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RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 14)

Delta Particles

Mod review

Played the demo, and the version only named as "Delta" and then played last version "Delta Particles". All I gotta say is that this is a great mod. From the older videos on Youtube; as far as I saw, this mod came from a long way to release. Great job, thank you. This is a must play.


Half-Life : Residual Life

Mod review

Better than residual point, lack of medkits can be felt. Unfortunately even lack of fun.
The opening section was cool. But feels like some maps are made just make gameplay longer and some maps are too complex with unclear objectives.


Half-Life : Residual Point

Mod review

There was a great idea behind the mod.
You have a really different suit and getting into the adventure, however actual fact is this not a mod that how looks like from outside.

A lot of enemies are around and there is lack of ammo supply and health and battery. Oh hey wait, there is a big lack of supplies. And mod is throwing a lot of enemies on player without thinking about the situation of player, I mean you just got a out an action part, you're lacking of ammo and health, and you are going to lacking of supply on the next part which is just a door after.
There even stupid sections like fighting against a lot turrets with like no ammo and health.

It doesn't matter how many maps there are, it matter how good gameplay is and how maps are unique. But I can't say for this mod. I wish it was really good like expansion packs but nope, sorry.


This was really creative and fun. Great mod to play and give it a try.


Ray Mohawk's Manic Monday!

Mod review

That was fun to play and creatively good. Map layouts were good enough not to get bored, it was really impressive in that way. And this was kinda weird but fun. Somehow I felt weird with ammo. Thank you, it was good.


Sweet Half-Life

Mod review

Used to play this back in the days a lot on HL's WON version. I played a lot back in the days, because it wasn something insanely new for at that time. I was amazed how the mod brought scientists wearing suits and using almost weapons. Also the cut scenes of the mod were pretty good. I was also amazed how the mod bring minigun. I was a child, and I thought it was a Half-Life game I don't have. 'Till I download and install though :D. Story may not be the best but that's a good mod actually.



Game review

For the first time I played I played this game's WON version, my mind was hyped because the game and its models were perfect for, at least they were looking cool. People I know, used to buy this game for Counter-Strike but for me Half-Life was better and more beautiful which was a main game back in early 2000's. Even with STEAM version, I still enjoy it. And Half-Life's community is one of the bests. I really love this game, it may not be perfect when compare it today's conditions. But, IT IS PERFECT ANYWAY. With, the mods you can enjoy it way more, there are new story mods which are the best in my opinion and "Finishing Half-Life is just the beginning." as a popular community member says. Half-Life is a great video game.


Brutal Half-Life

Mod review

Cool, but beta 1 feels cooler.


Half-Life Alpha in GOLDSrc

Mod review

It is little bit taking time to where to go if you're playing for the first time. But yes, this is so good to enjoy. Purely enjoyable, and there are add ons inside it, so you can get M4 rifle of alpha hgrunt to enjoy more coollishly.


Half-Life Invasion

Mod review

It's pretty good mod. All the new additions to the game's engine make it enjoyable and discoverable. But it has some flaws though, at some point it's actually hard to see an enemy target with that nightvision pistol if the target is far, but seeing entities behind do obstacles is really cool addition. There's also a electronic minigun which could be great if there much more ammo for it.
There are also small flying vortigaunts, they're really annoying :D . But when I compare all these new stuff, they're nothing at all (but still annoying). Going back to Black-Mesa was really cool but the with tank is kinda hard because of aiming with tank was hard for me. Getting inside the Black-Mesa was little bit frustrating because there's a part where you have to push and make'm all working with a puzzle system. Inside the Black-Mesa is really something else, you gotta see it yourself. But if you need a gas mask, it is hanging on the wall where you enter.
And it could really nice if players were able to change default_fov. Good mod with good labor, it has a worth to play.