Post news Report RSS The journey towards 7.0 (Part2)

Welcome back to our part 2 of our dev blog-roadmap of 7.0, this time bringing more news for the Fallen Angels and the Vostroyan Firstborn.

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In our last Dev Blog, we covered two of the new factions coming to 7.0, the Praetorian Guard and the Night Lords. Today, we will be having a look on two more new factions, the Unforgiven Fallen Angels and the mighty Vostroyan Firstborn.

The Fallen Angels are a completely new faction, that while we have teased in older times through the Dark Angels, they have never been their own stand-alone race mod. This also means that Cypher will be permanently moved to the Fallen Angels with his old spawning mechanic removed as is no longer needed(but the Primaris Judiciar will become a regular trainable unit as part of the Dark Angels from here onwards).

For this one, it is better to have Fuggles, the FA project lead himself explain the race with his own words:

The fallen angels are a splinter group of the dark angels and are persecuted across the galaxy. As they are rebels they no longer have access to the full resources of their loyalist brethren. So how do they continue? One theory is they start attracting mercenaries to fill the ranks. The fallen have to be discrete as so many people want them dead, and I figured they would use a network of agents, smugglers and thieves who can get hold of things with few questions asked.

The system of Power through Knowledge (PtK) was intended to represent this as you have a growing network of agents being recruited to your cause (not all believe they are traitor and some just want to fight) and this gives you access to more illicit trade routes. This is reflected literally as you get a percentage of power based on the amount of requisition you currently hold and adding an element of risk/reward to savings.

This also manifests in the player having more access to better technology as the game goes on, again as the network improves. The capping of agents based on the number of buildings means you have to invest in them as you go along and this created a tech tree that improves over time but also allows you to be deteched by your opponent.

After play testing this system then it became more strongly it's own way of teching, leading to the more renegade technology, which becomes a counterpoint to the regular space marine progression tree which is quicker initially but is more expensive and only allows for the traditional space marine tech.

Like last time, our splendid friend and assistant TheLaughingMax has prepared a sneak peak of the Fallen Angels, showing the mechanics and their army in action. As always, it should be noted that all you see and hear are still a Work in Progress, like for example the UI which has been adjusted after the video was taken.

Up next, we the moment we know a lot have been waiting for, the return of the Vostroyan Firstborn.
As with the Praetorian Guard standalone race mod, the Vostryans have been one of the more older mods we have made. However, it was in a great need of a complete overhaul to all its aspects before it could return triumphantly to the fold. A task we have been working tirelessly for months and we all believe and hope you will enjoy.

The Regency of the Vostroya during the days of Horus heresy refused to send armies to fight on the side of the Imperium, even though they claimed to remain loyalists. After the end of that conflict, they would have met the same fate as other traitors to the Emperor had not been their friends and allies within the Adeptus Mechanicus who vouched for their loyalty and their determination to atone for this sin. And as such, the Vostroyans dedicate all of their Firstborn(as well any other individual of age and training) to fight in the Imperium's armies, with sheer and fervent will and of course, their artesian skills and weapon the AdMech so graces.

In 7.0, this is translates in the change of the army doctrine the faction employs form turtle centred to a more steamroll approach. In addition, the Vostroyans employ a special mechanic to emphasise their friendship with Mars, which is what we call ''Harmony with the Mechanicus''. As we explain in the HQ description itself, when the support cap is equal or greater than the infantry cap, many of the army units gain new weapon upgrades and abilities. An example are the Firstborn Squad, who only field their relic lasguns-which compared to other Guard based races, are more refined and therefore stronger- but when they reach ''Harmony'', they are allowed to field on Arc Rifle per squad.

In different words, you could say that the more mechanised your army is, the more influence Mars extends on you, barring the corresponding gifts. Be advised though, everything does come with a price, literally. These upgrades are not cheap and even though are vital into winning battles, you can't do it without a proper backbone to support them.
This is why a balance must be maintained between and expand your army carefully to turn them into the true fist of vengeance of the Emperor they so aspire to be!

Of course, we can't show all surprises at once-these we will let you see for yourself once the time comes.

At this point, I would like me as Kekoulis(as project lead for the 7.0 Vostroyans), personally to give a big shoutout and appreciation to one of our newest members in the team, General Shepherd who has assisted in coding the VF rework beyond the call of duty, Ma_theos33 for working with me in the VF art rework(his grand textures skills we all are sure know already) and of course to Tracer_Krieg and our dedicated team of VAs behind the Vostroyan and Praetorian Voice Over projects, which truly bring to life the armies through their voices!

Lastly but not least, a huge thank you goes to our Tzeentchian collaborator, Caldaris, who has prepared a video showing the Vostroyans in action. We recommend watching it fully until the end for a neat surprise. Obviously we have to repeat here that everything you see and hear are still largely a Work in Progress.

With this, we conclude this day's Dev Blog. Thank you once again for your time and staying. We truly hope you will enjoy everything we have in store for you in 7.0. As for the next dev blog, when all things are ready for it, we will be covering the Renegade Guard rework. Trust us, it is so big, it warrants its own dedicated dev blog!

Until then, take and have fun everyone!

- Team Unification

Post comment Comments
arrox - - 4 comments

good continuation on this great mod

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Guest - - 707,001 comments

great job on the mod you guys are doing the emperor work

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jagerstown - - 10 comments

this is absolutely amazing and stunning to hear the news about fallen angels and vostroyan specialties great job unification team!!

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Guest - - 707,001 comments


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egozi44 - - 2,234 comments

We need more Raiden Shoguns :p

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PogFrog - - 3 comments

Gotta say, i love the mod although i would love to have the tyranids a bit more flashed out since their models are outdated compared to the 3rd generation mod for DOW DC which is older it has them more developed with updated models new units such as the hive guard and the swarm lord. So basically what i mean with this You are doing awesome on the mod, but instead of making new races maybe try to remake the old ones or atleast update them a bit.

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PogFrog - - 3 comments

Sorry that im saying this here and not in the reviews but i encountered some type of error when trying to post it and it wouldnt let me

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fuggles2k - - 985 comments

We are updating the old ones, as per the blood angels blog and the forthcoming update to Steel legion in 7.0 and the eventual update to admech in the future.

The only race we don't have permission to update is the tyranids mod as the permission the original devs gave us to include it does not cover this.

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,673 comments

To add on Fuggles' post, the current Nids we have agreed with the Nid Dev Team not to change their models and in return we could include the faction and do any balance changes. The only new model was agreed to add was the Hierophant.

But we will be making our own faction, the Tyrannid Swarm in the future, which will have different models. Both factions will be available.

If you read on the ''3rd Generation'' mod's description on Nexus, they directly state that they use stuff from our mod and in fact, using a leaked version of our Tyrannid Swarm. I personally had to make sure proper credit was given to us as initially, the creator used our work without asking us first. So, what you see there is our work still.

That and we indeed keep updating the previous ones while also adding back our last semi-supported races. You could even say, all this is reworking the old races like the Vostroyans and the Praetorians while adding new ones like the Fallen Angels.

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PogFrog - - 3 comments

Oh okay, i see i didn't realize that the models were actually leaked versions of you nid swarm the last time I checked the desc of the 3rd gen mod was a long time ago so it may have been it wasn't stated back then also i didn't know you and the original nids dev team had this deal going on so that was was my fault and I would like to apologize for my statement made earlier anyways with that out of the way I'm really excited for the Tyranid swarm and in quite qurious what units you guys will bring into the race besides the already stated ones.
I was at fault for not doing enough research before posting it here and for that i want to say that I'm sorry.

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Gorwe - - 232 comments

Can I get some more Steel Legion? Idk, in the Renegade Guard post? Pwetty pwease?

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FoxFort - - 1,559 comments


Have they finally removed Mr.47 face and that anime girl like unit?

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VoidLight - - 896 comments

Part of me was hoping the Alpha legion was a gonna be a real addon... I for fooled again this April! XD

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,673 comments

Maybe the Alpha Legion has been our journey all along. ;^)

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Guest - - 707,001 comments

When will there be a Angry Marines compatibility? :(
I mean, I know it's a meme mod, but still, they're fun to play and I bet they'd be more fun if they were compatible with the Unification mod

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fuggles2k - - 985 comments

There might be compatibility in 7.0 but beyond making it work we will not be doing any balance changes etc.

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Guest - - 707,001 comments

awh ok, thanks for the response anyway

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Guest - - 707,001 comments

are there any plans to include some smaller legions like space sharks or minotaurs ?

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oyun papağanı
oyun papağanı - - 1,049 comments

no such plans.

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Guest - - 707,001 comments

When can we expect the release of version 7.0?

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oyun papağanı
oyun papağanı - - 1,049 comments

when it's done.

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Guest - - 707,001 comments

is there any chance of farsight and his enclaves coming to us in the near future?

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,673 comments

Indeed, for 7.0. Will have their own dev blog down the line.

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Guest - - 707,001 comments

Will there be campaign updates?

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,673 comments

Yes. But these will be their own post once the addon is updated.

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Guest - - 707,001 comments

Are there any plans for the blue boys scouts, the mongolian speed freaks and Lorgar's choir boys.

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,673 comments

The Blue Boys will come after 7.0.

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Guest - - 707,001 comments

I'm kinda sad that the fallen are Chaos considering they're canonically loyal now :/. I'm also guessing that the plans for this were made before they released the new lore for the Lion's return.

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fuggles2k - - 985 comments

If we changed everything on a whim like GW does we would get nowhere. Equally fallen wouldn't get made as you could just use dark angels.

GW really does like to simplify all the lore it can.

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,673 comments

Check again. Their allegiance is more up to interpretation. Hence why the two tech paths and not full Chaotic looks.
And they think are loyal but with Chaos weapons and tendencies.

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BurntBread07 - - 2 comments

I'm a little late to this post, yet I am so excited to see this release and more upcoming news about it. Also reading about the fallen has got me excited for an Alpha Legion faction if yall ever work on em in the future.

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lionmarcus - - 2 comments

hi! where can i donwload it? thank you very much!

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fuggles2k - - 985 comments

6.9.25 is in the files section, 7.0 is not ready yet.

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lionmarcus - - 2 comments

Ok thank you!!

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Guest - - 707,001 comments

How long until 7.0?

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fuggles2k - - 985 comments

When it's done.

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YarlWiyr - - 1 comments

Are we far from the update? Your mod is addicting as **** i neeeeed it! Ahaha

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fuggles2k - - 985 comments

Months more than weeks.

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Guest - - 707,001 comments

Hello, thanks for making this Game still Alive.

Your Work is amazing ! Thanks to everyone.
One request The squats please sure could interest many peoples.

Pleaaaase 🙏🙃💪👌

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fuggles2k - - 985 comments

Just not GW.

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Guest - - 707,001 comments

very excited for night lords, hopeing for the nightloards or Manus

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Guest - - 707,001 comments


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corncobman - - 855 comments

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