The Half-Life Revitalized Mod has ceased development until further notice.

As many may have suspected, this mod has come to an end. This was really only made as a fun side project, and to be completely honest, it's not fun making it and I have no direction on how I want it made, so it's over. This isn't the end of my modding journey however, you can expect more from me in the future, and you may see an update sometime down the line.


This is a solo project by yours truly. Half-Life: Revitalized is a total redesign of the original Half-Life maps in the same vein as Black Mesa: Source- however, this is still focused within the grounds of the GoldSrc engine.

Development will likely be slow, since I have virtual school and am doing this as a fun side project more than anything-

I'm a big fan of the original Half-Life, and I can't bring myself to play Black Mesa: Source with all of it's crazy maps and fancy graphics- (my computer can't run the game.) So I thought, why not make BMS in GoldSrc?

While BMS: Classic may have failed, and progress on remapping projects along the lines of Project: Re-map may be really slow- I can promise consistent updates on the project!


I cannot stress enough that this is NOT a BM:S demake of any kind, it is simply a mapping project to make Half-Life's maps more up-to-date.

Information on the modder!

Hi, I'm Hayden! I'm a fifteen year-old aspiring modder and game developer- I love classic games primarily built in the GoldSrc engine. I'm a little new to modding, if I'm being honest of course- so any help and feedback is greatly appreciated!

If you ever need to contact me, just send me a PM, or contact me on Discord at #Rowsoft#7943

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Progress Speed


Why so little progress?

Progress will be delivered in smaller chunks, as opposed to larger areas, as the map making process will be quite slow, because unlike some other "remake" projects out there have used the existing maps with little to no changes, this project builds things from ground zero. I'm not in any way trying to diss others' works- and the only real reason I've decided to work on this project was because was inspired by the other projects and wanted to do one in my own vision.

Why no video showcase?

My computer has a hard time capturing game play footage, I will try and get some up as soon as I can though!

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Guest - - 706,105 comments

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Guest - - 706,105 comments

What kind of a computer are you using?

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Emiisoft Creator
Emiisoft - - 11 comments

It's a custom build, but it's not a good one- and my motherboard is complete dog****. But I have a ton of new parts coming in this Friday, that should give it a significant boost- new motherboard, graphics card, new processor, etc. Basically a new computer.

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Guest - - 706,105 comments

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marcelismyname - - 15 comments

I have a suggestion: make new scientist models based on the ones in Black Mesa, but still using the low-poly style! I would love to see that!

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Emiisoft Creator
Emiisoft - - 11 comments

Yea, I may try that- but I'm not great at modeling-

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marcelismyname - - 15 comments

Great! I'm looking forward for this!

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Rhz324 - - 14 comments

There are few attempts of trying to remap the Half-Life campaign, but most of'em were abandoned. I hope this one manage to release. I'd like to help in level design, but don't wanna stop you doing your own way of remapping the campaign.

Good luck :)

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Emiisoft Creator
Emiisoft - - 11 comments

Yea, send me a PM-

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Super1Hawk - - 217 comments

Black Mesa but it's Half-Life.

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