The Special Ops mod aims to open up Blacklist to the player, giving you many new options for tactics and customization, while removing many of the handicaps that made the game easier and less rewarding. You'll find it's much harder for the player to control the battlefield and track enemies. A fully stealthy approach is even more difficult than before, and getting spotted can give you a quick end if you're unprepared. You'll have to use a much wider range of tactics to evade and eliminate hostiles rather than striking from the shadows over and over - preparation is key. Hostile guards are sharp and deadly, and enemy commandos are a force to be reckoned with.

There are more options available now than the original game ever offered - I've done my best to expand customization, balance weapons and gadgets to make everything useful. Many ops suits have been modified, optics have been modified, additional playable characters and suits are available and gameplay has been tuned and tweaked in countless areas.

This mod is intended to be played on the 'Realistic' difficulty level. Each difficulty level must be individually modified in the game files, and the only difficulty I modified was Realistic. The reason I did this was because when I started making the mod just for myself I used realistic, and it would be far too time consuming to go back and replicate the changes to the other difficulty levels.

In creating this mod I tried to honor the original Splinter Cell games (from Chaos Theory and before) the best I could. If you equip a fully stealth suit and try to "ghost" an entire mission, you'll have to use a lot of gadgets (such as the drone for surveillance and sticky cams) and have a lot of patience. However on the flip side, I also cater to the Rainbow Six types, because the game allows me to. As much as I love the original Splinter Cells, I also like to shoot terrorists, and shooting the place lone wolf style up is a very viable albeit equally difficult way to achieve victory.

There are hundreds of changes, but here's an overview:

Most weapons and gadgets are now viable. There is no clear "best" - everything has strengths and weaknesses. Assault Rifles, Shotguns and SMG's all have a different feel. Weapon attachments have more distinct and noticeable effects. The tazer and both crossbows are all unique from one another. Most gadgets have been modified in one way or another.

Difficulty: Enemies are tougher and more aware. They will spot you more quickly and are far more deadly than before. If you're face to face with an opponent, whoever shoots first may very well win. Crouching is also no longer a magical way of muting your footsteps - if you're creeping up behind someone, they may hear you. You better be on your toes ready to pounce (or have a gun pointed at their head) if they decide they heard something behind them.

Expanded customization: Choose from several different characters and additional ops suits. Merc suits, a spy suit, Briggs, Kestrel, Paladin Sam and the balaclava from Site F are all playable in the 4E missions. Make sure you check the included text files before trying to equip merc or spy suits in single player.

Much more, including modified camera angles, optics, and countless minor gameplay tweaks. The included changelog is more specific.

Be sure to look over the included text files; they are 'somewhat' important.

Although I'd like to be able to take requests and I've been able to fulfill many of them in the past, life has become extremely busy - much more so than when I first created the mod - and I won't be able to honor them. I hope you understand.

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These are the complete stats for all the weapons, attachments and ops suits in the mod. As I've mentioned before, I can't change anything in the in game menus, including the weapon/ops suits names, and the stat display bars that accompany them. So I made this so you actually know what's going on with your gear, because the original stats weren't even that accurate to begin with. Now you know exactly what you're working with.

I've cataloged each and every weapon and armor stat in the game so you can configure your gear the way you want. Most of the numbers I've used come directly from the game files.

Does not apply

The stats in the armory screen no longer apply; I cannot change them, for accurate stats use the info on this page!



A couple keywords for attachments:

Precision Range = Range at which the crosshair turns red. When the crosshair is red, a precise hit is almost assured.

Dispersion per shot: After every shot the weapon loses a bit of accuracy for a second. This is what causes the crosshair to get larger if you fire multiple shots consecutively. This is called dispersion per shot in the game files.

Dispersion recovery: How fast the crosshair returns to normal size.


Greatly increases accuracy while moving.

[Red Dot]
Decreases maximum dispersion at the cost of precision accuracy. Great for CQC where rapid body shots are more effective than a precise head shot. Also increases accuracy while turning.

[ACOG Sight]
Weapon accuracy improved by 60%, precision range (range at which crosshair turns red) increased by 20% (change to 50% in new version). Takes longer to recover after shooting.



[Laser Sight (SMG, Rifle)]
Improves weapon recovery speed after each shot.
Note that the pistol laser no longer gives any bonus; it's there for aesthetics only.

[Angled Foregrip]
Reduces upwards recoil by 40%.



[Pistol Silencer]
Reduces pistol damage by 30%.

[SMG/Rifle Silencer]
Reduces damage by 20%.

[Rifle MuzzleBrake]
Lowers dispersion per shot(crosshair gets larger more slowly during full auto firing)

[SMG MuzzleBrake]
Increases accuracy while moving, improves automatic fire accuracy.



[Match Grade Ammo(Pistol, SMG)]
Improves weapon accuracy by 10%, and the weapon has a 30% longer precision range (range at which the crosshair turns red)
{Designed for stealth missions where you need to land a headshot from a bit further away}

[Match Grade Ammo (Rifle)]
Precision range doubled
{Helps you land precision shots at range, but won't help you in close quarters.}

[HollowPoint Pistol Ammo]
Increases weapon damage by 30%, reduces precision range by 60%.
{Great for close quarters when precision shots aren't viable.}

[HollowPoint SMG Ammo]
Increases weapon damage by 20%, reduces precision range by 40%.
{Same as pistol hollowpoint, good for close quarters when you don't have time to line up a headshot.}

[AP Ammo (Pistol, SMG]
Increases weapon damage by 10%.

[AP Ammo (Rifle)]
Increases weapon damage by 15%.


[Bolt Blueprinting]
Reduces dispersion per shot by 10% (crosshair doesn't get as large after each shot)

[Weight Balance]
Weapon is more accurate while turning.

[Match Grade Trigger]
Dispersion recovery reduced by 15%.

[Tuned Recoil Buffer]
Reduces upwards recoil by 10% and horizontal recoil by 25%

[Accurized Barrel]
Increases accuracy by 10%.



These values are taken directly from the game files. I know these numbers are confusing, but I wanted to take the numbers directly from the game files so you know what you're dealing with. As far as accuracy is concerned, lower means more accurate. Moving and automatic accuracy are just modifiers of the stationary accuracy.

Damage: Simple, how much damage the weapon does
Rate of Fire: How fast the weapon shoots. This is not an actual number related to RPM - it's just the number the game uses to determine how fast the gun shoots. Lower means faster.
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: This is how accurate the weapon is when standing still. Again, the number doesn't have an actual meaning, it's just what the game uses to determine how precise the weapon is. A lower number means more accurate
-Moving: Add this number to the stationary accuracy to determine how accurate the weapon is while moving. Example: A weapon has 1.0 stationary accuracy and 1.5 moving accuracy. 1.0 + 1.5 = 2.5 accuracy while moving. Again, lower is better.
-Automatic (per shot): This is how accurate the weapon is using full auto. The weapon loses this much accuracy after each shot. You can see the crosshair get larger when you hold down the trigger. Lower is still better.

Damage values with (suppressed) next to them means the weapon is suppressed by default, and therefore has lower damage. To find the suppressed damage of regular weapons, take the damage and multiply it by .7 (for pistols) or .8 (for all weapons besides pistols).

----------------- [PISTOLS]-----------------

Damage: 210 (suppressed)
Accuracy Rating (lower number is better)
-Stationary: 1.05
-Moving: .43
Recoil: Low
Range: Short/Medium

Damage: 350
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 1.18
-Moving: .42
Recoil: Medium
Range: Short

[P4X Storm]
Damage: 345
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 1.21
-Moving: .40
Recoil: Medium/Low
Range: Short

Damage: 265
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 1.20
-Moving: .45
Recoil: Low
Range: Short

[Mac11] (Formerly prototype pistol)
Damage: 220
Rate of Fire: .50
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 1.1
-Moving: 0.6
-Automatic: .60
Recoil: Low/Average
Range: Short

[Desert Eagle]
Damage: 550
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 0.91
-Moving: 0.5
Recoil: Medium
Range: Medium

Damage: 245
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 1.32
-Moving: 0.38
Recoil: Very low
Range: Short

----------------- [SMG]-----------------

Damage: 220
Rate of Fire: 0.65
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .91
-Moving: 0.7
-Automatic (per shot): .55
Recoil: Low
Range: Short/Medium

Damage: 250
Rate of Fire: 0.70
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .87
-Moving: 0.6
-Automatic: .60
Range: Medium

Damage: 250
Rate of Fire: 0.60
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .97
-Moving: 1.0
-Automatic: .70
Recoil: Low
Range: Short

Damage: 280
Rate of Fire: 1.0
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .85
-Moving: 0.8
-Automatic: .80
Recoil: Low
Range: Medium

[M4 SOPMOD] (Previously Prototype SMG)
Damage: 280 (suppressed)
Rate of Fire: .65
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .8
-Moving: 2.0
-Automatic: 0.82
Recoil: Low/Medium
Range: Short/Medium

Damage: 200
Rate of Fire: .50
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 1.0
-Moving: 0.7
-Automatic: .60
Recoil: Low/Average
Range: Short

Damage: 220
Rate of Fire: 0.75
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .89
-Moving: 1.3
-Automatic: .65
Recoil: Low
Range: Short/Medium

Damage: 245
Rate of Fire: 0.75
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 0.92
-Moving: 0.70
-Automatic: .85
Recoil: Low/Average
Range: Short

Damage: 255
Rate of Fire: 0.55
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .93
-Moving: 0.8
-Automatic: .70
Recoil: Low
Range: Medium

----------------- [ASSAULT RIFLES]-----------------

Assault rifles are different than any other weapon group because they actually do MORE damage the farther you are from the target. I did this to further differentiate them from SMGs, and give the player more of a reason to select a SMG over an AR for close quarters.

Damage @ 20m: 570
Rate of Fire: .65
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .62
-Moving: 5.0
-Automatic: 1.3
Recoil: Low
Range: Long

Damage @ 20m: 590
Rate of Fire: .80
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .74
-Moving: 4.9
-Automatic: 1.3
Recoil: Low
Range: Long

Damage @ 20m: 600
Rate of Fire: .85
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .74
-Moving: 5.5
-Automatic: 2.25
Recoil: Medium
Range: Long

[M16A4] (Previously Prototype Rifle)
Damage @ 20m: 460 (suppressed)
Rate of Fire: .55 (burst)
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .58
-Moving: 6.2
-Burst: 1.1
Recoil: Low
Range: Long

Damage @ 20m: 690
Rate of Fire: 1.0
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .75
-Moving: 5.3
-Automatic: 1.1
Recoil: High
Range: Long

Damage @ 20m: 610
Rate of Fire: .80
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .88
-Moving: 3.8
-Automatic: 1.7
Recoil: Medium
Range: Medium

Damage @ 20m: 720
Rate of Fire: 1.0
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .65
-Moving: 5.2
-Automatic: 1.64
Recoil: High
Range: Long

Damage @ 20m: 560
Rate of Fire: .65
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .85
-Moving: 3.2
-Automatic: 1.4
Recoil: Low
Range: Medium

[Honey Badger]
Damage @ 20m: 500
Rate of Fire: .80
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: .77
-Moving: 3.7
-Automatic: 1.7
Recoil: Medium
Range: Medium

Damage @ 20m: 540
Rate of Fire: .50
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 0.8
-Moving: 4.5
-Automatic: 1.15
Recoil: Medium
Range: Long


----------------- [SHOTGUNS]-----------------

For shotgun damage, see ammo types below

Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 2.9
-Moving: 1.2
Recoil: Medium
Range: Short

Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 3.0
-Moving: 2.0
-Automatic: 3.0
Recoil: Medium/High
Range: Short

Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 3.3
-Moving: 1.2
Recoil: Medium
Range: Short

[Prototype Shotgun]
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 3.8
-Moving: 1.4
Recoil: Low
Range: Short

Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 3.4
-Moving: 2
Recoil: Medium/High
Range: Short

----------------- [SHOTGUN AMMO]-----------------

Damage: 800
Very accurate at close range, but takes more time to recover after shooting. Will not reliably hit the target beyond 20m.

Damage: 250 x 6 pellets
Very low spread
Increases precision range by 40%

[Buckshot] (Buckshot is the default shotgun ammo type; to use it, leave both flechette and slug unchecked. It will be loaded by default)
Damage: 400 x 6 pellets
High spread
Decreases precision range by 50%

Sniper Rifle
----------------- [SNIPER RIFLES] -----------------

Damage: 500 (suppressed)
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 0.1
Recoil: Low
Range: Very Long

[MG4 Light Machine Gun] (Formerly Prototype Sniper Rifle)
Damage @ 20m: 470
Rate of Fire: .40
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 1.0
-Moving: 7.0
-Automatic: 0.4
Recoil: Medium
Range: Long

Damage: 675
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 0.1
Recoil: High
Range: Very Long

Damage: 350 (suppressed)
Accuracy Rating
-Stationary: 0.1
Recoil: Very Low
Range: Very Long



Remember, if you are using a Merc suit, you only need the Merc torso and the Upper Echelon Suit Gloves and boots. You can wear whatever pants you want.

Also, boots and gloves all have the same exact stats, they are nothing more than cosmetic. You can pick whichever one you like.


Classic Ops Suit

Damage reduction: 3%
Noise Reduction: 3%
Detection time: 3%
Gadgets: 1
Damage reduction: 3%
Noise Reduction: 3%
Detection time (time it takes for the spotting indicator to fill up): 3%
Gadgets: 2

AB Gel

[TORSO] (Merc Suit)
Damage reduction: 35%
Noise Reduction: --
Detection time: --
Gadgets: 2
Spare Secondary mags: +1
Damage reduction: 25%
Noise Reduction: --
Detection time: --
Gadgets: 3

Kevlar Weave

[TORSO] (Merc Suit)
Damage reduction: 35%
Noise Reduction: --
Detection time: --
Gadgets: 3
Damage reduction: 25%
Noise Reduction: --
Detection time: --
Gadgets: 3

Tactical Mesh

[TORSO] (Spy Suit)
Damage reduction: --
Noise Reduction: 25%
Detection time: 15%
Gadgets: 2
Damage reduction: --
Noise Reduction: 20%
Detection time: 5%
Gadgets: 2

Ceramic Plate

[TORSO] (Merc Suit)
Damage reduction: 35%
Noise Reduction: --
Detection time: --
Gadgets: 2
Spare Secondary mags: +1
Damage reduction: 25%
Noise Reduction: --
Detection time: --
Gadgets: 2
Spare Secondary mags: +1

Nanopolymer Coating

[TORSO] (Hub Sam shirt)
Damage reduction: --
Noise Reduction: 25%
Detection time: 15%
Gadgets: 2
Damage reduction: --
Noise Reduction: 20%
Detection time: 5%
Gadgets: 2

Upper Echelon Suit

Damage reduction: --
Noise Reduction: 25%
Detection time: 15%
Gadgets: 2
Damage reduction: --
Noise Reduction: 20%
Detection time: 5%
Gadgets: 2

4E Eclipse Suit

[TORSO] (Archer)
Damage reduction: 18%
Noise Reduction: 12%
Detection time: 10%
Gadgets: 3
Damage reduction: 25%
Noise Reduction: --
Detection time: --
Gadgets: 3

Stealth Nanofiber

Damage reduction: --
Noise Reduction: 25%
Detection time: 15%
Gadgets: 2
Damage reduction: --
Noise Reduction: 20%
Detection time: 5%
Gadgets: 2

Raven Suit

[TORSO] (Merc Suit)
Damage reduction: 35%
Noise Reduction: --
Detection time: --
Gadgets: 2
Spare Secondary mags: +1
Damage reduction: 25%
Noise Reduction: --
Detection time: --
Gadgets: 3

Revenant Suit

Damage reduction: 18%
Noise Reduction: 12%
Detection time: 10%
Gadgets: 3
Damage reduction: 17%
Noise Reduction: 10%
Detection time: 5%
Gadgets: 3

Alpha Suit

[TORSO] (Kestrel)
Damage reduction: 18%
Noise Reduction: 12%
Detection time: 10 %
Gadgets: 3
Damage reduction: 17%
Noise Reduction: 10%
Detection time: 5%
Gadgets: 3

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Special Ops mod v5.5

Special Ops mod v5.5

Full Version 35 comments

SC:Blacklist is a game that was never intended to be modded. Because of this, I highly recommend taking a look at the info in the readme files before...

SweetFX Preset

SweetFX Preset

Patch 2 comments

This is the SweetFX preset I've been using; I think it makes the game look substantially better.

Special Ops mod v5.1a (Outdated)

Special Ops mod v5.1a (Outdated)

Full Version 16 comments

Because SC:Blacklist is a game that was never intended to be modded, I highly recommend taking a look at the info in the readme files before using the...

Special Ops mod v5 (Outdated)

Special Ops mod v5 (Outdated)

Full Version 2 comments

Because SC:Blacklist is a game that was never intended to be modded, I highly recommend reviewing the info in the readme before using the mod. Also, check...

Special Ops mod v4.2 (Outdated)

Special Ops mod v4.2 (Outdated)

Full Version

Because SC:Blacklist is a game that was never intended to be modded, I highly recommend checking out the information in the readme before using the mod...

Special Ops Mod v4.1 (Outdated)

Special Ops Mod v4.1 (Outdated)

Full Version 4 comments

When launching the game with the mod for the first time, the game may immediately crash. This is normal when using a new .umd file - you may have to launch...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 120)
PaladinKnight - - 217 comments

The irony of silencers and realistic difficulty, is that in normal combat situations, they increase the range and piercing capabilities of a gun, however, gunshots still remain loud, something that doesn't happens in-game, it's by no means the mods fault, I'm ranting about Ubisoft laziness.

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Guest - - 699,933 comments

Hi i wanted to ask how would i be able to just add the different aiming system to the game with nothing else

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aguythatcan - - 12 comments

Does this work with co-op if both sides have it installed?

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Service_Disconnect Creator
Service_Disconnect - - 299 comments

It should but I never got a chance to test it. So if you give it a shot let me know how it goes!

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Guest - - 699,933 comments

Well, this mod was pretty interesting, although I did run into some bugs, like how I don't see the lights of the goggles anymore, and when I use the night vision it doesn't really give me that green night vision, it just brightens the whole room with no green filter to it, other than that I would love it...If it didn't get rid of my favorite suit sets in the game such as the Chaos Theory suit, like come on why would ya want to touch that suit it's perfect! There's also the change with my favorite rifle that looks like the one from chaos theory too, very disappointed that was changed with a different gun, lol...Other than those gripes, I like it, if there is a solution to fix the bugs I mentioned that would be very appreciated.

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Guest - - 699,933 comments

How to configure UMD file?

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Service_Disconnect Creator
Service_Disconnect - - 299 comments

I used a hex editor called HxD

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Guest - - 699,933 comments

this doesn't open up options to the player, this limits them to the authors weird balance changes that essentially ruin the game's nature and makes it a simplistic shooter.

Thumbs all the way down.

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Service_Disconnect Creator
Service_Disconnect - - 299 comments

Pretty much every weapon and suit is viable and stealth is much more difficult. As I mentioned a couple times, SC Blacklist wasn't a real Splinter Cell game and this mod isn't supposed to make it one.

If you check out the description you'll see a lot of the reasoning behind the decisions I made :)

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daniel_juve - - 2 comments

Could you make a version that only changes the NVG and nothing else?

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Service_Disconnect Creator
Service_Disconnect - - 299 comments

No I don't have the tools anymore but it's pretty easy to figure out if you wanna give it a shot

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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