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The mod features (to name a few):

  • Tournament Play Enhancement mod:
    • The option to choose which weapons you use, which team you fight on, how many opponents each team has and how many teams are competing.
    • The choice of performance (point based) or elimination (native style) designed matches.
    • Tournament prizes for the winner that can be custom selected from a list.
    • A revised betting system that functions on a per round basis, instead of winning the entire tournament.
  • Companion advisory roles to help manage your kingdom.
    • Castle Steward - Allows building improvements, hosting tournaments and gives advice.
    • Captain of the Guard - Manages guard patrols, garrison recruitment & training.
  • Companion party roles to help micro-manage care of your party's needs:
    • Quartermaster - Automatically collects & sells battlefield loot.
    • Storekeeper - Automatically purchases and stores food for your party.
    • Gaoler - Automatically stores and sells prisoners and uses that companion's prisoner limit.
  • Companion conveniences:
    • Companion book reading.
    • A uniquely designed auto-loot system for equipping companions.
    • A relationship chart showing any interactions between companions in your party.
  • Special abilities:
    • Your character can choose up to six from a list of available abilities.
    • Companions each receive three abilities that are preset.
    • Unique & Affiliated troops have preset abilities to improve their usefulness.
  • City Improvements:
    • The ability to build 3 improvements at a time.
    • A large number of added improvements.
    • AI scripting to build improvements.
  • Combat Options:
    • Motomataru's Battlefield Formations mod.
    • Caba'drin's Pre-Battle Orders & Deployment mod.
    • Deployable pavises, fire arrows, crouching, volley firing and skirmishing orders.
    • Combat sprinting usable by the player and AI.
  • Kingdom Management:
    • Domestic policies that change how your entire faction behaves over an extended period.
    • Royal decree options that change how your faction behaves over a short time.
    • The option to rename locations you control.
    • Fief exchange between you and a fellow faction lord or you can negotiate an exchange between two of your vassals as a ruler.
    • Automatic & customizable garrison recruitment & training/upgrading.
    • You can assign custom vassal titles based upon land owned.
  • Quest Content:
    • Village & guildmaster quests can be chosen from a dialog list instead of randomly selected.
    • Village quests have a cooldown specific to the village they apply to so you can complete the same quests in different villages with no cooldown.
    • A new companion with an entire backstory arc of quests.
    • Fief management quests given by your Castle Steward.
  • Item Commissioning:
    • You can commission specific items with your choice of quality modifier to be crafted.
    • An artisan crafter NPC that levels up as he completes commissions and repairs items.
    • The option to repair sub-standard battlefield loot with your artisan to sell at a higher price.

Installation Instructions:

1.) Download either the basic or cinematic version of the mod for v0.23. Cinematic includes more graphic updates while the basic version keeps them lighter for older computers. Both have the same gameplay features.

2.) Extract this using something that can unpack .rar files such as a program like Winrar. This is a shareware program that can be found here: Startsdownload.com

3.) You'll now have two folders, "Silverstag" and "WSE v3.2.0". Both of these folders need to be placed within the "Modules" folder of your main warband application. The path should look something like "..\Mount&Blade; Warband\Modules\".

4.) Within the WSE v3.2.0 folder you'll find an application called "WSE Loader" and you need to start warband using that application first. By opening it, warband will automatically start up.

5.) In the little start-up window that asks which module you'd like to use you'll need to select "Floris Workshop". This was the mod's original name and hasn't been changed to maintain save games for players.

6.) Click the usual "Play Mount&Blade;" butto
n to begin and WSE should be running hidden in the background and a message like "Warband Script Enhancer v3.2.0 is running." should appear in the message log. On an initially started game you won't likely see this unless you use 'L' to view the game log as it will already be hidden from view.

Troubleshooting Issues:

1.) If you run into an issue where WSE says it cannot find mb_warband_old.exe (or mb_warband.exe or mb_warband_dedicated.exe) then copy all of the files in the WSE folder over into your main warband folder where the game's application is and that will resolve it. That issue is uncommon, but it does occur for some folks.

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Important Notes:

  • SAVE BREAK: You must start a new game with this version or it will not work properly!
  • NAME CHANGE: The mod folder is now properly named "Silverstag". You need to select that module name instead of the older Floris Workshop name.

Bug Fixes:

  • The Supply Runner talent should now properly restock your quivers in combat.
  • The character ability selection interface should now work more consistently. (Ticket #1608)
  • The artisan crafter should no longer try to repair already repaired above normal quality items...again. (Ticket #1630)
  • Using the initmidating route on a village elder to resolve the Hunt Down a Fugitive quest should no longer result in it getting stuck. (Ticket #1510)
  • Fixed an issue with tournament rounds ending prematurely. (Ticket #1677)
  • You can no longer offer the same land during a fief exchange for extra ratings. The option to offer the same land still exists, but the ratings are divided by the number of same offerings made. (Ticket #1669)
  • The Berserker ability should no longer heal a person beyond 100% post combat. (Ticket #1577)
  • Fixed a display issue with incorrectly reported riders when a mount is killed. (Ticket #1452)
  • The "Gather Companions" option at character creation will not reset whenever another option is selected from the dropdown menus. (Ticket #1653)
  • Unpledged lords should no longer incorrectly show up on the right side selector for the fief exchage interface potentionally blocking you from interacting with your actual vassals. (Ticket #1658)
  • Gaolers will no longer try to automatically put prisoner lords into city dungeons preventing you from taking them out and leaving a city. Prisoner lords now must be manually placed within or removed from a dungeon. (Ticket #1104)
  • Removed three targets in the Grunwalder castle scene that caused AI to get stuck. (Ticket #1667)
  • Fixed a dialog issue with the "Escort a Merchant Caravan" quest. (Ticket #1689)
  • Encumbrance penalties should no longer cause you to lose skill points when you reset your skills.
  • The Salt Mine trader is no longer buying back salt at a loss. (Ticket #1745)
  • Terrain should now properly alter the Hunter ability effectiveness.


  • Village raids will now redirect you to the autoloot system so that your Quartermaster & Storekeeper can pick up the raided items instead of having to do it yourself. (Ticket #1113)
  • Favorable fief exchanges between you and another lord now grant you the listed relation change as if you were forcing the exchange. (Ticket #1659)
  • Bandit troops are now available for recruitment at centers in the areas they frequent. These troops are flagged as (Dishonorable) and cannot be recruited unless you have an honor value of 0 or less.
    • Mountain bandit types can be found in the Rhodok territories.
    • Forest bandit types can be found in the Rhodok and Swadia territories.
    • Sea raider types can be found in the Nord and Vaegir territories.
    • Steppe bandit types can be found in the Khergit territories.
    • Taiga bandit types can be found in the Vaegir territories.
    • Desert bandit types can be found in the Sarranid territories.
  • Tournaments no longer award loot to second and third place. Experience and renown are still awarded.
  • Tournaments no longer award loot to companions. Their winnings are converted to experience.
  • Winning a tournament no longer provides direct cash. Instead you are now directed to a tournament reward selection panel where you may choose items with a variety of modifiers that are valued within a minimum and maximum range. This value range is set by your tournament difficulty and character level. Any one item may be chosen.
  • The AI now has a 6 second cooldown between attempts to shield bash. (Ticket #1724)
  • Player emblem options for resetting character attributes and skills have been changed: (Ticket #1744)
    • Reseting attributes now resets only strength, agility and charisma.
    • Reseting skills now resets skills and intelligence.
  • Each point of Agility past 10 improves your reloading speed for ranged weapons by 2%.
  • Having a relation of 20 or more with a village will cause them to ignore the Affiliated prerequiste.
  • Riding has had it's encumbrance penalty reduced by 50%.


  • A mod option "disable village allies" has been added to the mod options page to prevent villagers from joining you in battles were you are defending their village. (Ticket #'s 911 & 1679)
  • In the tournament history report you can now select to display all tournaments you have been a part of instead of just a single city.
  • A mod option "Days of Food Remaining" has been added to the mod options page to warn you when your Storekeeper's food stores get below the set threshold.
  • Your Quartermaster can now sell loot directly to a traveling caravan.

Sprinting Overhaul: (Ticket #1565)

  • The base speed of characters is now improved by 1% for each point of Agility above 10. Each point of agility below 10 results in a -1% penalty.
  • The formula for determining base sprinting speed has been reduced by roughly 50%.
  • A new stamina bar has been added directly beneath the player's health bar to show how much sprinting time you have remaining. This bar represents the percentage of stamina you have remaining instead of a direct value and decreases at a rate of 2 stamina per second of sprinting.
  • Sprinting now has a maximum speed of 180%.
  • There is no longer a cooldown timer between when you can start sprinting again. Your stamina will not begin to recover until you have spent a period of 8 seconds not sprinting.
  • A new mod option for setting the color of the stamina bar has been added. (Default: Muted Gold)
  • Ability Changes:
    • Boundless Endurance: Improves your maximum stamina by +20. (+10 seconds of duration)
    • Boundless Endurance: The speed bonus has been reduced from +50% to +25%.
    • Endurance: Improves your maximum stamina by +40. (+20 seconds of duration)
    • Endurance: The cooldown before stamina recovers is reduced from 8 to 5 seconds.
    • Sprinter: Now increases your rate of stamina loss by 25%. (lowers duration)
    • Sprinter: Now improves your maximum speed from 180% to 205%.
    • Haste has now been renamed Second Wind.
    • Second Wind: Improves your current stamina by +15 upon defeating an opponent.
    • Second Wind: Resets your cooldown timer for recovering stamina upon defeating an opponent.
  • Attribute Changes:
    • Strength: Improves your maximum stamina by +2 per rank. (1 second of sprinting)
    • Agility: Improves your base movement speed by 1% for each rank above 10 even when not sprinting. An agility of less than 10 causes a -1% per rank penalty.
  • Skill Changes:
    • Athletics: Improves your maximum stamina by +4 per rank. (2 seconds of sprinting)
    • Athletics: Improves your stamina recovery rate by 20% per rank.
  • Overall you should now be sprinting a little slower, but for a longer period and more often.
  • The AI use this entire system as well.

Garrison Training:

  • Redesigned from what it had to be removed in v0.15's recruitment update, the Garrison Training system is back. This allows you to spend money directly on improving the experience of your troops while garrisoned at a location.
  • The budget for training your garrison can be set from either the city finances interface or from the garrison training interface. This allocates how much money you wish to spend on training directly from your treasury (similar to how Garrison Recruitment works) so money will need to be diverted to your treasury to make it work.
  • A Captain of the Guard is required in a location for training to occur and this companion's Training skill directly impacts how efficient the money you're spending on training is.
  • Emblem Options:
    • Accelerate Training (Temporarily): The rate at which troops are upgraded at this location is improved for a period of one month for a cost of 1 emblem.
    • Accelerate Training (Permanent): The rate at which troops are upgraded at this location is improved permanently for a one time cost of 6 emblems.


  • Travelling caravan traders will now have cash to trade with as well as a greater diversity of items to trade. Each trader will have a selected specialty that they will focus on (goods, weapons, armor, books, horses and even the rare gun trader). (Ticket #1451)
    • They are also better targets of raiding now as well for all of you bandit types.
  • Added Troop Prerequisite: Liege Relation - Requires 50+ relation with the faction's leader in order to hire this type of troop.
  • The Khergit Khanate have had their troops entirely revamped:
    • Added: Khergit Slave (Tier 1) -> Khergit Clansman (Tier 4)
    • Added: Khergit Outcast (Tier 2)
    • Added: Khergit Surcin (Tier 2)
    • Added: Khergit Scout (Tier 2)
    • Added: Khergit Shaman (Tier 2 Affiliated)
    • Added: Khergit Asud (Tier 3)
    • Added: Khergit Kharvaach (Tier 3)
    • Added: Khergit Morici (Tier 3)
    • Added: Khergit Abaci (Tier 3)
    • Added: Khergit Raider (Tier 3 Affiliated)
    • Added: Khergit Skirmisher (Tier 4)
    • Added: Khergit Lancer (Tier 4)
    • Added: Khergit Clansman (Tier 4 Affiliated)
    • Added: Khergit Orlok (Tier 4 Unique)
    • Added: Khergit Narcarra (Tier 4 Unique)
    • Added: Khergit Torguu (Tier 5)
    • Added: Khergit Parthian (Tier 5)
    • Added: Khergit Noyan (Tier 6 Affiliated)
    • Added: Khergit Noker (Tier 6 Unique)
    • Added: Khergit Bahatur (Tier 7 Affiliated)
    • Added: Khergit Keshig (Tier 7 Affiliated Unique)
  • Changes for the Kingdom of the Rhodoks:
    • The Rhodoks treat tier 5 units of their faction as peasants as part of their peasant rebellion lore.
    • Added: Rhodok Vanguard (Tier 3 Affiliated - Defensive Infantry)
    • Added: Rhodok Hedge Knight (Tier 6 Affiliated - Heavy Infantry)
    • Modified: Rhodok Ranger - Removed elite mercenary prerequisite.
    • Modified: Rhodok Arbalestier - Reduced from tier 5 to tier 4.
    • Modified: Rhodok Highland Pikeman - Added Tight Formation ability.
    • Modified: Rhodok Siege-Breaker - Added Rapid Reload ability.
    • Modified: Rhodok Crossbowman converted to Rhodok Scout (Tier 3 Affiliated)
    • Modified: Veluca Pikeman converted to Veluca Pikeman Captain (Tier 6 Unique)
    • Added: Rhodok Siege Commander (Tier 6 Affiliated)
    • Added: Rhodok Mercenary Captain (Tier 6 Elite Mercenary)
  • Changes for the Kingdom of the Nords:
    • Modified: Nordic Skirmisher - Moved from archer class to infantry class.
    • Modified: Nordic Skirmisher buffed slightly.
    • Modified: Huscarls have changed their Hardy ability for the Savagery ability.
  • Changes for the Kingdom of Swadia:
    • Modified: Swadian Sergeant, Praven Knight & Tilbaut Archer buffed slightly.
    • Modified: Praven Knights have changed their Fortitude ability for the Rallying Strike ability.
  • The Sarranid Sultanate have had their troops entirely revamped:
    • Added: Sarranid Kul (Tier 1)
    • Added: Sarranid Azab (Tier 2)
    • Added: Sarranid Yaya (Tier 3)
    • Added: Sarranid Janissary (Tier 4)
    • Added: Sarranid Musellem (Tier 3)
    • Added: Sarranid Timariot (Tier 4)
    • Added: Mamluke Mounted Archer (Tier 4 Unique)
    • Added: Bariyye Raider (Tier 4 Unique)
    • Added: Siegemaster of Shariz (Tier 4 Unique)
    • Added: Durquba Javelineer (Tier 4 Unique)
    • Added: Sarranid Bahsibozuk (Tier 6 Affiliated)
    • Added: Sarranid Corbaci (Tier 6 Affiliated)
    • Added: Sarranid Boluk-bashi (Tier 6 Affiliated)
    • Added: Sarrahid Garip (Tier 6 Affiliated)
    • Added: Sarranid Sipahi (Tier 7 Affiliated)
    • Added: Sultan Guard (Tier 7 Unique)
  • Changes for the Bandits:
    • Misc:
      • Modified: Bandit (Tier 1 - Cavalry / Ranged)
      • Modified: Brigand (Tier 2 - Cavalry)
    • Mountain Bandits now have veteran and elite upgrade paths.
      • Modified: Highland Chieftain (Tier 4 Affiliated - Leader)
      • Modified: Highland Hunter (Tier 2 - Ranged)
      • Modified: Highland Trapper (Tier 2 - Defensive Infantry)
      • Modified: Highland Tracker (Tier 2 - Infantry / Ranged)
    • Sea Raiders now have veteran and elite upgrade paths.
      • Modified: Raider (Tier 3 - Defensive Infantry)
      • Modified: Marauder (Tier 3 - Shock Infantry / Ranged)
      • Modified: Pelt Tracker (Tier 3 - Ranged)
      • Modified: Raider Chieftain (Tier 4 Affiliated - Leader)
    • Desert Raiders now have veteran and elite upgrade paths.
      • Modified: Sarrdakian Raider (Tier 2 - Cavalry)
      • Modified: Sarrdakian Drifter (Tier 2 - Ranged/Infantry)
      • Modified: Sarrdakian Vulture (Tier 2 - Ranged)
      • Modified: Sarrdakian Leader (Tier 4 Affiliated - Leader)

Item Changes:

  • Every piece of body, head, hand or leg armor has had its strength requirement removed
    • A speed penalty has been incorporated into the encumbrance system instead. This is still able to be turned off via the mod options. Now you can run around with a weaker companion wearing heavy armor, but having limited mobility instead. This penalty maxes out at -25%.
  • Gloves have all been rebalanced.
  • 4 new specialty books have been added.
  • 6 firearms have been added.
  • 63 new helmets have been added.
  • 17 new body armors have been added.
  • 8 new greaves have been added.
  • 2 new gauntlets have been added.
  • 5 new weapons have been added.
  • 14 new shields have been added.
  • 8 new horses have been added.

Ability Changes:


Silverstag v0.25 has been released

Silverstag v0.25 has been released

News 8 comments

Silverstag's v0.25 version has been released. Patch notes can be found in this articles description or at the mod's wiki site under version log.

Silverstag v0.23 has been released.

Silverstag v0.23 has been released.

News 18 comments

Silverstag's v0.23 version has been released. Patch notes can be found in this articles description or at the mod's wiki site under version log.

Silverstag v0.22 has been released.

Silverstag v0.22 has been released.

News 3 comments

Silverstag's v0.22 version has been released. Patch notes can be found in this articles description or at the mod's wiki site under version log.

Silverstag v0.21 has been released.

Silverstag v0.21 has been released.

News 3 comments

Silverstag's v0.21 (basic) version has been released. Patch notes can be found in this articles description or at the mod's wiki site under version log...

RSS Files
Silverstag v0.26 - Cinematic - Full Version

Silverstag v0.26 - Cinematic - Full Version

Full Version 10 comments

Standalone Mod for 1.153+. This version is NOT save compatible with any prior version. The 'Cinematic Version' is intended for stronger computers that...

Silverstag v0.26 - Basic - Full Version

Silverstag v0.26 - Basic - Full Version

Full Version 20 comments

Standalone Mod for 1.153+. This version is NOT save compatible with any prior version. Low graphic changes for slower computers. Make sure you change...

Silverstag v0.25 - Cinematic - Full Version

Silverstag v0.25 - Cinematic - Full Version

Full Version 42 comments

Standalone Mod for 1.153+. Save compatible back to v0.13. The 'Cinematic Version' is intended for stronger computers that can handle better graphics...

Silverstag v0.25 - Basic - Full Version

Silverstag v0.25 - Basic - Full Version

Full Version 17 comments

Standalone Mod for 1.153+. Save compatible back to v0.13. Low graphic changes for slower computers. Make sure you change out your entire mod folder! The...

Silverstag v0.23 - Cinematic - Full Version

Silverstag v0.23 - Cinematic - Full Version

Full Version 37 comments

Standalone Mod for 1.153+. Save compatible back to v0.13. The 'Cinematic Version' is intended for stronger computers that can handle better graphics...

Silverstag v0.23 - Basic - Full Version

Silverstag v0.23 - Basic - Full Version

Full Version 4 comments

Standalone Mod for 1.153+. Save compatible back to v0.13. Low graphic changes for slower computers. Make sure you change out your entire mod folder! The...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 275)
poisontaww - - 18 comments

Too bad the mod hasn't been updated I noticed on the Taleworlds forum the mod has been closed due to the dev team becoming too busy. If you guys want to update the mod yourself feel free to.

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FeatsOfStrength - - 134 comments

Someone did create a version 0.27 with finished troop trees for Sarranids though it was horrendously bugged (bandit parties would keep doubling in size until you had deserter parties 1000+ strong that spawned twice as large after you destroyed them), the current version 0.26 is near complete, the only thing missing is the aforementioned Sarranid expanded troop tree and a few of the village/castle advanced options. It's still the best mod in the game imo, It's the only mod I have played where you can play as a merchant and actually conquer the world through use of your financial power alone.

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ObiTheIronsight - - 9 comments

Revive this bloody great mod please!

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FeatsOfStrength - - 134 comments

The most criminally underrated mod for Mount and Blade Warband.

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hoverswcraft - - 79 comments

I don't know why people just utterly and totally give up on a mod and just disappear. It's like dangling a piece of food in front of a dog and saying "you can't have this you can't have this" while it drools everywhere and cries. I'm very sad.

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Guest - - 700,065 comments

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Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,871 comments

I only passed here by today because someone else mentioned this mod and might want to revive it. Never noticed it before. So keep up a bit hope!

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hoverswcraft - - 79 comments

this mod on moddb is Completeley and utterly broken, and outdated. Not only that but all the links for the latest version of the mod are also broken on the taleworlds forum, which is a total ghost town and seems to have zero active memebers.

God save me

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Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,871 comments

There are active members but most are more active at the M&B modding discord ;)

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alexxxxxxxxxxx - - 57 comments


Mod doesn't work, says missing mountblade_wb.exe or whatever it was. I have tried everything and followed the instructions several times. I guess you can't play this mod anymore so don't waste your time.

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