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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 40)
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Yuuzhan Vong at War

My computer is so old and ****** I can't actually see what I'm playing :( I'll just have to wait until I get my new computer coming this year hopefully.

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Galactic Conquest Preview....


It'll help make this quarantine crap easier

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Kor Chokk

You guys are absolute geniuses!! Artists! I LOVE This!!!!

Good karma+2 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Rise of the Mandalorians

I understand now! Thanks! This is awesome!!! Thank you for putting in the work for this awesome mod

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Rise of the Mandalorians

Hey there love the mod, just a few things. On start up the whole background is green screen. several models are missing the textures. I have the final version with patch 4.2

Not entirely sure why that's a thing? Thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Awakening of the Rebellion 2.8

I have a couple issue, it seems like the mechanic of how much things cost vs how much you get per week is off, everything is SOOOO expensive. I want to be able to build Several buildings in a galactic week VS taking several galactic weeks to build ONE building That seems off to me.. How much you start off with unit wise is very low and it's very hard to play all around. It's like the AI is given 10x as many ships and land units. I think the spawned units when defending should be increased a little. I keep getting destroyed because I can't defend for crap against any sort of fleet or ground force with really any battle station. It's like I HAVE to have ships/units there before hand to be able to defend, or be very very lucky and destroy things in the right order?

Ground battles seem I'm not so sure the word for it but they seem off. The amount of spawned units doesn't seem... right I feel like there should be more. No matter the amount of units the enemy has it's a LOT and I mean more than should be available that early in the game (I understand AI Cheat but I mean Jeez..)

I do LOVE THIS MOD!! These are the only issues I have with it (Income and spawned units)

And everytime I attack with ground units on any planet it freezes up and takes 2 minutes minimum to load back into it, not really an issue just a question as to why that would happen? this is for 2.7 on steam. Thanks for the GREAT WORK! I LOVE THIS MOD! I love playing this mod drunk. :D

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Mental Omega

I'm getting an Error... Cannot run executable the requested operation requires elevation?? ... ok so I was able to start a campaign without getting an error but I got a black screen with sound, and starting a skrimish I get the loading screen but then black screen. I'm really confused. I got the Origin master pack of command and conquer and I've installed mods before on it just like you would with decades. Any help would be appreciated.

after trying to start it up several times it's now allowing me to play it. I don't understand.. But oh well It works now!

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Xceptor

It looks like the they horned up a Sith Starfighter lol

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ One Angry Ugly...

I actually agree with Guest here. lol

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Possible new engine glows

I'd say I agree with this. Like brighten up the engines the bigger they get? I love the look of it but SelorKiith is right, just looks a little empty. :)

I can't wait till this mod is done!! I need this in my life!

Good karma+2 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Getting my shit pushed in by the Rebellion

I just have one question: Will this music be in the mod... or did you just put that over? Haha

Merry Christmas!

Good karma+2 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT

I've always wanted to know how to mod this game! I've tried by starting off making the 1 credit 1 second thingy but beyond that I have no clue what I'm doing.. I'd love to have someone give out resources like this for people like me! This is why I voted for this mod and been following it since it started! You guys are the awesomest! Have a wonderful Christmas time!

Good karma+2 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Victory MKII Frigate

Omg I can't wait for this mod!!!!! This looks so damn SEXY!

Good karma+5 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Far away from the core new star background

Anyone who down votes his comment is an idiot btw... he's saying this looks too spectacular for a 10 year old game..

Good karma+2 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Happy Star Wars Day :)

It's my Birthday today too!! :D

Good karma+10 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Keldabe battleship reporting

That's F***ing beautiful.... This is what it should have looked like in the first place

Good karma+2 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Ossus

No definitely not. It's been important since the beginning of the Force.

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ New Splash Screen

Ooooh yeah I should have done that.. Gotcha

Good karma+2 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ New Splash Screen

Just one question, can you get a picture of the pirates Without Han in it? Kinda weird having him there.. (and in the other picture)

Otherwise it's Awesome.

Good karma+3 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Black Fang Flagship Avalon - WIP

You should give it only some weapons, make it so it's more of the ion canon. Make it so it HAS to have support. Instead of insanely OP like most mods make their heros.

Or just give it like 6 Octuple turbo lazers, 4 protons, and 4 concussion. Cause that can totally work. I actually wouldn't mind seeing a gag of that XD A ship of JUST guns, barely a platform for them to be on.

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ First 30 minutes of play from the new GC by stages

Can't wait! It'll be great to play it.

Good karma+2 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Spoils of Rendilli

This is why I read what you post. I love learning about this kind of stuff!

Good karma+6 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Spoils of Rendilli

Oh my god I can't wait for this to release!! This is the one mod I can't wait for.

Good karma+2 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Destiny-class Battlecruiser

Now that I read it Disney-class Battlecruiser, that will never go away. But that... Whoa... What if someone made a screw around mod that just had ground units and they all looked like Disney characters???? (Just a ground mod)

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Rise of the Droid Empire

Yeah he did, he fired it once then died....... So..... Yeah.....

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Why me??

Dude, this sucks... I'd help.. If I were to have the files I could look through all of them individually for you and search for anything that could be wrong.

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Rebel vs Empire 2v2 Part II

Nice map to show it off on lol. Tatooine Straits. Nice

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Second Great Galactic War

I really enjoy this mod. V0.8 is a lot of fun, but the rakgouls ... Miniature rancors ... not so easy to kill Lol

Good karma+1 vote
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Hutt starships

Yay! It looks Awesome!
I can't wait for this mod. I just wish I could make it go faster! (I have no skills in anything you need just beta testing if you need it)

Good karma+2 votes
TheJ3VS - - 40 comments @ Super Star Wars: Rise of the Droid Empire

Sadly, I've found some problems. On some planets It just won't load when I don't press on resolve auto. And when I'm the droids most of the time it just has an exception and so it's really difficult to play as them. And it's a little OP that the Empire gets like 5 SSD and 2 Eclipse-SSDs + 5 heros that have SSDs And when I'm not the Empire, I can't seem to kill their plex soldiers? Like at all. And they won't die lol.
I've also noticed some hard points (only sometimes) won't get destroyed.

... It's just a little more 1-sided then I first imagined. But otherwise Great mod! It's loads of fun and can't wait for the next version!

Good karma+1 vote