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How Do You Design Your Levels? (Forums : Level Design : How Do You Design Your Levels?) Locked
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IceWarrior98 Mapper In Training
Jul 26 2008 Anchor

I'm looking for a good reliable way to design a map I want to actually make and release, but I'm not sure how to design it exactly. So I was wondering how do you design a map before getting into the real deal? I map for Source based games (using Hammer of course) but this can be for any game as they all use level design.

This could be useful for anyone else looking for help on level design as well.

Edited by: IceWarrior98

BrokenTripod Mapping now =O
Jul 26 2008 Anchor

I personally just map as I go, or build around the models that are included in whatever I'm mapping for.

It's very, very poor practice, and I'm curious as to what other people do. Someone on Interlopers, Generalvivi, was making layouts using Google Sketchup, and they look really great!

Here's a link for an example

Drnco A cool guy
Jul 26 2008 Anchor

I always start with pencil and think of a good layout to play with, and draw em up...then i think of the area/environment
and point where people can remember EX: the water tower point help people rmember the map

Neurological Musician/Composer
Jul 26 2008 Anchor

I usually draw a basic layout of the map with a pencil. Then I subdivide the map in sections writing a description of what is needed to do for each section, such textures set and room type.

After this I'll redraw each section separatly writing a detailed description on what is needed to do for scripted events, doors, fornitures etc...
When all is setted up I'll start to build the map on the editor and replay it few times for see if need more details or structure changes.

I'll left the illumination at the end, for texting I just put lights randomly for see the structure result.

Well I map for FPS game, so if you are going to map for an RTS game the process is different but the concept is the same.


Neurological - Music Entertainment

PlayerCharacter Protagonist
Jul 26 2008 Anchor

BrokenTripod wrote: Someone on Interlopers, Generalvivi, was making layouts using Google Sketchup, and they look really great!

Here's a link for an example

That's excellent, and he seems like a bloody good level designer too from what he writes.

ben72227 CryModder
Jul 26 2008 Anchor

Generally I'll build an environment in the editor, take an overhead screenshot (so I can get that map layout view) and then plan the gameplay around the environment using the overhead screenshot.

myles Woah.
Jul 27 2008 Anchor

Normally I just start by blocking out the basics, then just fix up problems as I go along, although ive heard that some people even use lego to get the idea out of their head.



Error: The operation completed successfully.

projektariel Playing Shakespeare
Jul 27 2008 Anchor

I scribble some notes and drawings of what I would like to see in the map, but most of the time rely on the effects emerging from toying around with the possibilities and more often the limits of the used editor... ;)

William Shakespeare meets Far Cry: SturmMOD


Mod DB - Game Modder --> Far Cry meets Shakespeare`s "The Tempest": SturmMOD
Mod DB - Game Writer --> INQUISITOR (revision), WINTERFEST (dialogues), A NEW BEGINNING (dialogues for one chapter), ROMEO&JULIET (co-writer cutscenes)

Jul 28 2008 Anchor

not well.

I tend to ver think, and fizlle out on the layout.

Arkanj3l Somewhat Anarchic and Demented
Aug 3 2008 Anchor

I usually take a sheet of paper, create a layout with arrows pointing everywhere to what which is. Usually there are some sketches of some architectural details I want to make on the side, to give the map a defining theme.

Then it goes to sweet fuck all and I hardly follow the layout at all, and it evolves into something different.

The best way to make a map is to probably do the layout in simple blocks using dev textures, then add details later. It becomes very tempting to add details as you go along, but try your absolute best not to do this. It is a hard habit to snap out from, and it slows down your workflow considerably (it's what I do). If one has trouble visualising a map as one goes alont, what one could do is create a "theme room" of sorts; a room that contains all the visual elements you want to have in your map. Valve did this in Episode One with the Car Parks.

In the end do what's best for you, but I'd have to say the most effiecient way of doing things to create a very very basic layout first, then textures, then lighting tweaks, then prop details, then decals. (My order is layout AND textures AND lighting tweaks AND decals AND props :p)


Cover Problem
Aug 3 2008 Anchor

I've started to utilize Google SketchUp to plan out my layouts. Pretty damn intuitive program. Free. And it helps me plan better because I have an issue with layout design in UT3.

Arxae Resident Stepmania Freak :D
Aug 3 2008 Anchor

err i just like...improvise :p
but im not that good of a mapper anyway XD



ambershee Nimbusfish Rawks
Aug 5 2008 Anchor

I improvise a layout using BSP or floor meshes when working with UT3; once I have a decent floor plan, I can start to add walls, and fill in details room by room.

PlayerCharacter Protagonist
Aug 10 2008 Anchor

Peccavi wrote: I've started to utilize Google SketchUp to plan out my layouts. Pretty damn intuitive program. Free. And it helps me plan better because I have an issue with layout design in UT3.

I've started using Google Sketchup too and I agree it's a pretty decent program for quickly planning out maps. You can pretty much go into as much or as little detail as you want. I've started drawing up map sketches on paper, then planning them out on grid paper with proper dimensions, and then using those dimensions to create the environments in Sketchup to see how well-proportioned they are and how well they'd fit into Unreal. Since I mostly make real-world settings (urban environments, buildings etc.) it really comes in handy.

Plus Sketchup is sooooo easy to pick up. By the end of my first day with it I had created a nifty little restaurant just by simply messing around. There's no real need to watch the video tutorials or anything. I'd highly recommend it.

nerby Guitarist, mapper, and fairly laid dude
Aug 19 2008 Anchor

usaully im just watching tv or somthing , then suddenly im all like omg omg i have to make a map, so i mess around with different ideas in my mind for a few days/weeks , then ill eventually draw a pencil design , spend hours perfecting the design so theres nothing overused or anything, then ill get valve hammer and draw it according to the pencil design. It usaully turns out 90% similar as i run into problems or things i hadnt expected, somtimes improvise it.


92% of the teenage population has moved on to RAP. If YOU are part of the 8% that still headbang and love rock then put this on ur sig/page

Did you hear about the guitarist that broke a G string while fingering A minor?

Aug 19 2008 Anchor

nerby wrote: usaully im just watching tv or somthing , then suddenly im all like omg omg i have to make a map, so i mess around with different ideas in my mind for a few days/weeks , then ill eventually draw a pencil design.

I used to be like that. Before I lost my mind at my current job.

nerby Guitarist, mapper, and fairly laid dude
Aug 19 2008 Anchor

ahh lol


92% of the teenage population has moved on to RAP. If YOU are part of the 8% that still headbang and love rock then put this on ur sig/page

Did you hear about the guitarist that broke a G string while fingering A minor?

Grobi Game designs lumpy interior.
Aug 31 2008 Anchor

Here is a nice little design structure you could use;

I basically use this method when designing while optimizing, researching and adapting throughout.

Sep 1 2008 Anchor

I scribble a basic layout with a pen and paper then realize it with basic blocks in hammer. This basic layout is roughly the right size. The blocks representing buildings are as high as they should be and the distances fit aswell. After that i will take one block at a time and create a building with static props and stuff. After all buildings are complete i will finish the ground between them. Once thats been finished i will take care of the natural borders and backgrounds. And thats about it.
Sometimes i scetch a building layout for some of the blocks but most of the time i think up a theme for the building setup and spontanously create buildings of for that theme.

AlexCrafter Mapper
Sep 26 2008 Anchor

I start with the spawn area then map from there. At times I'll make a simple version of the layout and later go back and add detail but usually I take it one room at a time.

Sep 27 2008 Anchor

Firstly I examine the storyline to find out what the map needs to be to fit into the story.

Then I look for concepts and references to build up a ideas cache inside my brain

Then it's onward using the dev textures to build an "orange map"

I'll add some basic NPC's and triggers, to check the flow of the map

If it's not fun, i'll redo the layout completely.

I would probably have to repeat this a couple of times before I get it correct.

Then of course, it's detail, custom content ect

But that's with single player of course.

burninwater Full time slacker
Sep 28 2008 Anchor

i tend to create as i go along, this sometimes ends up in me scratching a whole part of a level due to uhmm unforseen problems, but they tend to come out just fine, as for detailing i tend to go by with concept art and give it my own little spin so it fits into the level

another, slightly more effective way is to do it like this:
- Draw the entire level up
- Block it out
- Texture it
- Add architecture
- second texture pass
- add lighting
- second architecture pass
- third texture pass
- a final lighting and detailing pass

Edited by: burninwater

Sep 28 2008 Anchor

And the level has no enemies then? :P

burninwater Full time slacker
Sep 28 2008 Anchor

i am solely focussed on the online part :P, if ya would go for singleplayer i would suppose it would go between block it out and add architecture and another round between the lighting and second architecture pass

Sep 29 2008 Anchor

Well, i just start a map when an idea comes to my mind, then i go building around the idea giving a sense to the level, sometimes the beggining idea gets ocluded by better ones. That makes the things hard sometimes because i have to deal with gameplay compatibility with those maybe not suitable ideas, but i make levels just because i love it, not because im trying to impress somebody.

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