Experience Aliens: Colonial Marines how it should have been when it first released. This mod includes fixes to AI, Weapons, Graphics, balancing and more for the Main Campaign, Statis Interrupted and Bug Hunt in SP and COOP.


Version 5 is finally here, adding new graphical overhauls to all levels plus reworks and fixes to a number of other features.

TemplarGFX's ACM Overhaul V5 - Game Over Man!
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 209)
TheVidmaster - - 626 comments

"Slight Improvement to Human combat AI"... there was something to salvage?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+19 votes
jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

a glimpse of a shadow of a respectable AI perhaps

Reply Good karma+23 votes
SemVision - - 508 comments

If it is consistent and functional, I'll take it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
WackyModder[84] - - 406 comments

> Human AI

Does this count the Wayland PMCs as well? Or just your Squad Members?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

PMCs and Squad Members. Mainly tweaking their vision, engagement distances and how they choose targets.

The PMC's are specifically setup in my Mod to act as a sort of comic relief (with the exception of the smart gun heavies) and only take a bullet or two in the right spot to kill. Where you notice it most is PMC vs Xeno situations as they fight the xenos (mostly) near them instead of you at distance. The Xenos go for them too (or your buddies) alot more

Reply Good karma+8 votes
WackyModder[84] - - 406 comments

Okay, so I found a bug with the AI.

It seems that Auto Turrets do not target your Team Members, but only attack YOU. I think that needs to be fixed.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

Gotta love those scripted targets. With the exception of your placeable turret, the other 'turrets' you see in the game are actually just animated props that do scripted damage. They don't have any AI

Reply Good karma+5 votes
WackyModder[84] - - 406 comments

Can it still be fixed????

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
m0thbanquet - - 56 comments

"...as they fight the xenos (mostly)"

I read that in Newt's voice. Mostly.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Beaver-Titan - - 118 comments

Nice. Finally ACM is worth another play through.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
ZZ_Manu_ZZ - - 453 comments

Purge them in the name of the Emperor!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Nicopathe - - 129 comments

A mighty hail for your amazing work !

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Argoon - - 1,085 comments

Thanks for your work, is so sad that we have to wait for a fan to solve some of the problems the original developers should have solved themselves.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
WackyModder[84] - - 406 comments

May I remind you that Randy Pitchford sincerely believes that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG with Aliens: Colonial Marines AT ALL, to this day? XD
It's not that they CAN'T fix the game, it's that they just think there's legitimately nothing wrong with it; like the retards they are.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+15 votes
downlode - - 214 comments

Very nice work, suitably impressed. Between you and the good people doing mods for the Stalker and Doom series, I may never buy a new game again!
Nicely surprised it didn't even require a new game.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
JustBarney - - 244 comments

A shame, I already got rid of A:CM because I didn't think this was coming out at all

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
yoshjoz - - 153 comments

Crashes instantly at launch panel :/

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

Can you take a look at the installer log and see if anything had a * next to it?

Reply Good karma+3 votes
yoshjoz - - 153 comments

There weren't any of these.
Mastereffect seems to initialise, the log says:

29/10/2017 09:20:28:855 [01760] | INFO | Initializing Crosire's ReShade version '' built on '2015-08-10 01:52:59' loaded from "H:\Games\Aliens Colonial Marines\Binaries\Win32\d3d9.dll" to "H:\Games\Aliens Colonial Marines\Binaries\Win32\ACM.exe" ...
29/10/2017 09:20:28:870 [01760] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d8.dll" ...
29/10/2017 09:20:28:870 [01760] | INFO | > Delayed.
29/10/2017 09:20:28:870 [01760] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
29/10/2017 09:20:28:870 [01760] | INFO | > Delayed.
29/10/2017 09:20:28:870 [01760] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10.dll" ...
29/10/2017 09:20:28:875 [01760] | INFO | > Delayed.
29/10/2017 09:20:28:875 [01760] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ...
29/10/2017 09:20:28:875 [01760] | INFO | > Delayed.
29/10/2017 09:20:28:875 [01760] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d11.dll" ...
29/10/2017 09:20:28:875 [01760] | INFO | > Delayed.
29/10/2017 09:20:28:875 [01760] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
29/10/2017 09:20:28:875 [01760] | INFO | > Delayed.
29/10/2017 09:20:28:875 [01760] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\opengl32.dll" ...
29/10/2017 09:20:28:875 [01760] | INFO | > Delayed.
29/10/2017 09:20:28:875 [01760] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\user32.dll" ...
29/10/2017 09:20:28:875 [01760] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
29/10/2017 09:20:28:890 [01760] | INFO | > Found 5 match(es). Installing ...
29/10/2017 09:20:28:910 [01760] | INFO | > Installed 5 hook(s).
29/10/2017 09:20:28:910 [01760] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\ws2_32.dll" ...
29/10/2017 09:20:28:910 [01760] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
29/10/2017 09:20:28:910 [01760] | INFO | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
29/10/2017 09:20:28:945 [01760] | INFO | > Installed 8 hook(s).
29/10/2017 09:20:28:945 [01760] | INFO | Initialized.
29/10/2017 09:20:30:240 [03060] | INFO | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
29/10/2017 09:20:30:240 [03060] | INFO | > Found 9 match(es). Installing ...
29/10/2017 09:20:30:240 [03060] | INFO | > Installed 9 hook(s).
29/10/2017 09:20:30:301 [01760] | INFO | Redirecting 'Direct3DCreate9(32)' ...
29/10/2017 09:20:30:669 [01760] | INFO | Redirecting 'Direct3DCreate9(32)' ...
29/10/2017 09:20:31:099 [01760] | INFO | Redirecting 'RegisterClassExW(0300FB08)' ...
29/10/2017 09:20:31:140 [02332] | INFO | Redirecting 'RegisterClassW(0B7AFB70)' ...
29/10/2017 09:20:31:141 [02332] | INFO | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to 'SplashScreenClass'.
29/10/2017 09:20:35:649 [01760] | INFO | Exiting ...
29/10/2017 09:20:35:650 [01760] | INFO | Uninstalling 28 hook(s) ...
29/10/2017 09:20:35:774 [01760] | INFO | Exited.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

I do not know what is wrong sorry. Perhaps try if all else fails installing V4 and getting that to work, then install V5 over the top

Reply Good karma+1 vote
ApornasPlanet - - 4,132 comments

Thank you!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
UterusMaximus - - 14 comments

Do the ingame setting affect anything from the mod?

When i installed the mod it put the ingame video settings to default and it had a lower framerate, after i put the ingame video settings to hight it worked better.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

The ingame settings are pushed beyond the limits the UI is able to display, and for some reason this makes them look like they are set to less than max.

They are actually well above max settings. The INI file is set as read-only so that these settings are reverted when you quit. You can disable this if you wish to use the ingame sliders to set standard graphics values

Reply Good karma+1 vote
UterusMaximus - - 14 comments

Ah, ok i understand.
Thanks for the reply and thanks for the good work dude!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
WackyModder[84] - - 406 comments

Another bug:

Why is it that I have to constantly Re-Configure my Graphics Settings every single time I start the game up? Is there a way to fix that?

Also, is DirectX 11 enabled in your mod for this game???

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

The engine.ini file is read only so that you can't edit its settings. The settings inside that file are far beyond what you can get with the sliders in the game. You are actually making it look worse by adjusting them. You can remove the read-only attribute from the engine.ini if you want to use vanilla settings.

You cannot enable DX10/11 for ACM. Ignore what you read online those people dont know what they are talking about. The game is compiled for D3D9, it does not have the required includes for DXGI

Reply Good karma+1 vote
WackyModder[84] - - 406 comments

Is there a way to set ONLY VSYNC, Field of View, and Full Windowed Mode manually in the INI without messing with the rest of the settings????

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

Edit it with notepad, but remove the read-only attribute first. Then once you've changed those settings put read-only back.

The game doesn't have a borderless window mode that I know of.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
WackyModder[84] - - 406 comments

Borderless Fullscreen is called "Full Window" in the options menu. But what's weird is that even though in the PecanEngine.ini, it says the FoV is set to 90, it definitely doesn't appear to be that way in-game. And whenever I set it to 90 ingame, THEN it actually becomes 90 FoV.

Is there a specific line of code that I'm missing???

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

The option in the game changes the FOVOffset value in the ini file. the actual FOV value is overwritten by ingame mechanics

Reply Good karma+1 vote
TheUnbeholden - - 3,620 comments

The only thing really left to make ACM perfect would be a story overhaul. Aside from that, you've made the game worth playing. Many times now actually. You deserve some kind of medal for fixing this!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Andri1984 - - 30 comments

For some reason game crashes during level 2, right when main characters and his companions are engaged in combat with Weyland Mercs, (not in the begining, right after your leave areas with eggs and find woman soldier marine). Does anyone have any problems with level 2?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

Are you still having this issue? some section are crash prone unfortunately. I loading your save, then hitting reload checkpoint usually fixes it

Reply Good karma+1 vote
GrimSheeper - - 670 comments

Same issue here. Second Mission, just cut through the welded door into the engineering section. You see the Saphora being fired upon, the Weyland Mercs attack you. First time playing the mission I can shoot a few, then I get a crash when anything damages the mercenaries. I'll try different graphic settings below Ultra Quality, maybe that'll help.
EDIT: And now I just got through that section without issues
This game, man.

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Guest - - 699,981 comments

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WackyModder[84] - - 406 comments

Okay, so I just found a HUGE gamebreaking bug in the sewer level that was present in the original game, and apparently still isn't fixed.

It's an AI Bug, concerning the Blind Boiler Xenomorphs. You can literally cheese that entire level by just crouchwalking, and they will NEVER EVER attack you. I've even gone as far as to try jumping up and down nearby them, and they STILL didn't attack me. I even started having a conversation with O'Niel, and they STILL didn't attack me. I tried cutting open a door with 2 of them right near me, and they STILL didn't attack me either. Their AI is definitely broken, and needs to be fixed immediately to pickup sound from Crouchwalking AND being Physically Touched, as well as sounds from Jumping, Talking, and Cutting Doors Open.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-4 votes
jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

You need to work on tone. This sounds very entitled.

Its not fixed because that is not possible to fix

Reply Good karma+6 votes
WackyModder[84] - - 406 comments

Wait, seriously????
Their AI is beyond repair???

Reply Good karma Bad karma-4 votes
pehi - - 23 comments

Was the pulse rifle from the poll supposed to be included in this release or the near future?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
WackyModder[84] - - 406 comments

Oh and also, I found another bug for you, Templar! =)

The camera on the Powerloader.

When you get into that fistfight with the Giant Xenomorph, every time you hit it with the Powerloader, your camera always shakes to the side; forcing you to re-orientate it every single time. The weird thing is that it DOESN'T do this whenever you're just swatting at the air with it, and not actually hitting any Xenomorphs with it. It only bugs out whenever you punch something with it. This causes fighting in the Powerloaded to be VERY Nauseating and Disorienting.

Is it possible to fix that problem by any chance?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
General_Bradly - - 848 comments

Yes V5 is here finally! Been looking forward to this for a long time. Thank you Templar!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
gogolino - - 244 comments

Thanks for your great work!!!
Now, here is my problem: i made fresh game installation, applied mod V5, started playing. Game was running perfectly until i reached point where i meet Bella and have to abanddon ship. And here game crashes, no matter what i do. I even started chapter again but it still happens. I never experienced it before. Any solution?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

Is this the section where you are fighting WY Mercs while heading down a large corridor with windows on the left and the exploding Sephora outside?

You've tried the basics, so try this : Load up your checkpoint, go into the game options and lower the graphics quality sliders to their lowest and play the section to see if this gets you past it.

Let me know how you go

Reply Good karma+3 votes
gogolino - - 244 comments

It works! Much obliged, man!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 699,981 comments

Im having difficulty unpacking the Rar file, any tips? Thanks!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 699,981 comments

Out of curiosity, what would be the minimum system requirements for this mod and the game to run smoothly? I have 6 GB of system RAM and an onboard video card with 256 MB of dedicated video RAM. I recently bought a new graphics card with at least 2 GB of dedicated video RAM online, but it hasn't shipped yet.

Should I wait for the new graphics card to arrive and install it before installing ACM and this mod, or will ACM (after being patched with official updates) and this mod run okay with what I already have?

If anyone has an answer, please let me know.

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

You could probably run it now without the Master Effect graphical enhancement, but I am unsure how well it will run with 256mb of vid ram.

You will have a much better experience if you wait it out

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 699,981 comments

Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Thanks for the info!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 699,981 comments

Can the mod be installed with the game in its basic vanilla retail edition, or should the update patches be installed prior to installing the mod? Does the mod work better if the patches are installed first, or do the patches not make any difference with the mod?

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jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

If you don't have the game patched I can't even guarantee that the mod will work at all. There is stuff in the files for the mod that was added when they did the patches, so I would not recommend you try this mod without patching your game first.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 699,981 comments

Okay. Looking at all of the videos on this mod and articles, I just could never find anyone saying whether or not the patches had to be installed first for it to work. Thanks for clearing that up!

Although, do the patches have to be installed in a specific order, or do I simply have to install the latest patch and not worry about the earlier ones?

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jamesdickinson963 Author
jamesdickinson963 - - 399 comments

Id say you would need that 4gb patch they released. it fixed alot of stuff and so I am sure alot of code was added in this patch which will be inside my mod file.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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