I've decided to put a Moddb page up for this due to the request I've received. This model pack replaces all models for Half-Life, Opfor, and Blue-Shift. But I also intend to replace models for these mods. Azure Sheep, Point of View, Sweet Half-Life, Escape, Case Closed, Decay, and my most favorite, Residual Point. Since Gman's Golden Model pack is somewhat either incomplete, or it taking a while to finish, I think i'll do my Ultimate Pack for Half-Life and it's Mods. Well what are you intending to replace, Luck3y Charms? Well, I intend to replace, yes, of course models. Sounds for Realistic effects like real sounding gunfire, And misc.
Well, it's definitely been a while since any of us have posted anything here. First off, I'd like to thank everyone who's been following the development of the mod for all these years. Your support, feedback, enthusiasm and encouragement is truly appreciated.
Unfortunately, as you all might've surmised by this point, HL:R is (has been) on hiatus due to life circumstances on the part of all three developers. I apologize to those who were expecting a 2017 release, we really did want to push it out during that time, but it just wasn't possible.
It's unlikely that work on the mod will resume anytime soon. I know this news comes really late, but I felt the need to set the record straight and not leave everyone hanging with a two year old post. That being said, HL:R is our loveletter to the Half-Life series and we still fully intend to finish it, eventually.
Again, thank you all for your support.
We'll be back.
Alright. We have the variety thing going. But it's more complicated than that. We can't randomize the skins.
Alrighty, I'm done with Boot camp, MCT, and my MOS school. I finally have some down time to continue on with this project that's been bugging me since...
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It's looking very cool
This mod is dead
Maybe, yes...
Is there any development on this mod?
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is dead
It's 2024 and there are no files
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Mod dead and abandoned?
Half-Life: Revisioned files 发布下载
Probably :(