Call of Chernobyl is a free-play sandbox mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : Call of Pripyat created by TeamEPIC. It features 32 explorable maps, reworked level design and level fixes, new original level, Trucks Cemetery, Full AI and A-Life overhaul, engine and script enhancements, Repeatable task system which bases itself on A-Life events, Customizable weather environments for every map as well as surges and psi-storms from AF3, Character creation which includes name, portrait and faction selection; Several optional modes such as Ironman mode, story mode and zombie survival mode, New achievements, rankings and reputation system, PDA leaderboard and enhanced PDA statistics, Companion system with keyboard issued commands, many optional side-features and community-made addons . Call of Chernobyl was player's choice Mod of the Year 9th place in 2015 and 1st place in 2016!


Complete beta version of Call of Chernobyl 1.5. !IMPORTANT! Please read the description for more details.

[BETA] Call of Chernobyl 1.5 R6 Full
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Alundaio Author
Alundaio - - 1,758 comments

This is a pre-release of 1.5. This is mainly for testing and feedback purposes. If you would like to play a stable version of the mod that has plenty of addon support, download 1.4.22 and it's patch. There is no official addon (ie. AO, OWR, STCOC) support, yet.

Report issues here:
Patch Notes:

This is not a patch for 1.5 R4, this is a full release version and may not work with R4 compatible addons! Old saves are no longer compatible.

Please read the full description for more details and installation instructions.

Reply Good karma+35 votes
f1355 - - 18 comments

Thanks for fixing sound issue from R5 so fast.
Now its no need for the extra dll's.
BTW is it planned to have the same balance for the CWP?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
HellzWind - - 72 comments

can the fix be applied to 1.4.22? Having issues within that version, issues with the sound.

Anyone has a fix, maybe?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Shekelberg - - 6 comments


First of all, your forum is dead.
So much for reporting anything.

Secondly,the R6 is one giant immersion brake.
Im currently on day 7 and what I can report is that having population on 0.5 means the world is dead, as in, almost nobody is in it, except for bandits.
Putting the spawn rates to 1 works pretty much only for bandits and army, to the point that bandits completely overrun the farm in cordon on day 2(they get killed, but immediately spawn in from the sides of the map again and overrun everything....its stupid).
Loners either dont spawn at all or not enough to viably keep the farm defended, let alone safe to be in.
Freedoms just walk around stealing all the loot because they are friendly with everyone, since duty isnt even around anymore.

In the swamps, bandits also overrun everything where the army is not present.
Clear sky is only present within their own base, they cant even hold the first camp right outside their base, nor the tower right after it.
Faction reputation ''sort of'' works, but for some reason I cant go above 500, and Ive lost reputation a few times for absolutely no reason at all.

The economy is absolute crap, selling items for a fraction of a fraction is not viable for the games economy, its just stupid.

The shotguns are completely useless, where I have to point-blank-faceshot a dog TWICE or risk wasting an entire clip on them.
Using it on anything stronger is certain death.

Duty doesnt even go past their own base as far as ive seen.
Garbage is literally only bandits, roaming army and Ive even had freaking monolith on day 5 in garbage.
Duty DOES NOT even try to hold the garbage entrance, and there is NO ONE trying to occupy any other spot, other than the bandits with their garbage base.

Ive had Emmissions zombify half of the Duty base while and ALL of the Duty soldiers inside their base and sheltered, the ones that are with Petrenko.
Bar patrons also get randomly zombified.

also why are all the files burried in the .db files?
I used to be able to fiddle with the prices of traders, among other things.... but now I cant even fix these small issues...

wtf are so many change necessary?

1.4.22 faction rep doesnt work, but at least the world actually feels alive, and bots properly spawn and occupy certain points on the map.

I could go on and on and I have a feeling this is just the start of the dumb **** that is currently broken.

I will try to force-play 1.5 further just to see what happens, but I am not optimistic.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-5 votes
Nagi_777x - - 3 comments

it's a ******* beta released in 2017 that he said he wasn't updating anymore. how stupid are you?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
RandalMcdaniel - - 83 comments

then i guess the 2019 64bit build made itself

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
humvee500 - - 188 comments

LMAO, you must be that ****** stupid

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
patdurak - - 2 comments

It looks good

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 699,988 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
NanoTheBandit - - 1,259 comments

how different is the damages and protections overhaul compared to vanilla?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
bhelen - - 525 comments

I can agree to the damage. I got a shotgun real early on and was swarmed. I was able to chest/neck shot a ton of them with one close blank shot. The pistols seemed ok. In the end you can always edit your own damage if you play with Arsenal Overhaul. It's super easy. Hit_power and silencer_hit_power.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Jtrainz - - 7 comments

Downloading, Was giving a mostly ignoring some light tweaks vanilla r4 version a go but the sponginess of some npc's was starting to really irritate me so interested in the what the listed changes there do.

Granted my run with r4 was brief but short of one instance where I was taking rads and fire simultaniously and all gunshot sounds stopping until I died a few moments later pretty trouble free, Did notice that rg4 grenades at least fired from the launcher attached to a ak74 went about 20 feet at best so hopefully that's changed.

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Balathruin Creator
Balathruin - - 358 comments

Grenade launchers have ~100m range when aiming.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Jtrainz - - 7 comments

Indeed it felt better in r5, Though quite possible I was used to less of a arc from various weapons mods I haven't played much any vanilla for years.

Downloading r6 now glad I don't have a data cap lol, Enjoyed the weapon balancing and ammo drops in r5, ignoring the sound problem I think I had maybe two ctd's on a quickload then on a level transition but that's probably just stalker being stalker.

One issue I had was making a stash in the ecologists bunker in yanov strait across from where you talk to the scientist next to the locked locker with one of the new backpacks, the marker stayed but on my next visit it had either disappeared or sunk into the floor, dunno if that has always been a issue with custom stashes in there or not. Otherwise no real problems over several hours of playin.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
DoctorX01 - - 614 comments

I've had that happen before, it's not new to 1.5

Seems if you place it too close to something, it teleports up to the roof.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Ivanovich_s - - 328 comments

Me too...same place, same issue.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MrKAN - - 69 comments

why every time i travel to the generaters it crashes?!
pls help, heres the log


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CBlender_default::Compile
[error]File : BlenderDefault.cpp
[error]Line : 63
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Not enought textures for shader, base tex: crete\crete_walls18

stack trace:

0023:02BA269C xrCore.dll, xrDebug::fatal()
0023:0841B4A5 xrRender_R1.dll
0023:084770A6 xrRender_R1.dll
0023:66E1B57C d3d9.dll, DebugSetMute()
0023:66E1B41A d3d9.dll, DebugSetMute()
0023:62DA30CE FRAPS32.DLL
0023:0846E24C xrRender_R1.dll
0023:084BA112 xrRender_R1.dll
0023:0042A9A9 xrEngine.exe, IGame_Level::Load()
0023:089A7DA1 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::operator=()
0023:004100A3 xrEngine.exe, CRenderDevice::on_idle()
0023:00410970 xrEngine.exe, CRenderDevice::message_loop()

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 699,988 comments

for me something about bandit-o6

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
nico_gf95 - - 8 comments

Same here. Still waiting a workaround

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 699,988 comments

Change in settings D3D8 (Direct3D 8) or D3D10 (Direct3D 10)
Maybe work.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
BrownyGaming - - 2 comments

Is there an ETA for the complete version 1.5? Looking to start a Youtube series with it

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
DoctorX01 - - 614 comments

Never, ever, ask a casual modder that question.

The answer is always, "It will be released when it's ready".

Reply Good karma Bad karma+16 votes
farazpc - - 11 comments

I'll keep that in my mind,thanks for the advice!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Rogue_4TW - - 172 comments

I don't know the exact release but I think it is coming in 2018.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Ducchaemenea - - 10 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Merc- - - 357 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Razor-Wind - - 239 comments

Hello, I was thinking back to the fact that there were some maps in Lost Alpha that could be integrated into COC to make it even bigger, do you think it would be possible, or would the surface become excessive?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Balathruin Creator
Balathruin - - 358 comments

LA maps will never happen.
If you mean alpha versions, Cordon is pointless (too little difference compared to how much work it is), Garbage would take months due to being extremely unfinished, Dark valley is already done just needs to be finished, Yantar is once again ever less finished than Garbage...
You get the point. It's a lot of work to get them working. Even after all those years LA maps are full of errors.

Reply Good karma+7 votes
Johnnydadda - - 72 comments

How about the bar level from Wind of Time?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 699,988 comments

Are bloodsuckers supposed to be invincible. I just pumped 8 shells from a protecta into one without even injuring him.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
Merc- - - 357 comments

Are you playing on Rookie mode?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Guest - - 699,988 comments

1.5_R6 "Z" faction new game, Zaton Sawmill the chosen spawn, is putting the character in an empty world of fog on Generators.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
EnZuLian - - 233 comments

Big thanks from me and (hopefully) the whole Stalker community. :o)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Guest - - 699,988 comments

Is there a way to change how the AI can spot you behind 5 bushes, in pitch black darkness, half a mile away?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Kolaris - - 24 comments

If you know how to extract db files with AXRToolest, look in gamedata/configs/creatures/m_stalker.ltx, vision sections.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
neil_v - - 12 comments

Turn off your flashlight

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Minitialize - - 72 comments

That's quite an exaggeration. To be honest, AI doesn't detect me when i'm hiding behind an obstacle/bushes, 10-15 meters away from them. Sometimes, they do notice, but if you manage to get into hiding just right, they won't find you yet.

AI, as per my gameplay experience, do not detect you by nearly a hundred meters away whilst standing around without any cover. Get any nearer than that and they'll take notice of you.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Razor-Wind - - 239 comments

If I can afford one piece of advice, I really think the power of the weapons should be revised upwards. You often have to fight to kill an enemy.

The character also runs rather slowly, which can be very tedious in the long run. I know it's not realistic to run fast when you carry 50 kilos of material in your bag, but all the same.

These worries are corrected with the Merge addon (which in addition integrates more artifacts in some of its files) and finally makes the game much more enjoyable.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Anna_Maniac - - 319 comments

So what you're saying is...your gripes are all small easily moddable things.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Guest - - 699,988 comments

try opening dialogue twice, that should fix it

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Balathruin Creator
Balathruin - - 358 comments

NPCs die very easy. They won't be nerfed more.
Running speed will not get a buff. You can run longer now.

That addon is not even compatible with R6. If you use that you basically broke the balance I worked on for a month as configs have very different values in them.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Razor-Wind - - 239 comments

Anyway, are there any differences in settings between 1.5 full (beta) and patch 1.5?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
Guest - - 699,988 comments

Is Arnin's arena at Bar paying you well? I didn't get paid after fighting the dog with 30 sec triple win. They did pay me 1000RU after I won a pistol duel.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Balathruin Creator
Balathruin - - 358 comments

Known bug. Save before going out of the mutant fight arena and reload if you don't get rewarded.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
ctraryaproster - - 21 comments

Try to ask hom AFTER the arena door closes,it always works for me.but as always,save before you try something

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
IJoyner - - 168 comments

Wincheaster and SPAS-12 shotguns have some extra geometry covering the screen when using iron sights.

Found a compass artifact and a gauss rifle in an unmarked stash I thought those were blacklisted.

It seems like using the quick slot items now prioritizes partially consumed items instead of fresh new ones, is this intended?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Zalpha - - 74 comments

Thanks I will be trying this out and will report any bugs I find. I noticed a few R5 but was to lazy to report them as I needed to make an account. This time if they still exist then I will take the time to report them. Thanks for the hard work.
One of my fears is that modders will take their old files and just update/re-add them causing issues with current changes made. It would be best if they remade them using the current verson of the game settings. I have never modded for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. so I wouldn't know how they go about it. I can only hope of the best. Thanks for this amazing version of the game.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
f1355 - - 18 comments

Can't light almost any of the fireplaces (have matches in inventory).
The only working one I found is at the newbee village at cordon.
Mods I'm using OWR for 1.5, some retextures and corpses drop money, bet they can't affect this.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Balathruin Creator
Balathruin - - 358 comments

Are your hands empty when trying? Also matches are unused, only there for addon or mod creators.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
f1355 - - 18 comments

Forgot about this, thanks.
BTW is it planned to have the same balance for the CWP?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Balathruin Creator
Balathruin - - 358 comments

I'm not 100% sure, but to be honest I would like to adjust CWP to follow the base game.
It's important to mention that armor and AP is getting a revisit to make sure there is a difference between FMJ and AP ammunition.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
JMP-Jack - - 129 comments

Where can I find news about cwp? I tried with google but I didn't find anything.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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