Full concept MODIFICATION of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat that touches every game aspect including textures, sfx, music, weapons, A.I., items, weather, mutants, difficulty and much much more!

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I want to customize, but don't know how (Games : S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat : Mods : MISERY : Forum : Mod optimization : I want to customize, but don't know how) Locked
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Jul 31 2014 Anchor

Decided to check out the Misery mod after reading an article about it. I like many of the changes, but there's some little things that really bug me I'd like to address, but I don't know anything about modding. Reading through the forum I've seen that people talk about editing various text files to personalize the mod, so I'd like to ask for some assistance altering the aspects that bother me.

1. My character loses health even when just standing around. He's not rad-poisoned or starving, but even just walking around the Skadovsk causes him to lose health over time.

2. Enemies are bullet sponges - usually. I just finished a long firefight against the mercs on the first map (the ones Owl sends you after), a process that involved many deaths and many quickloads. I was using an SKS, whose ammo says it can defeat "Class IV" armor (whatever that means), yet most of the enemies took 5 or 6 shots to kill. Even shots to the head took 2 or 3 hits for some enemies.

3. I'd like to get rid of the white-out effect when entering radiation areas. I can hear the geiger counter easy enough - I'd rather not be blind as well in an anomaly field.

4. Make the HUD opaque - during my firefight against the mercs, I often couldn't see my health/stamina against the lightly-colored cement.

5. I'd like to stop running out of stamina when simply walking around - I can understand getting winded when running or being overloaded, but having to stop and wait around every few minutes isn't very fun.

I don't think this is possible with just text editing, but I'd also like to re-enable the "huffing" noise from the Bloodsuckers. I really liked the panic I felt when hearing that noise chasing me around.

Any help is greatly appreciated. :)

Aug 7 2014 Anchor

First thing to do for all these solutions is to find your stalker: call of pripyat installation location

1: go into \gamedata\configs\creatures\actor.ltx
search for health_restore_v change the value from -0.000045 to remove the health loss over time, personally i just took away the minus so i have a miniscule hp regen for when i go to the toilet or something :D

2: changing damage is really a bother since if you want to change enemies resistance to it oyu have to go into every single enemy and edit, an easier way will be going into \gamedata\configs\weapons\ and there you find the weapon you want to tweak in your case, using the sks, would be w_sks.ltx, now here comes the part where im totally in the dark since ive never felt the need to do so, and never tested it, but find hit_power, and increase the numbers, im guessing that will make your shots deal more damage.
There is however two dangers/annoyances with this, one: all enemies with the weapon of your choices, will also deal more damage, meaning that if youre on the recieving end, youll probably bee blown to bits. Two: you have to do this with every weapon you use, and if you dont want your enemies to be super powered you ned to re-do whatever changes youve already done.

Somewhat adding the changes needed in enemy types for it to be done aswell; gamedate\configs\creatures and then m_insertwhatevercreatureyouwanttochange.ltx and scroll down to, or search for whatevercreatureyouvechosen damage within the ltx file, there you will find parameters for how much damage creatures are dealt when you hit them in the specified regions, i presume.

for human npcs damage go to gamedata\configs\creatures\damages.ltx, lower the values to make npcs easier to kill. im guessing that the first number is minimum damage multiplier, and the second number is max damage multiplier. example: lowering bip01_pelvis =1.15, 0.4 to 1.0, 0.4 will makes the minimum damage npcs take higher, 1.0, 0.2 will make both minimum and max dmg higher, and 2.0, 0.6 will make dmg resistance higher.
if youre going to tweak things here, youll have to test what works, and make sure you dont make it too easy, since the game starts to get boring without a decent level of challenge.

To be brutally honest, i dont think you should bother, both methods eat up so much time, and if so complicated, living with shit being hard might just be better, but thats up to you. also, ive never tested anything about increasing npcs taken damage, nor weapons dealt damage, so this is just me looking through gamefiles, and guesstimating, you will have to test these things yourself since i dont have the time, nor do i want to change my game settings from what i have them on now.

cant help ya here, never dealt with anything of hte like, and searching through all the ui options will tire me out, sorry.

4: same as above, hopefully someone with more experience comes to the rescue

when you run out of stamina, youre probably actualy pretty encumbered to being with so packing only the bare minimum with you when youre gonna go out from base is to be favored, however, if you feel this is not a good option going to gamedate\configs\creatures\actor.ltx and searching for linear weight system, will get you the parameters needed to increase and decrease the stamina - wieght ratio, again we're moving into uncharted territory for me, and the testing of this will be up to you to perform.
my guess is that decreasing the numbers of walk_power and walk_weight_power, will decrease your consumption of stamina, going below zero on any of these will probably make you regen stamina by walking, so dont do that, keep it with decimals, add zeroes, try it out. decreasing the values of overweight_walk_k will make you expend less stamina for being overweight, i guess.

After digging around in the sounds files a minute i found the bloodsucker breath sound, and promptly swapped it with meowing of a kitten, just for the heck of it, the file that is already there you see is a sounds clip with no sound, so to change it back to the old breathing youll have to check the original game files for sounds, and then replace the misery sound files with the old.

Sorry for the wall of texts but there really is no shortcuts to tweaking misery, except downloading stuff like les miserables or other slight overhauls, and even then if theres something not to your liking youll have to dig and test for the perfect settings for just you, afterall youre the one playing the game, its up to you how muhc time you invest in making it more fun for yourself.

Good luck stalker.

Edited by: Snodtheone

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