Five Elite Mercenaries are send to an Island in middle of the 1980'. The Task: Find and Eliminate a local Drug Baron. Features: new Physic, real Sunmovement, Day/Night Change, Hunger/Food system, realistic (!) Weather system, Light/Dark viewing system for AI, 5 different Fractions on the Island. Complete Realistic simulation of nearly all things, including Sleep. New weapons, new Vehicles. Vehicles driving system is now exact (!) like GTA IV , FireSystem,... this mod is Heavily inspired by GTA, IGI, FarCry.

Forum Thread
The player will he wear goggles or diving? (Games : Far Cry : Mods : FarCry Operation Clearing : Forum : Technical Discussion for OP CL Vanilla Mod : The player will he wear goggles or diving?) Locked
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Aug 12 2011 Anchor

The player will he wear goggles or diving? 8)

The effect of drops of water that flow is great, but I was wondering if the player wouldwear goggles or diving ... because it sounds like water running down a window. If so,will you apply a form of lunnet or mask around?


pvcf Germany
Aug 12 2011 Anchor

did not found a translation for "lunnet", if you mean a diving mask; its not planned, i have no underwater scenarious in the game. (*) i know the drops on the screen looks like you have a glass plate in front of you, atleast for rain you can switch it off in the raintrigger, (in clearingrain trigger the option "ShowScreenDrops" ) but i really like the effect, it looks so wet 8)

including googles is a interesting idea *g* never have thought about that , hehe.

(*) its "forbidden" for the player to swimm to the islands which are placed around the map, (jelly fishes which kills the player in the ocean), because its part of the game to get entrance to that islands, for that you have to skill your jetsky abilities which are part of free submissions 8)

btw also the mercs in operation clearing can NOT (!) see in water if the player is diving, i implemented this to keep the diving as stealth factor, but i need ofcourse a harming effect for the player! so he also have bad sight after diving and is also very slow (swimming mass system is currently not build in , but it is planned)

Edited by: pvcf

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