the voices, and the atmosphere was thrilling.

I only had two issues with this game: 1- the mouse was very touchy, even with the suggestion of lowering the speed setting; 2- some of the puzzles were VERY vague as far as going about solving them (I'm ashamed to say I had to resort to cheating at two or three areas).

Otherwise, this was a fantastic game, and I would love to see more from this developer! :)