Behold the Yuuzhan Vong Army! This mod adds the Yuuzhan Vong Race as a playable faction and all units of this era. We are a community of modders working for the greater goal, so anyone who wants to help or support us is welcome!

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 20)

Currently this mod is a very mixed bag. Visuals are solid (though not as impressive as some of the other big hitters currently about like RotM or Remake), variety of ship types is pretty good and there's some impressive models and particles. However there's also a surprising lack of features in other areas. For example the UI hasn't been changed from the original game, the music is barebones and the AI appears to be severely broken. While fairly impressive, most of the ship models are a downgrade from those in the aforementioned other mods and the lack of mobile turrets is quite jarring. There's also a number of broken units like skiprays which need to be fixed. I think that considering the mod has been in development for 8 years with a sizeable team supposedly working on it, the results are.... underwhelming to be honest. Honestly it kinda feels like this mod was hurriedly put together in a few months to meet the release date. Hopefully the promised updates and patches will quickly fix most of the problems (and actually release the title faction).

Hopefully they'll add some new features soon. At the moment it's pretty poor, especially for such a long build-up.

This mod is thoroughly average. It underdelivers on its earlier promises in every conceivable way.


The mod is good but needs animated cannons and more ships for the skirmish and mod the land skirmish too

I'm just a big fan of all things not disney star wars.

Das wird mal der beste Star Wars Mod werden! Die Details rauben einen den Atem und lassen einen echt nur staunen!


The mod is worth a try, the visuals are good even on an older laptop(Dell xps l702x). The game mechanics looks interesting. By teh way they were quite clear this is not the final version, i hope they will be able to reach their goals. In my opinion bugs are expected, and the team could be trusted to finish their project. Also if you are interested in modding i think it is definitly worth checking out their work. Cheers!

Been a long time coming, so glad it's finally been released

Micsoda csalódás ez. Ennyi évnyi fejlődés után ezt kapjuk? Ennyi még mindig alapvető az eredeti játékból, és sok egység elromlott. Csak gőzzel ???? Az AI is megtört. Remélem, hogy gyorsan helyrehozzák.

Awesome start. I love the detail and the cool concept of faction selection. :D This is going to be great!