Im just a guy who loves video games.And Mods :D

RSS Reviews

Third Age - Total War

Mod review

A complete MASTERPICE i just have to apreciate the time and work that went into this mod it is very apparent that the dev team Work their freaking butts off. Everything is as polished as can be no bugs except the usual mediavel kingdoms and be warned Dwarven axe trhowers dont work for Cr*p at least for me but i can easile overlook this with the amount of polish and hardwork on many of the factions well all of them actually and for people who arent as learned in tolkeins book this mod has plenty of lore friendlyland you might learn a thing or 2. The battle formula is even fixed from the regular medieval total war with even improved animations, The map is detailed and rich of middle earth, characters have biographies and detailed info on their history.This is just plain Great work


Assassins Creed Mod by Igibsu

Mod review

Seriously this mod is damn good and i don't say that just because it harbors my favorite game series i`m sure that a bit of more work and 10/10 mofo.


A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Mod review

OK real review now. So i was very divided in writing this so i just decided to give the point but i think i should be fair and actually go the extra mile..So first things first the Developer himself Cozur has proven time and time again thatd hed rather sit in a golden trhone like if he was the king of the ivory tower and refusing to listen to anyone that actually supports him AKA his fans i understand its his project and he does with it what he wishes but his childish attitude comes into question for if he really wanted to just make the mod in his image i couldve just said in a more mature form "I will not be taking requests i just wanna make this mod as i invision it" instead of outright being a..and im gonna get real here..Kingly Brat C**t because he really f****ng achieved the whole Game of trhones feel by being a complete as for the most part

But im here to review the game not much him even though i retract a couple points just because he uses this as to inflate his ego..Now the game itself is escellent it is very lore friendly to the books and is very stable with many Enhancing gameplay faetures to warband aswell adding many things like Diplomacy, commander, etc..and actually managing a kingdom wich is very stable thought it falls flat in some areas but due to Warband`s engine i beive this is understandable cause i wished to actually create a new kingdom in the Westeros world from units to kingdom but unlike the people from 16th century no one else has tried this wich was already very unstable back in 16th century wih is why i mention the engine theres no visible bugs apart from a couple of visual glicthes that go awqay pretty easily and i hevnt crashed once only on fault of my computer. And speaking of battles they are very good for the most part especially the costum scenes for many castles like the eryrie and kings landing aswell as many more featuring places from both the show and books

Now in my personal opinion i wouldve liked to see more origianl armors like they show in the Tv series i really think this wouldve set this apart a bit more there still there many factions have it but most of the units just have regular medieval armor it dosent hurt the game in any way i just woudlve liked to see things alot more diffrent from just the reguar 11th century armor and weapons alot more


Call of the Kings

Mod review

1860s Old America

Mod review

Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition

Mod review

Minor Factions Revenge

Mod review

WTF Where did this come from? Mod actually is an Awesome one.Everything is just finished and just plain awesome it feels like an expansion pack and thats a good thing it looks extremely professional 10/10 no denying it.


Mount and Blade: Imperialism

Mod review

I say the mod isnt perfect but its a good c+ with a bit more care, attention and polish it can be awesome.And it has huge potential.I say give it a chance.


DarthMod Empire

Mod review

Just plain awesome i recommend it even thought i found it overwhelming at times and a bit vanilla still a great mod units, factions, music, textures, etc. all improved from the original game.It`s all here if you want a better empire experience darthmod is for you.