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Mod Progress Report 2024

Feature 3 comments

More misc stuff for the article

I've been trying to be better about updating the mod page more frequently and while I have fallen off a bit in the last few months, at least it hasn't been 3 years since the last update! If you watch my Manda-LORE Channel on YouTube and are a member of my Patreon, you'll know that I have been working diligently on the mod as I post there quite often but I think it's time for another mod progress report for all of the Moddb members out there following the mod's progress. In short, progress has been slow but steady as I find myself working on the mod alone again (not due to any strife or disagreements, life just happens), however I'm determined to see it through. As I do in all of my mod progress reports, I'll break down whats been completed since the last article and what I'm working on currently, as well as some things that I hope to be able to complete soon.

New Article Headers

Estimated Completion: 92%

Not a huge jump since the last article published at the beginning of 2023, however as more free release models become available, I find myself adding/replacing more ships on the rosters. The Current list of ships left I need put in game is sort of the same with some noticeable additions:


-Praetor Class Battlecruiser (model finally acquired)

-Imperator Class Star Destroyer

-Secutor Class Star Destroyer

-Medstar Class Frigate


-BC-714 Armed Transport

-Fantail Class Cruiser

-Storm Fleet Destroyer

Luckily for these last 7 remaining ships, I do have plenty of models available that I can use. For the medstar frigate, I already modified kubli's free release Nebulon B frigate based off of Fractal Sponge's redesign, I just haven't had the chance to implement it yet. As for the Storm Fleet Destroyer, since no official artistic depiction exists, I have to rely on some fanon ship designs and I'm considering either using the Legacy Class Destroyer or the Velox Class Destroyer, both Fractal Sponge fanon designs with free release EAW models available.

(note, the models for units, props, etc. that you see from here on out are either free release and properly credited on the mod's Read Me File, secured permission for, or are serving as a placeholder until a model can be commissioned or acquired. Some credits are already available when units are shown in the mod page's "images" section in the description of the images that contain the model)

Space Screenies for the article

Space Screenies for the article

Space Screenies for the article

Space Screenies for the article

Regrettably, the estimated completion status does not reflect the non playable Pirate and Hutt factions which I have not yet implemented. When I finish more maps and the Galactic Conquest maps near completion, I will begin implementing new units and heroes for the Pirate and Hutt Factions. I have made some preliminary rosters for the Hutts and Pirates that are subject to change but currently look like this:


-Cloakshape Fighter Squadron

-Skipray Blastboat Squadron

-Modified Action Transport

-Hutt Corvette

-Hutt Frigate

-Hutt Cruiser


-Dagger Class Starfighter

-Morningstar Class Starfighter

-Scurrg H-6 Bomber Squadron

-Freefall Class

-Gozanti Cruiser

-Infinity Corvette

New Article Headers

Estimated Completion: 97%

Like with Space Units, the progress on Land Units seems relatively small however, as new free release models become available I have changed/added new units to the rosters and in some cases swapped models for better looking/performing ones. For Example, I originally had no intention of adding republic Judicials, Outland Regional Security Forces, or separatist militia units but as I began expanding the Build Bar interface, I decided to add them. Some free release models inspired by units from the Revenge of the Sith Video Game such as the Blaze Troopers and Grapple Droids became available as well so I added them to the rosters. I'm also excited to announce that I procured a special AT-TE model from The_Farseer which has unique deploy/undeploy animations complete with opening hatches!

Land Screenies for the article

Land Screenies for the article

Land Screenies for the article

Land Screenies for the article

Land Screenies for the article

Again, as with space units; Regrettably, the estimated completion status does not reflect the non playable Pirate and Hutt factions which I have not yet implemented. When I finish more maps and the Galactic Conquest maps near completion, I will begin implementing new units and heroes for the Pirate and Hutt Factions. I have made some preliminary rosters for the Hutts and Pirates that are subject to change but currently look like this:


-Pirate Infantry


-Pirate Skiff

-Sail Barge


-Pirate Infantry

-Pirate Speeder

New Article Headers

Estimated Completion: 70%

If you're going back and checking the previous mod progress report articles, you may have noticed that the estimated completion for heroes remains at 70%. This is because I haven't been focusing much on heroes this past year and I honestly cant remember if I've added a single hero to the game since last January. Nevertheless, I still have a whole roster of major and minor heroes, some that I have models for and others that I don't, waiting to be implemented. Some heroes will only be available in specific galactic conquest scenarios while others will be available for purchase at Naval Academies, Advanced Cloning Facilities, Advanced Droidworks, Mercenary Outfitters, Jedi Outposts and Dark jedi Enclaves.

Hero Screenies for the Article

Hero Screenies for the Article

Hero Screenies for the Article

Hero Screenies for the Article

Hero Screenies for the Article

Once more, as with space and ground units; Regrettably, the estimated completion status does not reflect the non playable Pirate and Hutt factions which I have not yet implemented. When I finish more maps and the Galactic Conquest maps near completion, I will begin implementing new units and heroes for the Pirate and Hutt Factions. I have made some preliminary rosters for the Hutts and Pirates that are subject to change but currently look like this:


-Jabba Desilijic Tiure

-Bib Fortuna

-Young Boba Fett

-Aruk Besadii Aora

-Decca Besadii Diori




-Sol Sixxa




New Article Headers

Estimated Completion: 12%

Maps for Star Wars Empire At War, good maps at least, take a while to make and so far I'm the only one making maps for the mod. I did have one guy who briefly wanted to join the team to help me out with maps, but he had unfortunate family circumstances and I haven't heard from him in a few months. So because it's taking me a while to churn out land and space maps for planets, the galactic conquest maps have been making even slower progress. So far I'm focusing on the main "equal footing" sandbox Galactic Conquest scenario, as that will contain a majority of the planets featured in the mod, and from there, I can develop the story galactic conquest scenarios as well as other sandbox scenarios with relative ease. Previously, I had purchased the permission to use Farseer's galaxy and galaxy regions models for my galactic conquests and while I was happy at first, I began getting annoyed at the tiny inaccuracies of the regions so I made my own. I'm still unsure whether I'm completely happy with this or if I'm going to revert back to Farseer's map but in the meantime any constructive criticism is welcome.

Galactic Conquest Screenies

Galactic Conquest Screenies

Galactic Conquest Screenies

New Article Headers

Estimated Completion: 7%

I've basically said everything that needs to be said about maps in the Galactic Conquest section of this article but as you'll notice, progress is creeping along slowly but surely. I go through periods of doing maps for 3 or 4 planets and then I get bored with mapping to work on implementing units or messing with the graphic interface or some other feature. If anyone has experience with the FOC map editor and wants to help out with the mod, send me a message! In the meantime, I'll keep chugging along.

Misc Items for the Article

A recently completed map that I have not yet debuted: Bakura. The map is based off depictions from the Wizards of the Coast Sourcebooks and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III

New Article Headers

Buildings:90% Mechanics: 1%

No new buildings or mechanics have been added yet, as I've been focusing on adding land/space units, maps, and graphic/audio details. For a more complete picture of planned and proposed buildings and features, see last year's mod progress report article.

New Article Headers

Estimated Completion: 80%

Some major headway has been made in the mod's graphic interface. Other than sprucing up icons with fresh, higher res imagery and recoloring some of the buttons from FOC pee yellow to something more representing a hologram, I have added a build bar organizer which allows for larger unit rosters for all factions. Credit where credit is due; it was originally developed by the French modder Dark_Grazi and HK-47 for the Strategic Improvement Mod, but I've been given permission to use it, however I made my own tab buttons to fit in with the hologram theme of my redesigned command bar. There are still a lot of nit-picky items that I need to change like the colors of certain texts and buttons but other than that, the GUI is looking much better in my opinion. If others have opinions on how to improve, I welcome any ideas in the comments.

The Build Bar is now organized into 9 categories; Buildings, Infantry, Vehicles, Air Support, Land Heroes, Space Structures, Starfighters, Capital Ships & Frigates, Space Heroes.

More misc stuff for the article

More misc stuff for the article

(Note: Current unit prices are NOT FINAL and will be adjusted once a serious testing/balancing phase has begun)

Anyways, that's all I have for today. Be sure to keep up with the mod's progress here as well as on my Manda-LORE YouTube channel were I occasionally post EAWFOC mapping streams.

Mod Progress Report 2023

Mod Progress Report 2023


Since it's been 3 years since I've posted an update on the mod's progress, I figured it was time to assure the mod watchers that I have not been idle.

Mod Progress Report

Mod Progress Report

Feature 2 comments

A brief overview of what has been completed on the project and where things are headed.

Galactic Conquests Overview

Galactic Conquests Overview

Feature 1 comment

A brief, yet insightful, overview of the galactic conquest scenarios to be featured in the mod.

Legends Mod: The Clone Wars, A Guide to Infantry

Legends Mod: The Clone Wars, A Guide to Infantry

Feature 7 comments

Everything yo need to know about upcoming infantry units to be included in this mod.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 62)
JALord - - 1 comments

Is this mod still being worked on? Looks very interesting and I bet it's better than the current clone mod.

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Commissar_Delta Creator
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments

Yep, I just don't update here much. I do more updates on Youtube and my Youtube Channel's Discord

Reply Good karma+1 vote
CT261409Echo - - 33 comments

You should make a discord if you havent already and maybe in some of the other bigger mod servers some people may be willing to help you with your mod

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Commissar_Delta Creator
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments

This mod does have a channel on the official Manda-LORE (my youtube channel) Discord server where I post updates more often. As for help, a good friend of mine whose developing the Galaxy Divided mod has offered to help out a bit and pool resoruces, I also jave another guy helping out who helps with other mods as well as developing his own FOTR submod.

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KyleThatKees - - 26 comments

Any idea when we’ll get our first public release, alpha or beta?

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Commissar_Delta Creator
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments

It seems I'm working by myself on this project again so its gonna be a while. No team disagreements, just life happening and people getting busy with other things.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
KyleThatKees - - 26 comments

Ah, that’s unfortunate. Well good luck, I always enjoyed the mapping streams on MandaLORE.

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KyleThatKees - - 26 comments

Do you have a model for the SPHA-T?

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Commissar_Delta Creator
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments

Yes, its from one of the free release model packs here on moddb. I cant recall exactly who made it off the top of my head but its credited in the mod's readme file

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Commader_Binks - - 53 comments

will you by any chance make a new skeleton animation for the clones or will you have the old one that's from the OG game and will you by any chance have mixed dc-15 and dc-15a??

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Commissar_Delta Creator
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments

In the articles and videos I explain that i have no modeling capabilities. I am incapable of this. I can do literally anything else but make and edit models. If you know any modelers that'd like to help me out, send them my way.

As for the dc-15 question, In the posted images, youll notice all clone squads have a mix of Dc-15A rifles and Dc-15s carbine wielding troopers.

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Commader_Binks - - 53 comments

No worries i have one guy you could talk to from the Battlefront commander mod CT163

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