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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 33)
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Jacobite rebellion

You really should put instructions how to install this mod :/

YT video is no more

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Steam & Steel: Total War

Great mod! Of course it have some problems, mainly with entering to battles, but still great job!

However, may I ask you to add Paraguay as faction? Famous War of triple alliance was at this time and it would be great to play as Paraguay to try to defeat Brazil and Argentine!

Good karma+2 votes
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Stainless Steel

Game crash everytime I win bigger battle, this is absolutely annoying, what to do to stop this?
Edit: I found an solution - I did a 4gb patch on all the .exe files

Good karma0 votes
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ The War States Total War

What factions are in this game?

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Potop Total War

Wciśnij tyldę i wpisz toggle_fow, zwolnij ruchy przeciwników i powinno Ci przestać crashować podczas tury Osmanów, mi to pomaga

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Potop Total War

Jeden z najlepiej dopracowanych modów w jakie grałem! I całkiem stabilny, dość często crushuje mi podczas tury Osmanów, ale po włączeniu toggle_fow już nie crashuje.

Jeśli mógłbym coś zasugerować, to moglibyście dać możliwość rekrutacji wojsk w bardziej oddalonych prowincjach. Gdy zdobyłem Synopę, nie mogłem tam nikogo rekrutować jako Rzeczpospolita. Rozumiem, że rekrutacja wojsk polskich tam byłaby dość ahistoryczna, ale dobrze byłoby stworzyć jednostki, które można tam rekrutować, jakąś milicję grecką, ormiańską albo nawet turecką kawalerię na wzór tatarski. To samo mogłoby być dla Hetmanatu i dla innych frakcji.

Good karma+2 votes
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ For King or Country: The English Civil War

Why there is no Irish and Scottish faction?

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ La Guerre de Cent Ans - The Hundred Years War

Finally, it works!

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ La Guerre de Cent Ans - The Hundred Years War

This mod definitely need much more work. Moreover, why Brittany has English culture? If you don't want to add Breton culture, give them Welsh culture, it would be more historically correct.

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Asia_Empires 1.4 English

Mod is crushing all the time I want to do custom battle or even start the campaign

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ this is full version 1.2

Is this real full version? There is few newer files

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Gods & Fighting Men - Total War

He, me and others have this problem so can you solve it?

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Gods & Fighting Men - Total War

I just downloaded this game and I have the same problem - looks like after 5 years nobody from moderators read you comment :/

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Northern Kingdoms V0.1.3

Where should I put this file?

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Age of Vikings

Why Obodrites are not playable?

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ 1066 Milites Dei

What factions will be here?

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ The Witcher: Total War

How it is going?

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ The Last Airbender: Total War

I cannot launch it, game is saying there is some script missing

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Hundred Years War: Medieval 2

so where it is?

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Age of War - Imperial Edition

Very good mod!
However, may I suggest something?
Could you add more towns for Brittany? They starting only with one town, Brest, while other factions have more, even Navarra.
Can you add Saint Malo, Rennes and Vannes for them?

Also, instead of Irish, Scottish and Welsh culture you can make one Celtic culture, and you can convert Brittany to have Celtic culture as well.

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Age of Knights and Prophets

I just tried your mod, and it looks really nice.

However, I see a lot of things that need to be done.

For main campaign (Dark ages) - there was no Moravia in that time, Romano-British shoud have London and York, Slavs should have much bigger horde and their leader should have Slavic name, Tribus Longobardi province should belong to Longobardi faction while Vikings should have Tevangeste (you need to switch them). Also, Berbers were not Arabs, so if you want to have Arabs faction, locate them on Arabian penisula, not in North Africa.

About Age of Charlemagne campain - you probably mixed up Slavs and Moravia, because Slavs are in lands that was belonging to Great Moravia while Moravia faction is horde in East Europe. East Roman EMpire should have south Italy, Sicily and Sardinia (Longobardi capital should be Milan) and Rome as a Papal state shoudl be rebel.
Slavs should have Nordalbingia, Hill of kings, Branden lands, land of Anti, Crnagoria and Moesia provinces. Vikings can have today's Denmark (Saxonium in game). Goths should have Catalonia.
There should be Avars, but because you don't have such faction you can use Huns and give them Pannonia and Ostmark.

About Charles the Emperor campaign - half of your factions is being destroyed at start of campaign.

About Chlodio the king campaign - the same as previous, half of factions is being destroyed at start, also East Roman Empire should have south Sicily and Sardinia, Ostrogoths should have all Italy, Longobardi should have only Noricum and Raetia provinces.

About Rise of Mohammad sons campaign - Longobardi should have only North Italy, East Roman Empire should have south Italy, Sicily and Sardinia, Arabs should not have North Africa, Saxons should have London and York, Slavs should have whole East Europe, Franks should have France, Goths should have Spain.

About Rise of Sassanids - Arabs should be in Arabian penisula, you can put Aksum somewhere else.

In general, Aksum faction should not have Sarmatian units. I really like Obodrites and Lutici units in Moravia, but to be honest - how it works? They should be in Slavs faction, not Moravia. Maybe just merge Moravia and Slavs together and make another faction? Or change name of Moravia to West Slavs and change name of Slavs to South Slavs, put them in their right place and it would be good.

Good luck with your mod!

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Viking Invasion II

Are Viking Invasion II v1.7 and Dominion of Britannia separated mods?

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Britannia Total War: Age of the Barbarians

I can be researcher if you want

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Ogniem i Mieczem (With Fire And Sword)

Why there is no files to download?

Good karma+2 votes
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Invasio Barbarorum - Restitutio Iustiniani

More or less, when you will release it?

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Unbroken Steel

Hi, will you add more slavic factions? For example Pomeranians, Obotrites, Bohemians, Polans, Lendians, Croatioans, Seven tribes, Serbs, Sclavinians ect?

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Morning Sun

Two questions - can I play this if I only have Fall of samurai?
Second question, will you add Gaoshan/Formosan/Taiwanese faction, Mosir/Ainu faction, Yakut/Kangalas faction, Russia faction and Kazakh faction? I would love to play native Taiwanese or Ainu faction the most.

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Absolutum Dominium- Jacobite’s Uprising (Full Version)

Great mod, but I have few sugestions.
1. Scotland in mod is protestant. Historically, jacobites were catholic. Whole uprising were catholic, catholicism was essential for this rebellion. Even english catholics supported rebels. So can you change religion of Scotland to catholicism?
2. Scottish highlanders were frightful for English soldiers, English troops very often ran away after highlanders charge. Can you add such feature for highlanders units? The escape after the highland charge was the main reason why the insurgents won at Prestopands and why this uprising was so successful.The training of the English units and the swampy terrain of Culloden Moor was, in turn, the reason for the defeat and collapse of the uprising.
3. Charles Edward Stuart, bonnie prince charlie, was general fighting for his father, James VIII. So it would be more historically accurate if king of Scotland were in this mod James VIII.

Good karma+3 votes
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Wars of Liberty Updater

One question from newbie - if I want to play WOL mod, am I need to install also Wars of Liberty Updater or not? How it works?

Good karma+1 vote
doliwaq - - 33 comments @ Beggining Of An End : 622 AD

This could be good mod, but unfortunatelly if there is no possibility to play as Slavs or Baltics, this is not good mod

Good karma+1 vote