I'm into the command and conquer series, halo series and just about any battlefield game that has helicopters period. i enjoy using unorthodox tactics to fool my opponents into total chaos. my current gaming status is somewhat unfortunate. i am now operating off a MAC, and that being said, i can no longer play most games. i have an alternate PC for any mods i download however so i can still do some reviews and comment with due intel. right now i play games via steam. Borderlands 2 and Star Conflict are on the list as well as Alpha Games such as Interstellar Marines. If anyone would like to group up on BL2 or team up on Star Conflict, my Steam Username is TiberiumWolf. Oh and btw, for those that i consider friends on Borderlands 2, i tend to create and hand out Legendary Rare guns that the creators were either too lazy or too useless to come up with on their own. And I'm talking gamebreaker damage without it being counted as illegal or crash worthy.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 23)

Twisted Insurrection

Mod review

This mod is insanely well built and the Custom OST reminisces to the old days of classic Command & Conquer. If this mod were a standalone game and being sold, I'd buy it in a heartbeat, that's how well done it is. Twisted Insurrection is a more fluid and canon based installation to the Tiberium Universe than any of that crap EA released after systematically "absorbing" and destroying Westwood Studios.


C&C Tiberian Dawn Redux

Mod review

The mod is spot-on, though it could do with a few minor tweaks. the Obelisks rate of fire could be more CANON (slower rate of fire, with a greater range, and the infantry units could be a little faster.


Commander AI

Mod review

Good mod, but it will take more work to make it better, and some fine-tuning. the commander AI tends to rapidly construct structures and several of those structures tend to over-lap (collide) to the point that the skirmish matches lag, furthermore the harvester:refinery ratio is way off. simply destroying 2 refineries owned by a commander A.I. in the early-game sends the A.I. into a harvester & refinery spam spree to over-compensate for the slight lack of resource collection. 1 refinery = 1 harvester +3 from war factories, and continues on from there, ignoring production of other main units. ( i used a Trainer to fully test this Mod, and it still ended up beating me, matching structure for structure, unit for unit, and then some at the same "instant" pace the trainer allowed me. there is a helluva lot of potential here, and it would be a shame for it to die out too early)


One Vision

Mod review

C&C Tiberian Sun True Power

Mod review

Minecraft PSP 2.0 [Release]

Mod review

this mod has potential. but it will only survive if mojang continues to ignore the copyright violations and the fact that they will not make any money off of this mod's distribution.


NCM Revolution

Mod review

expertly done. i hope to see more mods like this in the near future for more games. for example, why not attempt to make a mod just like this that takes place right after the third tiberium war? all that defunct and decaying alien tech everywhere, and civil unrest turned uprising after Boyle nuked most of Europe and Kane lied to everyone.


ytryrt yrtyrt yrt yr

Mod review

it is necessary for the continued online play in TW2.


Sun Valley

Mod review


Mod review