Behold the Yuuzhan Vong Army! This mod adds the Yuuzhan Vong Race as a playable faction and all units of this era. We are a community of modders working for the greater goal, so anyone who wants to help or support us is welcome!

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Advanced Code Help (Games : Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption : Mods : Yuuzhan Vong at War : Forum : MODDING HELP : Advanced Code Help) Locked
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Dec 8 2016 Anchor

So in a project I've had for my mod, I've tried to implement a tech level 6. And while I've been successful, as new units unlock, heroes get to spawn, and despawn, it would appear FoC doesn't like this.

First, in the advanced settings for the GC, is there a way to increase the slider from 1-5 to 1-6? As when I mess with it, and then reset it back to max (So 5) I no longer have the tech 6 research ability.

More importantly though, is there a way to get fighters to actually spawn from frigates, capital ships, and super capital ships? Playing on tech level 5, all fighter squadrons will spawn in like normal from their respective ships, but activating tech 6 stops all fighter spawning.

Thanks, Barlex

Dec 9 2016 Anchor

Apart from being a mess (Rebels: tech 0 -4; Empire: tech 1 - 5), some functionality of the tech level advancement seems to be hardcoded.
You can spawn fighters based on tech levels, but the game doesn't know a tech level 6, so no fighters will spawn.

Lots of people tried to expand the 5-tier tech system. In the end most ended up torching it and creating an own, story event based tech system.

Dec 9 2016 Anchor

Alright, thanks.

In that case, is there a way to create another build trigger similar to the tech upgrades? Trying to create a optional Tarkin Doctrine path if the player should choose to research that.

Dec 9 2016 Anchor

There are events which trigger on buildings/objects built. Which can be used to trigger the subsequent unit unlocking.
I don't know them from the top of my head, but they are in the PDF Petroglyph provided with the map editor.

Dec 9 2016 Anchor

Well, I know that in the storyplot xml you can trigger unlocks and locks for builds, but the issue is, I don't want to use tech 5 to unlock new units as in my mod that's reserved for RotS and TCW S6.

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