Report Do you read any of the ModDB Staff blogs?

Poll started by jacksonj04 with 1,701 votes and 46 comments. Browse the poll archive.


(50 votes)Yep, they're all on my Watch list!


(205 votes)Whenever I'm passing.


(418 votes)Not at all.


(1028 votes)The staff keep blogs now?

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Jyffeh - - 982 comments

No comments yet? LETS GO GUYS

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Bluedrake42 - - 574 comments



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beverage - - 33 comments


i loled

Reply Good karma Bad karma-7 votes
kinesis916 - - 739 comments

Well I read them every now and again. Stenchy had a rather interesting on games art at some art gallery. Though the forum topic fell flat.
Overall I don't honestly go out of my way to read them.

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ambershee - - 865 comments

I don't tend to go out of my way to read them. In general, they don't tend to contain much of personal interest.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
Lucífer - - 3,393 comments

not there any particular reason ?

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Wilhelm_III - - 415 comments

The staff keep blogs now?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
hushpuppy - - 761 comments

Errrh where can i find these?

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kinesis916 - - 739 comments

I do beleive that it reffers to the blogs on the staff profiles.

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Angry_Beaver - - 7 comments

There needs to be a way to browse blogs like you can browse mods and news. I have my blog from Black Mesa source duplicated here but I'm not even sure anyones found it.

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Metafiz - - 504 comments

I agree, it's on INtense's todo list.

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Tolkienfanatic - - 70 comments

Totally unaware of these so-called blogs. Put a link to them in the Flash header!

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FJS - - 839 comments

The staff keep blogs now? xDDDD

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Malvado_Zombie[X] - - 213 comments

I read all, but I don't remember every word of the staff blogs. And I don't have it in the watch list

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Tycoon-Master - - 115 comments

Who writes blogs these days?

Oh... the staff do. Ah yes, I have read those. ^_^

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Harimau - - 515 comments

"Who writes blogs these days?"
Too many.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
BigBird - - 1,161 comments

I don't...

But I'm lazy when it comes to writing about comings and goings...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Noobkiller - - 37 comments

Same here. I didn't even know they have blogs. Oh well. I'll check it out, maybe I'll get a few pointers from them to run my blog, Pariah's Guild

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INtense! Staff
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

I didn't even know we kept blogs. Something I need to do is create "browsable" blogs, images, video pages so you can read popular content posted by others on the site.

Reply Good karma+7 votes
sathanas - - 98 comments

Good idea. I did not know the staff were keeping blogs now either, or that any other members really did.

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ambershee - - 865 comments

Heck, loads of people have blogs - I keep one from time to time, as do most of the regulars. A lot of irregulars do to, just to say "OMG i are here!!1".

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Crispy - - 602 comments

Can you make a blogs RSS feed-type thing. Just have a dedicated section of your profile where you can see which of your watched blogs are updated. I'd prefer it to be separate to the 'updates' list because that is already incredibly long. I suppose it could go in that list if it were separated.

That solves half the problem, the other half is that I don't know who blogs about what topics and if they're worth reading. I don't know how you can advertise this info on an already-cluttered homepage. Maybe do some sort of newsletter every so often to direct people to these blogs if they're believed to be of interest.

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Twitwi - - 132 comments

Whenever I'm passing.

Read one.

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Lucífer - - 3,393 comments

add a new Blog Tab.
every new blog from each member gets added to that.
allow it so you can search for a particular member, since there will be plenty of blogs lol.

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Angry_Beaver - - 7 comments

We'd also need some way to classify our blogs, as some peoples blogs are only pertinent to some things and I dont want to wade through "My little Pony should be made a game" Blogs trying to find relevant tips and tricks blogs.

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TAU! - - 181 comments

The staff keep blogs?

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Xxpert - - 25 comments

I dont.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
SinKing - - 3,119 comments

I don't use 80% of Moddb's features. Either, I don't know about them, don't understand them, or don't find them...

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Crispy - - 602 comments

Looks like someone was having a bit of fun voting down comments. I've pushed all the comments between Ambershee's and Xpert's from 0 back up to 1.

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ambershee - - 865 comments

Seems like they've gone down the whole page twice. Isn't that nice of them?

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iBukisuika - - 146 comments

Since when has this been happening?

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Benzin - - 6 comments

Only people with aspergers read blogs.

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kinesis916 - - 739 comments

Thats not very nice.

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DOLBYdigital - - 622 comments

I didn't know since I didn't see any links to them. I would also like to see the ability to track blogs like the mods and maybe make a new tab for them? This site keeps getting better and better ;)

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ambershee - - 865 comments

You can watch members, I'd assume this would update when they update their respective blogs?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
ambershee - - 865 comments

I see the same arsehole has just gone down the comments for kicks, marking up Benzin, and me and Kinesis down - again. I don't care who you are, that's not a ******* opinion, that's an insult.

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Smoth - - 1,097 comments

Genuinely uninterested, sorry.

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Nipheed - - 22 comments

I don't mind

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Robots! - - 1,749 comments

anyone ever heard of PC games magazine?

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kinesis916 - - 739 comments

Indeed I have. Though appart from them being far to expensive for my liking, I don't know what they have to do with satff blogs.

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Gunney918 - - 73 comments

who the hell would read these anyways?

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Termin-X-man - - 148 comments


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kinesis916 - - 739 comments

Well anyone. Jackson gives great insight into the site and the background workings and reasons for things in his blog. Very interesting I must say.

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Wraiyth - - 483 comments

Blogs can generally be pretty good to get unique insights and opinions into a wide variety of topics, providing that they're well written and all that kinda stuff. I'd personally keep a blog both on ModDB and my homepage if I had the time, but its just one of those things.

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Alscott - - 3 comments

I have a hard time finding a lot on this website.

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StevenD606 - - 15 comments

i read them roughfly about once a day

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