Full concept MODIFICATION of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat that touches every game aspect including textures, sfx, music, weapons, A.I., items, weather, mutants, difficulty and much much more!

jselfman says

5/10 - Agree (12) Disagree (1)

For a mod that is supposed to be about realism, Misery has a lot of artificial, unfair and unrealistic difficulty built in. The economy is nothing short of punishing, the rewards few and far between, making the new gear options less interesting (as they are so incredibly difficult to acquire) It feels like the devs really went to far with the frustration factor, and forgot about balance, in the interest of feeding some sort of super stalker ego thing-- seriously. You see it whenever anyone says anything about the difficulty or game balance, to the point of insulting the ability of folks who comment, even.

Don't even ask me about bugs, and anomalies and artifacts have been engineered so as to frustrate all but the most tenacious players, it seems.

On the plus side, the graphics are awe inspiring, the ai's behavior is challenging (now if they just had some of the same limitations the player does, like no night vision, and did comparable damage instead of unerring lethal strikes from ultra long range in the dead of night when you're behind cover...)the gear is tight, and the armor system rocks.

Balance before ego, guys. Come on.