I play video games and upload my impressions of the games on my Youtube channel. I have been playing video games since I was about 4 years old, in the good old days when Doom was the pinnacle of graphics. I will take a video game over a movie or a book any day. I want to believe that any and all games can give me a unique experience, tell me a story, or test my skills and challenge my brain. For the last 2½ years, I have been doing Lets Plays on my Youtube channel. I have now begun a new concept of videos for my channel where I look at a new game each day for about 30-60 minutes and where I just talk about how I experience the game. I hope that this allows people to discover new and exciting games and that I can help developers get their game out to the masses. If you are a developer and you would like me to review your game on my Youtube channel, drop me a message! I am brutally honest, but I feel that I am able to give a game the respect it deserves.

RSS Reviews


Game review

Pid is a wonderful game. No question about it. It has an amazing soundtrack, gorgeous graphics and challenging gamplay. So challenging, in fact, that the developers put in an easy mode you can activate mid-level if it gets a bit too much.

The gameplay is fluent, and it has a very good learning curve. In the end, you are able to navigate the levels using your tools of the trade as if they were an extention of yourself - or Kurt, the protagonist.

The story is engaging and amazing, and it will take you from the deepest dungeons into space and beyond. Pid is definitely a must-have for the puzzle platformer fanatic, and while I don't give a 10 to many games, this one is perfect for its genre.


Mutant Mudds

Game review

Mutant Mudds bring me back to a time where video games were brutal - if you didn't up your game, you wouldn't last very long. And Mutant Mudds IS brutal. You will die in more levels than you wont, and when you do, you start over. A level isn't very long on its own, but it can take a really long time to replay what you have already completed if you die.

But it is okay that a game is challenging. Some of the challenge, however, comes from controls that sometimes feel like they are working against you. There are platforms in this game that are up only for enough time for you to jump to the next, and only if you time it perfectly. This is fine on its own, but most of the times you fail one of these jumps, you will fall into spikes, instatly killing you off and putting you back to the beginning of the level. If you do take damage from something that doesn't instantly kill you, you are often put in a very precarious position.

If I could make one change to the game it would be that instant-deaths like spikes or lava didn't actually instant-kill you - but rather took one of your three hearts for the level and put you back on solid ground. Most of my time playing this game was spent playing through parts of the level I had already passed.

That being said, the game has some potential and should appeal to fans of the olden days where video games were designed to make you pull your hair out. The level design is clever and the music and graphics are adequete for the intended genre.



Game review

I have mixed feelings about Gravi. While entertaining, it is also very frustrating at some points. And while I like being challenged, the frustration came right out of the blue, where one level was very easy, followed by a level based primarily on blind luck, followed again by an easy level. The difficulty curve seemed to spike quite a lot. There were also a few abilities that I discovered early on which were either not explained very well, or that I wasn't supposed to know about yet.

That being said, it was pretty fun. The game, while difficult, offers plenty of checkpoints and a lot of levels to go through.


Amazing Paulsonothon

Game review

This is an amusing game, but it is very simplistic. It was fun to play, but does get stale after a while. It is a very good game for passing time however, and I could see it excel on smartphones or tablets as a way to waste 15 minutes while on the bus or waiting for your girlfriend to try out clothes. Despite the simplicity, I did manage to spend 20 minutes, and if I hadn't torn myself away from the battle for the high score, I could probably have spent even longer on it.

An online leaderboard would make it very, very entertaining.



Game review

Entropy is a puzzle game for those who enjoy thinking out of the box. Using balls of various substances such as stone, water, fire or acid, you must navigate through puzzle rooms. You are able to push the balls, or grab on to them with a beam, and you can even make them lift to the air with a nifty little gravity gun.

Entropy is probably not for everyone. The puzzles are quite abstract, and the graphics are a little gritty. Even so, it is an interesting puzzle game, and fans of the genre should definitely take a look.


Papo & Yo

Game review

Papo & Yo is a facinating game where you solve puzzles with the aid of your friends, a personal robot named and a giant monster. The overall point of the game is to find a cure for Monster, and his ever present hunger for poisonous frogs, which tend to throw him into a fit of rage.

Papo & Yo is set in a beautiful city, inhabited only - it seems - by yourself, a girl and Monster. The graphics are marvelous and the game has a very simple control scheme and a solid learning curve. I was immediately drawn in by the teasing puzzles and the mysterious underlying story.



Game review

I played the demo of Teslagrad, and I was blown away by what this game promises. The game drives you on with very little story telling, safe for a few hints that something terrible is going on. Spurred on by big scary men coming down on the city, we flee into an old abandoned tower.

The game has very little in terms of instruction - and it doesn't need any more. Any tutorial that you need is shown to you as posters or scribbled on the walls. The control scheme is dead simple, but has so much potential to create a wonderful gaming experience.

The game, at its core, has you "thinking with magnets", and you must navigate the Tesla Tower while moving big metal blocks by changing their polarity. You find other gear on your adventure through the tower, and you meet vicious monsters and cute robots on your way.

I am very excited about Teslagrad, and I can't wait for it to be released.



Game review

I thought the graphics of this game was wonderful. The fact that you can change it up at your own whim is really interesting. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to serve much more purpose than the visuals - some areas looked neater with one style and some areas were hard to navigate through with another.

I liked the idea of having a lot of different characters, but I didn't think the concept was executed too well. Chester is a very fast paced, but when you switch characters, the game just pauses and waits half a second before it continues after you've completed choosing your character. This sort of distrupts the flow of the game.

Switching characters also seems pretty redundant if you do it to counter enemy types - most enemies, while strong against one type of attack, will still die, though they need a few more shots. Only if your enemy is blocking your attacks completely, or if you need a different kind of attack, do you need to swap characters. Some of the characters have some special perks as well, but for the most part, you will want to change them for the different ways the bullets work.

Chester felt like Rayman on acid. While amusing to play around with, it has a lot of things packed into a platformer without any real sense of "why".


Escape Goat

Game review

This game is incredibly absurd. A goat and a rat trying to escape from prison filled with sheep. I love it. The puzzles were challenging but not too challenging right off the bat, and it feels like a lot of work was put into creating really interesting levels. There are a lot of mechanical gears in the levels - pressing a button might do a lot more things than you would realise!

Very fun, very entertaining, had a lot of good laughs!


Constant C

Game review

I thought Constant C was very entertaining. The game doesn't dwell too long on introduction and the tutorial is very quick and to the point. There were times where being in space made things take a little too much time, like the first time you turn gravity around.

The levels were short and to the point, which means dying wasn't a huge issue. A few times I forgot that even though I'm a robot, I can't just fall from a high ledge, and I got a few chuckles from when I got over zealous. The atmosphere in the game was really great, and the music was fitting and unintrusive. There arent a lot of sound effects, but I guess space is a pretty quiet place.

Overall, it was a very enjoyable game. I feel that maybe some of the early levels were a little bit too hard for me. There were a few plugs in the second area that I couldn't figure out, and it seemed like the difficulty curve jumped a little bit too fast for my level of skills. Still, in my book, anything above a 5 is a good game, and an 8 is outstanding!