Gentlemen Of Fortune 1.0

NOTE: Please install GoF! over a fresh copy of CoAS.

This mod includes, but is not limited to, the following:

CM Mod Team See Details in the CM Mod.

The Complete Sailor's Guide to Privateering
A mod for CoAS CMv3.1 by FireBat

This mod adds 46 new items to Age of Pirates: City of Abandoned Ships. Previously, a number of idols and trinkets existed in the game, which arbitrarily increased the skills of the player when carried. Those bonuses have been removed. In their places are 46 books. The first 42 give bonuses to each of the fourteen ship and player skills; three books totalling 60 points per skill. The remaining four books are extremely rare works focusing on the facets of Western martial arts.Current Features:-46 skill books, providing a sense of greater realism.-Increased sale values of some statues and idols, making them more attractive loot.-Potential +60 to every skill. Melee skills can all potentially gain even more.The only reason why this mod is not being released as a 1.x is due to the inability to have the books show randomly in store. Until this issue is resolved, this mod will forever be stuck in beta.

Loyalty Mod for AOP2 COAS
by steelrat 7 Jun 2010

Fixes the annoying bug where your quest officers constantly lose loyalty, no matter what you do and neutral officers (Regular Sailor reputation), for loyalty judgment will now follow the generally held feeling for the captain and neutral officers (Regular Sailor reputation), for loyalty judgment will now follow the generally held feeling for the captain.

POTC-COAS Music mod v.2
By: Officerpuppy

This mod adds some music from the Pirates of the Caribbean game MC-COAS music and BOW-COAS music mod into COAS.

Destiny of Pirate mod (Scyron Projects 2009-2010)
Artist:Sanel Krupic

This beatifull remake of default coas sea foam.

Mods Button
Because of the new features that allow the player to set the game how they want to play it, a mod button has been put in to the options menu, this button will allow you to set which mods you want on for realistic or stock settings.

Mod Switches
Realistic weather or stock weather, stock weather ment the wind speed was alway's high. Realistic wind speed drops that so that you can be left with no wind at all.
Realistic weights will make all goods heaver, the stock settings bases all the weights around the vanilla value's.
Realistic prices with this on the prices for all goods will be halved, if stock settings is used then all goods will be based around the prices of the vanilla value's.
RTBL is a mod that effects the naval battles, if on then naval battles can last much longer. If off then battles will not last as long and allows the player to get on with the game.
Realistic encounters on means you will only see small ships most of the time, if set to stock then you will see pirates in large ships and the big ships will be seen much more often.
Realistic ship purchase will make it so you can only purchase the small ships from the shipyard, if off then all ships stand a chance of been sold at them.
Realistic spyglass removes the stats so you have to go by what you can see rather than a onscreen message telling you how fast the other ship(s) are.

New ships and characters
Over 140 ships and 46 playable characters in the game now, you can have hours of fun.

New textures for ships
Almost all the ships have been retextured to improve their looks, this has made a big difference for the ships and what you think of them.

Improved Menu's
New menu's this changes the old menu's into better looking ones and makes the new start menu much more appealing.

Game stability improved
The vanilla game was known for crashing unexpectly and without reason, this is not the case any more, its much much more stable with no crash after 8 hours of continue's playing.

New Features:

* New items * New textures for ships * New interior building textures * Realistic ship ecounters switch added * Ship Barque_L added * Ship Hebek added * Ship Linefrigate added * Ship Link added * Ship Schooner_L added * Bellona amount of guns mounted * New loading screens * New music * Added three new armors * Added the best map to the itemsint and itemsint_realistic since it was missing. * Added the for AoP girls to the brothels (currently not working properly, might remove in next version) * Made a new reference file in the journal, this entry has the questions an answers to the nautical questions. (WIP) * Wind speed given a toggle switch which like all switches can be turned on or off in _Mods_On_Off * Wind direction when entering sail mode from world map now carried through, wind blows in same direction as it did on world * Switch added to goods, now play with weights based around stock value or play with realistic weights on for added realism * Switch added to Goods prices, now you can play with stock prices or the more difficult way with prices been lower * Wind speed given a toggle switch which like all switches can be turned on or off in _Mods_On_Off.* Wind direction when entering sail mode from world map now carried through, wind blows in same direction as it did on world map.* Switch added to goods, now play with weights based arouynd stock value's or play with realistic weights on for added realism.* Added three new items, Mao Kun map, Chalices of Cartagena, Voodoo doll.* Added one new heavy sword, Sword of Triton.* Replaced the 19th century flags with the original 17th century flags.* Enabled Victory to have it's own cabin, the cabin colors are inspired by the actual Victory cabin.* Added Dutch naval officers.* Made a new reference file in the journal, this entry has the questions an answers to the nautical questions. * New Spanish naval officers for boarding actions.* Replaced Arabella Smith with Angelica from PoTC 4, includes new portrait* Replaced Beatrice with updated Beatrice with armors, UI picture also changed.* Added three new armors to Shi.* Added three new armos to Anna Maria.* New characters

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RSS Articles
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Sailors, swashbucklers and scallywags alike... join us as we celebrate all that we have achieved in 2013!

For everyone at PiratesAhoy!, it's been a year to remember. As we began the year by celebrating our tenth anniversary, we knew that great
things would come in the following months. And, true to form, we have outdone our expectations in a number of ways.

So, let's take a moment to recap on how each of the community's key projects have advanced over the course of 2013, and we'll provide the latest updates
along the way.

Hearts of Oak: Conquest of the Seas

Hearts of Oak logo

What's Happened?

The new flagship project of PiratesAhoy! may be off to a slow start, but this year represents a clear step in the right direction. Back in April, after a slew of new concept art, we adopted an art style that will go on to define much of the game's aesthetics, and has already been used to create the logo you're all now familiar with.

Around the same time, we launched a survey to let you have your say and to help us decide on several key design philosophies. Fast forward to September, and the survey's results (from nearly 1,000 participants!) gave us a valuable insight into what you, the fans, were most enthusiastic about. It was encouraging for us to see the impressive support people have for realism and historical content, along with an appetite for myth, superstition, and a bit of pirating here and there. We also learnt what to avoid at all costs. (Perhaps save airships and machine-cannons for another time, eh?)

In October, we then made a big decision: to cease work on the Unreal Engine, and begin evaluating Ogre3D and CryEngine as better alternatives for the game. At the same time, we announced our intention to join forces with the team behind a similar project, Drake's Legacy, to further aid development of Hearts of Oak.

The result of this was accelerated progress, and this teaser trailer below demonstrates some of the work we've done while testing the CryEngine, along with some concept art and original music.

[DISCLAIMER: The video contains screenshots from CryEngine 2, which we temporarily used until version 3.5 was made available and had most of its bugs

Latest News

In November, we started a Wiki for the project right here on our site, which will eventually grow to include all the information you need to know about Hearts of Oak.

Meanwhile, we have started making great strides with pre-alpha development, even to the point of getting a ship to move with and react to the wind in CryEngine. We've also made progress with cannons, allowing the player to interact with them and fire them manually.

Behind the scenes, we now have writers working on the script for the game's first storyline. The exact content and sequence of events will be a closely guarded secret for now, but we can tell you that the result will be an engaging and rewarding experience...

We will soon try to get a functioning user interface, and continue to work towards a playable proof-of-concept demo some time in the new year.

Finally, we would like to reiterate that we are still recruiting for the development team! If you want to get involved, head on over to our recruitment forum and introduce yourself.

As of this moment, the key roles we're looking for (in no particular order) are:

  • Animators
  • 3D Artists
  • 2D Artists
  • UI Developers
  • Programmers
  • Writers

For more details about Hearts of Oak: Conquest of the Seas, click here.
For more information about joining the team, click here.

Pirates of the Caribbean: New Horizons

New Horizons logo

What's Happened?

Perhaps a better question is, what hasn't happened! The New Horizons mod has gone from strength to strength in 2013, once again reaching new heights that we didn't think possible.

We spent the first part of the year building upon the solid foundations of last year's Beta 2.3, bringing in changes such as improved interface textures, better cannon particle effects, numerous gameplay enhancements and bug fixes. We also continued to offer new and improved ship models, thanks to a never-ending desire our modellers have, which is to push the bar even higher.

After having an internal Beta 2.4 release to thoroughly test our changes and iron out the bugs, we finally made another public release in June, as Beta 2.5. Fun fact: this release prompted the highest ever number of visits to our ModDB profile, gaining the attention of nearly 3,000 visitors!

And we didn't stop there. We went and pushed the boundaries even further than we imagined with our next series of additions. For starters, we brought back the long-awaited Character Customisation options to the Select Storyline interface, allowing more control than ever when starting a new game. Next, we completely revamped the World Map by rearranging the islands and adding the Central American coastline to create a far more realistic version of the Caribbean. Add to that a fixed Capture Colonies mod, brand new movie-inspired Curse of Cortes, and reinstated Shotgun Mode for certain guns, and by September we had a fantastic release on our hands, in the form of Beta 3.

Check out Beta 3's awesome cinematic trailer below.

Latest News

Based on the year so far, then, we were pretty happy with how things had turned out. So more recently, we continued iterating on Beta 3, adding more fixes and slight gameplay enhancements, until we released the latest version, Beta 3.1, in early December.

Little did we know, however, that things were about to get even better. As ModDB's annual Mod of the Year awards commenced, and everyone could start voting for their favourite mods, we saw an opportunity to let New Horizons really shine. Based on our frequent placement in the top 100 most visited mod profiles, we began advertising New Horizons to see if we could gain enough votes to finally achieve what we had, in previous years, missed out on: a position in the Top 100 Mods of the Year.

As voting continued and the deadlines drew near, we were anxious to see how we'd done. Then, when the Top 100 nominations were announced, we were shocked to see that New Horizons was among them! At long last, this was a fitting tribute to the many people who have spent uncountable hours to make this mod everything that it is today.

Although we didn't make the top spot, we are extremely proud that New Horizons has been recognised by you, our beloved fans, as one of the greatest mods of 2013. Again, we can't thank you enough for your support!

For more details about New Horizons, click here.
To download the latest version (Build 14 Beta 3.1), click here.

Age of Pirates 2: Gentlemen of Fortune

GOF logo

What's Happened?

For several months, you may have suspected that not much was being done on the Gentlemen of Fortune (GOF) mods... but you'd be surprised. All throughout the year, ModernKnight1 has been a one-man team working away at his highly ambitious and long-awaited GOF: Eras mod.

The key focus of his enormous efforts was, more specifically, Eras Module #2, which covers the Golden Age period of 1648 to 1725. Some of its most notable features include nearly 70 playable characters (most of whom are historical figures), a plethora of new swords, pistols and items, a better
selection of music and loading screens, and an impressive array of ships.

And speaking of ships, perhaps the most noticeable change is ModernKnight's huge amount of new and improved textures. His hard work and exquisite attention to detail has transformed even the least detailed ships of the original game into stunning works of art, each one designed to fit in with the
time period perfectly.

If you have an interest in history, even if it's not this specific time period, you owe it to yourself to try this mod. Or, if you own AoP2 and don't care much for history, try it anyway, because like many good things in life, it's free!

For a look at the mod's new intro video and some gameplay footage, see the video below.

Latest News

The most recent version of Eras Module #2 was uploaded on 29th November, and fixes a few bugs found in the initial release. ModernKnight is still working on the mod, and hopes to release a further patch in the new year.

Meanwhile, a more stable version of GOF 2.0 (which is NOT the same as GOF: Eras Mod#2) was released on 6th December, which aims to incorporate features of GOF 1.2 without all the accompanying bugs.

And finally, the Combined Modpack (CM) that started them all has been made available again, for those that want a simpler mod that is more akin to the original game.

For more details about GOF: Eras and to download the mod, click here.

For more details about GOF 2.0 and to download the mod, click here.

For more details about CM v3.2.0, click here.
To download the mod, click here.

Closing Comments

As I hope this article has demonstrated, 2013 has brought with it many wonderful things for PiratesAhoy!, and it will surely go down as one of our greatest years to date. Everyone that has contributed to our projects this year deserves to be applauded for their time and effort, as we can truly celebrate a job well done!

So this Christmas, we hope you continue to enjoy our fantastic mods and keep looking forward to more exciting times ahead. And without further ado...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from PiratesAhoy! Xmas pirate

All together now...Yo Ho Parrot

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Gentlemen Of Fortune Release!

Gentlemen Of Fortune Release!

News 20 comments

We are pleased to announce the release of GoF! 1.0. We've spent a lot of time trying to fix the bugs and improve aspects of game play, there is a lot...

Captains Log Part 10

Captains Log Part 10


With so many things to do and a Man Of War been one ship i would love to sail will my dream come true or will i have to look for something else which...

Captains Log Part 9

Captains Log Part 9

Feature 1 comment

The Golden Hind has a large cargohold, and with the Spanish having one. I have become greedy and want her, will i ever catch her with such a big distance...

Captains Log Part 8

Captains Log Part 8

Feature 3 comments

I'm rich, but now that i have the moment what should i do. Stay as a pirate, continue to smuggle goods to and from islands or is it time to join a nation?...

RSS Files
GoF! 1.2 Full Release Patch

GoF! 1.2 Full Release Patch

Patch 40 comments

GoF! 1.2 Full Release version: Patch 1.0------------------------------------ New "Three videos" by: TheEvilkingNew "Hector Barbossa model" by: Damkski...

Gentelmen of Fortune! v1.2 Full Release

Gentelmen of Fortune! v1.2 Full Release

Full Version 55 comments

After months of development, we're proud to release GoF! 1.2 Full Release version 1.0 Patch 1.0, the name might be complicated but a lot has work has...

GOF 1.1.2 Full Patch

GOF 1.1.2 Full Patch

Patch 30 comments

We have added a variety of different changes to improve the game and fixed allot more. Read the readme and changelog for more information. IMPORTANT NOTES...

Gentlemen Of Fortune V1.1

Gentlemen Of Fortune V1.1

Patch 49 comments

This is a release Patch to accompany GoF NOTE: Please install GoF! over a fresh copy of CoAS. Its good to finally see GOF released. I am sure you guy's...

Gentlemen Of Fortune V1.0

Gentlemen Of Fortune V1.0

Full Version 42 comments

Gentlemen Of Fortune 1.0 This mod includes, but is not limited to, the following: CMV3.2 CM Mod Team See Details in the CM Mod. The Complete...

SwiftShader V2.0 Demo

SwiftShader V2.0 Demo

Other 16 comments

You want to play this game, but it crashes because your video card is an Intel Onboard Graphics card? SwiftShader provides a workaround!

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Hairmail - - 10 comments

This may sound really dumb but I just installed the game and mod and have no idea how to navigate. When I press the map button there's no map. Is it true that I have to have the map open in another window or is it included in this mod?

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modernknight1 - - 128 comments

This mod is old and no longer supported. To find the latest version of the GOF mod either click on my avatar or come over to BuccaneersReef dot com

The latest GOF ERAS2 mod has fifty times the content of the original GOF mods.


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Perriry - - 186 comments

Well, what I read is that now you need to pay an engine (12 dollars) to play the mod. I don't live at US/EU, 12 dollars is actually a lot.

I dont know why the devs did this **** move, but the mod is now officially dead for me.

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Gylfe - - 237 comments

You can get CoAS on GoG now for 5.99!! It's supposed to be compatible with all versions of windows up to 10.

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nams333 - - 1 comments

Would I be able to get some help from someone?
I downloaded torrented age of sail, started it just to see if it worked, everything fine. I then downloaded GoF V1.0, V1.1, 1.1.2 Full patch, V1.2 Full Release, and 1.2 patch. I then installed in that order to my 'Age of Pirates 2' Folder (copy and replacing the new folders as I went). Was all that was finished I go to start it and it doesn't work but I notice my anti-virus removed the dvm.dll. So easy fix, I copy that over from original download folder and tell anti-virus to allow it. I then start it again and it looks like its going to work. A small window comes up with the ship as its background and the quick scrolling of white text, then it is replaced by black screen as if the game is starting annnnd then BLAM
ERROR box comes up titled 'Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library'
Runtime Error!
Program: D:\Program Files\Games\Age of Pirates 2\start.exe
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
I then click 'Ok' and it all closes

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SoldierOFortune_PL - - 751 comments

Play GOF ver 2 , i love all features of course but i have huge graphic issue when I amclose to the some Islands , this is not my graphic card or computer problem just the mod , same happens whe I am in harbors , not all of them , but some of them i have to leave looking on my ship board , i cant look on port of citadel .Sorry for my bad english , is very hard to explain what i mean ....I will try : there is few islands /harbors on the map bugged .If i want to go there i have to use ''fast journey'' instead sail , i cant attack anybody close to these islands because during battle i have to look down to my ship board , i cannot look around , if i try moor i have use button ''quick moor '' as soon as possible .if i am already in harbor /port , i can walk everywhere ,look around ,explore jungle , , doo all the quests and stuff but if i will walk to the harbor I CANNOT LOOK o n water , specially the citadel/fort direction because i have lags . Uff i hope someone will understand my crap english :(

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