Tiberium Wars Advanced seeks to bring the game closer to its Westwood roots while also maintaining the unique new flavor that Tiberium Wars brought to the series. New units, abilities, structures, strategies and a fresh gameplay experience are just a few of the things TWA brings to the table. With updated gameplay that brings the "Strategy" back into RTS and removes the "zerg rush" mentality, TWA is a mod that will appeal to both die-hard, base-building Westwood fans and those relatively new to the franchise alike. Don't believe us? Give it a download and try it out!

VRAlfons says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

As the predeccing posters already said:

This Mod is a must have for every TW-Player, nothing more to say.


1.Want Titans
2.Want Wolverines
3.Want more Titans
4.Even more Wolverines
5.An Combat Engineer
6.Some Repair APC's
8.The old predator model

Otherwise, the GDI will fall...