Post news RSS Game News! - Roadmap and new maps!

We remain dedicated to the game and today we are officially releasing our roadmap for 2022/23.

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Hello everyone! It has been quite a while since our last update. As always, we remain dedicated to improving the game, adding new content, and fixing bugs. So without further ado, here is our updated Roadmap for 2022/23.

Battle Cry of Freedom is now on Sale!

Battle Cry of Freedom is currently on sale! For a limited time, you can pick up Battle Cry of Freedom with a MASSIVE discount of 45% on Steam.

Battle Cry of Freedom

New Maps!

Regardless of whether you are new a player or have played the game before, now is the time to check out the game! We have just added 12 new maps to the official Servers, bringing up the total number of maps to well over 50.

Here are previews of some of the cool new maps:

Weekly Saturday Community Campaign Event

Every Saturday at 8pm EST the community is hosting a large scale campaign event. Anyone is welcome to attend. The Event will be open to the public.

Be a part of the epic battle between the Army of Northern Virginia against the Army of the James across the fields of Virginia.

Information for the Campaign can be found here!

To get notified when the event is starting, click here!

Weekly Official North American Monday Event

Every Monday at 8pm EST we will be hosting a weekly Official Event. The Event will rotate between different game-modes and maps every week. Anyone is welcome to attend. The Event will be open to the public.

Rules can be read here: Link

Signups will be done on our Discord Server. in #event-signups 20 minutes prior to the event. All Regiment Leaders or Reps. must be present at minimum 15 minutes prior, so that we can figure out team balance in a timely manner and can start the event on time. Specialist roles such as Sharpshooters or Artillery will also be assigned then.

To get notified when the event is starting, click here!

Are you interested in attending huge organized Linebattles with hundreds of players? Then join our Discord and enlist with one of the Regiments (Clans) hosting organized events!


Thank you! Stay tuned!
/Flying Squirrel Entertainment

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