I mainly download Half Life mods on this, and make long ass posts talking about them on their pages instead of doing reviews like a normal person, mainly because the owners can't reply in reviews apparantly and I usually like to hear what they say.

Comment History
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Dorm's Entropy:Zero HUDs and EZ1 HUD fixes

im sorry but i have no idea how to fix that thing

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Dorm's Entropy:Zero HUDs and EZ1 HUD fixes

yea i want to but i have no idea exactly where to put it, there's kind of a lot and the preview just wouldn't explain it properly since there's kind of a lot and too little of room

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Team Reuploaded

May I have a suggestion, if it is possible, maybe look into finding a mod Autonomous:Zero, its been lost for a while now.

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Conscript

So how does the armor system work in this mod? Will it work like HL1/OpFor where it can be recharged anywhere or will it work like BS, where you pick up the body armor and helmet. I would assume BS since like helmet and flak jacket but still.

Good karma+2 votes
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Half-Life: Field Intensity

Yes, specifically those two maps, i wanted to noclip around and **** cause it goes by quick and all.

And yea i get that uh map source thing, im assuming Emision and TBBaTC will use them here and there so that makes sense

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Half-Life: Field Intensity

Was wondering if it was possible for a release of the .map files, i don't wanna decompile cause a lot of information is lost between those the decompile and i just wanna explore the cutscene maps cause you can't in game and noclip and ****. ik Entropy:Zero 2 did it as you can find the mapsrc folder with all the vmfs and i think it would be cool if you guys did it too.

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Human Error Patch - Source SDK 2013

So, I'm asking to see if you know how to play the HE COOP thing, 1.0.6 hasn't been working and i just need to know if i can use an older verison thatll work

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Looking for voice actors (OUTDATE)

I'm confused to what the age range of the actors you want, should the voice sound older for each or does it not matter.

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Prospekt : Zero

Shadow 3 is called Shadow 3 because he's a regular grunt while 4813 and 3650 are special units ig, in HL2, the grunts are called but a name and a single letter so like Scar 0, Helix 9 etc etc

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Isolation : Zero

Ah, yea don't worry about your english, you did pretty good, and thank you for clarifying. I cannot wait to see what you got.

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Half-Life: Through The City

I would like to correct some **** ups i made in this post, I didn't know Rockie was the big ******* dog with blue **** coming out of it. And the way I wrote this sounds like fanfic which was not my intent mainly because it was 5am and doing this **** was a bad idea, my main point was just that we got to see the werid weapons we got and what became of the shock trooper baby because the implcation of using it to kill its own kind and other Race X-ers was neat and hoped we get to see it. Also I would like to add that G-Man's daliouge was werid to hear, I think it doesn't really sound like how G-Man would speak, I think a rewrite of his opening speech would be nicer and some more flashy visuals, maybe have Shephard in the Opsery before Gman walks in, and have it slowly fade in to being in the black room. Maybe having him do some **** from HL2 where he comes close and fades like he does within all of HL2 and Ep2's heart to heart. Lastly, remove the PCV voice, the PCV never had a voice because that would dumb for tactical gear, it would easily alert enemies which is not what you want to do when you're a soldier, I get that Black Mesa had the voice for the Military and all but that was an announcement system that was trying to trick the scientists or alert Marines or call out to Freeman to turn himself in, etc.

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Isolation : Zero

I thank you for responding! So you do bring up a good point on how it's werid how only the soldier have the single digit (number) but most Soldiers come from Metrocops so I imagine they get a name and then a number for what clone they are so even if he was a cop like 3650, I would think he would get the name treatment as all soldiers do, so you could just name him Inhuman-4 or something.
Besides that, activity wise I just didn't know you guys do 3 months per post, or maybe had a discord idk i haven't seen anything. Also I can tell that english might not be your strongest suit so I'm going politely ask what uh "Maybe if we dont too much to show, we will show heartbeat of this mod." means. Other than that, as I said, thank you for responding, I really enjoy what you have shown.

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Half-Life : Echoes

Spoilers ahead so avert your eyes if you haven't played this game

I liked this mod, each area feels like a highlight reel, parts did lag my computer in areas where normal half life mods wouldn't but, besides that stuff, I love how we come back to the areas we past by in the intro and everything, it really tidy things up and made a better adventure.

Now, my problems are uh more than my praises, not that i think it made the game bad, cause its not, but I think some parts needed some reworking.

1. Kingpin should have been Nihilanth, he's used crystals for **** before like healing so just have it so the crystal is something hes using to communicate with you and is just using you to **** up G-Man's plan.

2. Why does Kingpin show us all that stuff from Epistle 3 or Eli being told unforeseen consequences or Eli talking about where Azian went, it just confuses people into thinking we're Azian! It feels like you showed off these scenes so fans of HL will be like OMGOD I KNOW EPISTILE 3! Like I think it was cool to see Shephard in the Ospery and Gordon in the Tram, and it makes it so our character knows what lies for him if he trusts G-Man but why the Dyson Sphere scene, why Eli moments, etc etc. Just have him convince us via events that actually happen in the canon and make sure it makes sense to why he would care besides we caring about those characters. (Yes, I know the Eli scene happens in canon, which is why I said the care about caring about those characters part)

3. Why does no one call us by our name ever, I get we're not supposed to know and its hard to make a new name because you don't have voice actors to say the name but it comes off werid when everyone says Calhoun or Freeman or Shephard in their games. Like you're telling me NO one knows our name or everyone just HAPPENS to not say our name ever. Maybe splice together some words or something.

4. HEV Barney is sort of a werid case. I like him, but he's just sort of there and then he dies. I like him because he's Barney and he's in an HEV suit, but it breaks the idea that the HEV was for scientists only. I feel like maybe if a Barney just took the suit off an HEV suit user because he was actually smart. And make his helmet use the regular blue instead of the orange.

5. Inconsistency with vests, apparently the miltary all carry PCVs as the PCV model we see in Training Day in OpFor is the same used on all HECU members, we pick up like 3 of them in Echoes and they are like 75 armor. I do get that we are meant to not be powerful so the PCV wouldn't work here, but if that's the case, just have it so we pick up more security guard armor so you don't run into that type of stuff.

6. Enemy spam in some areas, the one I'm refering to is that one section where we open that gate and we get 10 houndeyes before we get the shotgun, its right before that scene with Barney up in that control station where he gets attacked by that Bullesquid. And really any Military sections, I think I've met more military squads in this mod than I did in Half Life, which is a lie but the reason I say that is because the Miltary was more spread out, youd face the same amount but it would be 2 to 5 at a time rather than 7 or 8.

7. Never seeing Mr. Friendly ever again, we see him a couple times, get chased and then he disappears. I wish we got the chance to actually fight him since we usually get to kill every monster we come across in the game except for him. But thats more of a nitpick than anything.

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Update On Development.

my condolences to you, but uh, til what all ends?

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Half-Life: Alpha 0.52 Updated

For some reason, I started the game up on the gl and the hud won't show up

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Half-Life: Through The City

Hoping we get some mention of Adrian's pets like the Shock Roach, or his baby Shock Trooper which would be an adult at this point or even the Barnacle. Like, I know we already meet a Shock Trooper Rockie and all but he seems to be a different character than someone connected to Adrian unless it's like Rockie is the baby and is mad at Adrian for making him kill his own species, and then he has the Shock Roach and Barnacle attached to him or whatever idfk, it's 5am. Either way, hope we get something with his organic weapons. Besides that loved this mod, though was hard due to the lack of chargers but the PCV isn't modified to use the chargers or something but I wish that was explained in the demo by trying to use the chargers and then the PCV was like "Non compatible charging system, seek Ohms, PCV or HEV charging station." Besides that, loved what you've done and your team, keep on trucking.

Good karma+2 votes
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Contamination : Zero

Alright, so I told uh Disparity and Isolation this stuff so I'm doing it here, uh something about EZ2 brought up was uhh the numbering system like Cops, Soldiers and Elites have 3 different numbering system, apparantly Cops all have a 4 number digit, Soldiers have a name and then a single number i.e. Scar Zero and Elites have a name and then a 4 number digit being a mix of the Cop and the Soldiers. I would just add another number to your existing name for the cop character to be more in line with EZ if you want to, you don't have to. Besides that, I love what this mod is going for, I love Xen in HL and seeing more of that stuff in mods is cool too, I can't wait to see what it has in store.

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Isolation : Zero

I told uh the EZ: Disparity guy this and I'm gonna tell you this as well as I think you should know but in EZ, Combine Soldiers do not have the same naming ID system as the Metropolice where it's 1234. They are usually a name with a number so in EZ:2 we have Scar Zero or in Proskept:Zero we have Shadow Three or Mach Nine as an example, so I'm suggesting you change the name if you're trying to be in line with EZ and it's mods. But as I said with Disparity, that's if you're trying to be in line with the canon set up by E:Z. Besides that, I do hope this mod goes good, I love the music made for this mod and the maps, I know this page hasn't been very active so I'm a little iffy if this will be finished, especially with how many dead mod pages exist on ModDB compared to the level of finished mod pages.

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ (DISCONTINUED) Entropy Zero: Disparity

Hey so apparantly, in EZ, Combine Soldiers are labeled with a word then a number so like Scar Zero or Shadow Three from Proskept Zero along with Mach Nine etc etc. If you want to be more in line with EZ and subsequent mods, I would probably change the name of the character to something like those. Course that doesn't fully matter if you're not going all accurate which is fine as well. Looking forward to this mod since I'm a big fan of EZ and its mods

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Entropy : Zero - Uprising

Pretty sure District 6 was mentioned in EZ:2 by that guy who walks into the guys near the ladder area and talks about the District 6 killer, don't know what's the District 6 Killer thing is, he could be it for all I know and is bragging about it. Maybe the guest here is implying Bloody Red is the killer idfk.

Good karma+4 votes
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Prospekt : Zero

I hope it will be everything you hoped it would be.

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Prospekt : Zero

Spoilers ahead
This is just me talking about the extended demo, what i liked and some notes I had

Absolutely loved this extended demo, I played through the entire thing, my only notes is the opening which rather than being us sliding down on the rope in first person, its for some reason in first person. Also maybe the opening could take a note from Opposing Force where you're in the transport carrier and being taken to the LZ and you get informed by Overwatch or something like E:Z where you get informed through your mask on the left side. E:Z did this opening with the train and it just gives a simple explanation, oh you were on a train and you crashed and you blacked out. It just gives more information to who you are and what you are doing and keeps you within the eyes of our character. Other than that, I loved our character, he is just some Soldier following orders with not as much free will as Savage 3650 since he doesn't speak as often and his jokes are pretty laid back. That's what I would describe this character, laid back and deadpan. The weapon roster is pretty limited but I figured out a way to make it less boring by carrying around those spark balls after throwing them over the guard wall with the force field where you're supposed to lose them which it is werid because the combine forcefield allows anything with combine related things to enter through like how we are able to. Along with the spark balls also the turret. They basically defeated the two antlions guards nearing the end of the demo. I feel like that might make things too easy but having to carry around 3 balls and a turret while bringing along two soldiers on hard is bad enough so its an optional thing to make your fight easier but its a pain in the *** during the slow moments. Still finished on 100 health and suit so YEAAAAAA BABY LETS GO. I do wish we had some more variety but its Prospekt, during Half Life 2, it was only just Soldiers (which we were fighting) along with their turrets and balls, the Antloins (which we controlled) and headcrabs and the zombies (which we and the Combine were fighting) so I get why we didn't get some variety, it is accurate to the game lore, its not like rebels will be showing up since the UPRISING IS HAPPENING WEE WOO WEE WOO. Seriously though, loved this game, keep up the good work.

Good karma+1 vote
DormNez - - 23 comments @ Prospekt : Zero

Actually, you could make it a shoulder bash like how Soldiers in HL2 do it which makes a distinction between the more free willed Walker and the uh normal Solider Shadow-3 is

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