Hello there weary traveler, welcome to my ModDB profile, my main profile for modding games. I like playing and modding video games but since I've finished college, I don't have much of free time to do what I want so games and modding are suffering because of that. But still from time to time you can find me on the battlefields.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 1,559)
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Titanium Wars Mod for Soulstorm

STC Searcher seems a bit OP? It wrecks havoc with an ease. I'm glad AI is building it, but also saw my unclean one killed with an ease by it.

Good karma+1 vote
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Radiophobia 3

This mod/game has improved a lot. Well done.
Last year in January when I played and finished it, was a bad experience. But this version now. Excellent, a big improvement.

I haven't experienced any bugs, although I did had 2 or 3 crashes. The balancing is much better now. No more duplicated/quadruplicate monsters in underground maps. The only part that was bad and I've decided to go with god mod. Was at entrance to CNPP. For some reason, Chimera spawns at building's entrance. So you got BTR shooting, which can't be destroyed, two fast and accurate MI-24 strafing the area. Monolith being super accurate and hitting a player through metal. Aimbot accurate throwing grenades if you are in cover. And a chimera spawns at the entrance which always decides "yes, player is the main target". After around 30 quickloads, F it and went with god mode just for that part.

There are two things I would suggest to improve. One is to remove this Chimera spawn at entrance to CNPP building. Second is to increase probability of Monolith having anti-radiation pills and repair kits. From spawning at bridge at CNPP map to finishing the story by destroying C-Consciousness. I have only 1 time found outfit repair kit and no weapon kit repair. Not having at least weapon repair kit with all those professional Monolith guys seems out of place.
Okay, I maybe have a one more suggestion, if possible to reduce grenade spawns. It would seem that monolith will throw grenades at you, regardless how far and how high you are. One Monolith dude was on the ground while I after 2nd or 3rd portal jump landed on top of CNPP. He proceeds to accurate throws grenade straight up, ~50 meters and land on me... He manage to throw it at 90 degrees angle upwards, far and accurate...

With this latest version, the Radiophobia 3. To me at least, is the best way to experience ShoC.

EDIT: I forgot, when saving Kruglov at crash site, two electrical chimeras come out from the tunnel. Does not look like a good spawn location. Maybe after Kruglov saving mission. But not during. Or at least limit it to one chimera would be better.
To add, Gauss scope could use improvement.The scope is blocking most of the screen while at the same time offering very limited through scope view.

Good karma+3 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Titanium Wars Mod for Soulstorm

It was very annoying of Tyranids constantly attacking workers. Non stop, once one ability ends, next one starts and so on in the circles.

Good karma+2 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Redux Mod

Cool, thanks for the info !

Good karma+2 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Redux Mod

I see that both Space Marines and Chaos Predator tanks, with twin-linked Lascannons don't deal much of damage to each other. Something around 79 Damage, if I remember correctly. In 1v1, both tanks take a very long time until one of them wins.

I would expect twin-linked Lascannons as dedicated AT would deal more damage and allow for quicker defeat of enemy armor. So what is approach here, would attacking from the side do more damage?

Good karma+1 vote
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Generic Discord Plug/Update

These extra destroyed visuals. Would it be possible to implement that when HP goes to below 25% it would have that visuals?

Good karma+2 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Quality of Life Deploy/Unload/Targeting

N O I C E !

Good karma+3 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Nod MCV

Good idea, could you make NOD vehicles a tad more darker, instead of snow white.

Good karma+1 vote
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Tiberian Revenge: Kane's Root Canal Mod Base

Some little things are missing, but overall a very great port. Well Done !

Good karma+1 vote
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ C&C 3 Original Campaign Balance Patch

Yes, this is only if you use OneDrive, if you don't use OneDrive then it's the old path.

Good karma+1 vote
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Hidden and Dangerous Extended

Hey. I've noticed with sniper rifle that two rounds in the chest does not kill enemy. While in Vanilla it does. It made sniper less useful.

Good karma+2 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Ambient Test

Dude ... wow ...

Good karma+2 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Why do you mod games?

I'm enjoying modding and when I share that work with rest of the world and seeing others like it. It's a bonus.

Good karma+9 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Hidden and Dangerous Extended

I've tried the mod and after playing it for first 4 missions. Gotta say, it works against HD more than improving it.

Enemies are now bullet sponges. View range has been drastically increased, now Friendly AI engages the enemy as soon as they see it. Across the map. Waste their ammo and starts randomly charging the enemy. Frequently trying to shoot at pixels of enemy and Friendly fires all the time. If you load save a 3 times, the game crashes on 4th time. Friendly AI prefers using Pistol than their SMG ???

Nights are too dark, barely playable during the day IRL.

Overall a promising mod, but needs serious play test. At this time, not recommended.

Good karma+2 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Version 1.00.40 (12 May 2023)

Great work !

Good karma+3 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ GEAR UP Modification | v01a [SEF 7.0 Compatibility Patch]

Great work, HD models are really well made !

Good karma+1 vote
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ GEAR UP Modification

Don't run EXE, run BAT

Good karma+1 vote
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ The journey towards 7.0 (Part2)


Have they finally removed Mr.47 face and that anime girl like unit?

Good karma-6 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Romae ad Bellum

It would seem that today's update broke the mod?

Good karma+2 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Version 1.00.39 (26 February 2023)

Nice work !

Good karma+1 vote
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ LATEST DEV BUILD

Such a great mod, I remember playing it long time ago and using it as inspiration for my own modding. How time flies :) Thanks 7game for all of your work

Good karma+3 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ PlayFreeGO

This is a great mod, I was wondering if someone saved all files from that game. They did brought some improvements, nice to see they are saved and accessible by your mod. Nice work !

Good karma+3 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ The End of Days

Aloha !

Any ETA on 0.98 release date?

Good karma+1 vote
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Radiophobia 3

I managed to finish full story and overall, visually speaking, mod has a far better visual feel to it than vanilla SoC. A ton of improvements seen in Anomaly can be seen here, with some features removed. Thank god, that horrible repair system from Anomaly is not here.

This mod however, was not playthrough tested by creators. No, no.

Every X lab I visited, i was greeted by 4, fockin' Burers at the same time. Even CNPP upon first entry I was greeted by 4 Burers. So after all that bullets slug fest outside, escaping aimbot helicopters, i get 4 burers to deal right after i loaded into CNPP. What the heck ?

On top of that the Anomaly feature were you loot MAX 6 bullets of dead enemy is here. Brain Scorcher, Pripyat, CNPP outskirts, CNPP corridors, were a nightmare and I straight up spawn myself ammo at Pripyat stadium and CNPP corridors. Once you get Gauss, it helps a lot with rest of CNPP experience.

Biggest issue i have with this mod is way too much bullet sponge monsters. Every X lab visit has four, eat all of your ammo, burers at the same time. FFS.

On top of that pseudogiant and chimera were on the bridge in front of me, outside of CNPP, but wait there is more. As soon I spawned on CNPP bridge, 4 pseudodog spawned as well at the same time behind me. So had to use g_god 1 just to survive these 6 bullet sponge monsters, not to mention chimera is one hit die. FFS !!!

Going to brain scorcher was really good experience, fighting radiation and monolith was really fun and made me really enjoy R3. Then I got into X-19, wasted ton of ammo on 4 Burers and 4 bloodsuckers. Turned off machine and guess what, monolith strike force was sent to get me and each dude was carrying max 6 bullets. I exited X-19 with with 5 bullets left in pistol. And i was carrying several type of weapons to have larger pool of ammo.

Pripyat was a bit better because of Stalkers i met with. At Pripyat stadium i had to spawn ammo, then again in CNPP corridors.

Overall, R3 is a good mod and many good features seen in Anomaly are here. But it offers a terrible, terrible story experience.

Oh and that design, you go to sleep, not being hungry or thirsty. You wake up after only 5 hours and you're suffering from serious dehydration and malnutrition. Losing HP fast so you have to eat and drink water asap. FFS, it's been 5 hours of sleep, how the heck character is severely dehydrated and malnourished. Idiotic design.

Overall a good mod but you gotta play test your design first my dude. Less bullet sponge monsters in X-labs, give more health to NPC that give you side quests. They straight up die from 1st burst from enemy fire. Also NPCs need to chill with shooting through the metal and wall. Zombies are aimbot hitting player from medium distance. Monsters should not spawn at same time as players at same spot. Change monster spawn points. Remove repeating chimera spawn near Rostok and CNPP. Also remove pseudogiant at CNPP and burer in CNPP.
Vanilla monster placement was perfect. Why forcing bullet sponge monsters in areas that make no sense in story?

Rant over, a good mod but with terrible balance.

Good karma+5 votes
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Radiophobia 3

Okay. I've reloaded save. BTW, Chimera in Wild Territory keeps crashing my game.

[22.01.23 23:50:22.880] model doesn't have bone [bip01_l_calf] for section [ros_electro_chimera]
[22.01.23 23:50:22.880]


[error]Expression : bone_id < LL_BoneCount()
[error]Function : CKinematics::LL_GetBoneInstance
[error]File : C:\Users\janpl\source\repos\seaz5150\ogsr-radiophobia-3\ogsr_engine\Layers\xrRender\SkeletonCustom.h
[error]Line : 179
[error]Description : visual_name: monsters\chimera\chimera, bone_id: 65535

Good karma+1 vote
FoxFort - - 1,559 comments @ Radiophobia 3

Controller for some reason made me a zombie, now I can't progress story. Is there a way to go back to Stalker/Loner faction? Console command or ltx editing?
Please tell me there is away?

Good karma+1 vote