Full concept MODIFICATION of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat that touches every game aspect including textures, sfx, music, weapons, A.I., items, weather, mutants, difficulty and much much more!

Zombiestubble says

6/10 - Agree (3) Disagree

Let me tell a little story to express my opinion:

> Load the game. Takes for ******* ever, but eventually I'm in.
> Start off at the most godforsaken part of the swamps.
> Look around, and notice some zombies. "This must be the zombie farm."
> It's called a farm for a reason. I subsequently clear it out.
> Loot of the day: A nearly broken Sig Sauer with 4 rounds, 13 9x18 and 6 9x19 rounds, two breads, and a can of tuna.
> Feel good, seems like a notable achievement for Misery 2.2.
> Find some loners, kill said loners for loot.
> Loot of the last 10 minutes, of which 8 was spent in loading screens: A nearly broken Sig Sauer with no ammo, 2 AK74s, 22 9x18 rounds, 2 rounds of 5.45x39, and some rotten meat.
> Probably should make my way to Sadovorovisoisorovisk or whatever the hell it's called. I just call it "Good Boat".
> Meet beard. Browse. Feel shame for not being able to afford anything.
> Meet Owl. Browse. ****** at him for high prices. Notice AK going for 20,000 RU and Military outfit going for nearly 40,000.
> Notice that beard pays more for literally any item sold, and also accepts items with <98% durability.
> Dump what I can on Beard, accept "Obligitory 1st quest of CoP"™.
> I know the drill. Notice that radiation is off the charts.
> Better take a quick sippy. Stumble around drunk, fall off into numerous anomalies, instantly die, reload, and die again.
> Eventually pick up boat steering wheel. Climb out, meet the guy, give it to him, chase him, then stab him in the back far enough away from his partners.
> Get greedy and go back for his partner's loot.
> Attempt to snipe with my mosin nagant. Miss horribly, and find out they have perfect aim. Die repeatedly.
> Get frustrated, decide to deal with them after I get to Beard, if they're still around.
> Nearly at the boat, going along the hilly side. Stupid me, walks along the top of the hill.
> Pack of dogs sees me from burn farmstead. They run. Really fast. 12 of them.
> Get frustrated. Ragequit.