Five Elite Mercenaries are send to an Island in middle of the 1980'. The Task: Find and Eliminate a local Drug Baron. Features: new Physic, real Sunmovement, Day/Night Change, Hunger/Food system, realistic (!) Weather system, Light/Dark viewing system for AI, 5 different Fractions on the Island. Complete Realistic simulation of nearly all things, including Sleep. New weapons, new Vehicles. Vehicles driving system is now exact (!) like GTA IV , FireSystem,... this mod is Heavily inspired by GTA, IGI, FarCry.

Forum Thread
switching off dynamic weaponshake in devkit (Games : Far Cry : Mods : FarCry Operation Clearing : Forum : Technical Discussion for OP CL Devkit : switching off dynamic weaponshake in devkit) Locked
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pvcf Germany
May 17 2014 Anchor

if you dont need dynamic weaponshake or dynamic weapon take down during sprinting, for example because you have
own weaponanimations for, then read that:

you can switch off the weaponSHAKE by sprinting in weaponsparams.lua for each wpn by the
DynamicWeaponShake = 1, --pvcf-- we inject dynamic weapon bob roll depending on movement speed
HighWeaponShake = 0, --pvcf 0 = lower values than normal, = 1 or no entry means high shake

if DynamicWeaponShake is NOT existent or set to 0, the weapon will only do the standart p_bobrol for shake(search in BasicWeapon.lua for

		p_bob_weapon = 0.006;
		--bob_pitch=0.015;  --standart ist 0.015

the 0.006 is then the standart used wpn shake.

for taking down the wpn during running search in basicweapon.lua that part

			if not shooter.fireparams.holdingoffset then
				if (not _localplayer.cnt.running ) then					
					local x = 0; local y = 0; local z = 0;
					--Hud:AddMessage("$2 1 ",2);
				if (not _localplayer.cnt.running ) then
					--Hud:AddMessage("$4 2 ",2);
					local x = shooter.fireparams.holdingoffset.x;
					local y = shooter.fireparams.holdingoffset.y;
					local z = shooter.fireparams.holdingoffset.z;								

and change it to

			if not shooter.fireparams.holdingoffset then
				--if (not _localplayer.cnt.running ) then					
					local x = 0; local y = 0; local z = 0;
					--Hud:AddMessage("$2 1 ",2);
				--if (not _localplayer.cnt.running ) then
					--Hud:AddMessage("$4 2 ",2);
					local x = shooter.fireparams.holdingoffset.x;
					local y = shooter.fireparams.holdingoffset.y;
					local z = shooter.fireparams.holdingoffset.z;								

now the running condition which forces a different holdingoffset is switched off and weapon is always in the holdingoffset which is defined in WeaponParams.lua in each weapon with

holdingoffset = {x=0.02,y=-0.05,z=-0.04}, --position offset in non zoom mode
holdingoffset = { --position offset in non zoom mode
x=0.0, --horizontal offset

y=0.09, --holding distance offset

z=-0.04 --vertical offset
holdingoffsetangle = {x=-10,y=0,z=0}, --pvcf angle offset in non zoom mode (experimental, do not use! )
and during aiming:
aim_offset={x=0.11,y=0.09,z=0.04}, --position offset in zoom mode
aim_offsetAngle={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0}, --pvcf angle change in zoom mode

in Hud.lua search for that line:

if (Hud.put_wpn_down_Sprinting) then

and change it to

Hud.put_wpn_down_Sprinting = nil;
if (Hud.put_wpn_down_Sprinting) then

now the weapon is stable all the time and ready for your custom animations, note that now also the sprinting recognition is still availible with

Edited by: pvcf

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