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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 62)
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ The Great War

not sure if im doing something wrong, but i can only recruit infantry as sweden, denmark and norway, can they recruit artillery and cavalry? if so, how?

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Star Wars Mod Reborn

nerf meat, nerf steaks, correlian whiskey

Good karma+3 votes
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ A-Wing Spear Head

going the mcquarrie concept route? if so i like it.

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Legacy Era: Second Imperial Civil War

as long as it isn't dead, that would have been very saddening. one odd bug im gettin though. the impstar-1 is showing up green for me, no texture on it at all, is there a way i can fix this m'self?

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Old Republic at War

from what i have seen from galactic conquest in the current version, the only problem i have is that the ships from vanilla EAW are still buildable, and they make the ones from the mod unbuildable, unless there is a way to scroll through the items in the unit production box. that said, your saying that GC would be showing general oddness at this point is quite true. and i await the next release with great anticipation. i find your mods to be very enjoyable.

Good karma0 votes
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Old Republic at War

i think it has less to do with not knowing how to read descriptions, and more to do with just not having enough brain power to read at all.

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

if i knew how to do textures i would offer, but im not really a digital artist, though i am a graphic arts student. it seems like texturing from scratch would be difficult.

Good karma+2 votes
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

now that i've looked around a bit, this image
shows where i'm coming from on the dreadnought, the one most mods use just seems weird. though it could just be a different model of dreadnought as the "practice of letting local shipyards produce their own Dreadnaught-variants on a license" could explain the difference.

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Honestly though, I don't have any real gripes about the mod, as I only just got it to work well(decided to try LAA, made it so I can play 1-2 hours without crashing, instead of 10-20 minutes) and am not quite used to how things work yet. All that I have said are really just first impressions. And, to be honest, I really respect anyone who can make mods for games like this, personally I wouldn't have the faintest idea how, and after trying to figure it out once I immediately gave up. So thank you for this awesome mod.

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Also on another note, the Bellator is absolutely amazing, I love that thing. it just feels more useful to me than the executor does, in terms of cost, damage output, and useability(it doesn't crash into planets). It also looks better, from a distance... my only wish was that the model was a little bit better, as the tip of the ship just kills me. I can't really complain though as this is the only mod I have seen so far that even has the Bellator. If i knew how to mess with the models for sins i'd try my hand at it, but i can't really use anything other than sketchup. I can, however, wish for things that probably won't happen, and for me that is getting a even a slightly better Bellator. In the end, it seems like i'm going to be turning to this mod over SoGE(it is good, but i don't like a few of the things it does) to get my star wars fix, though ascendancy looks promising as well but as it isn't out yet...

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Now, all that said, I really like quite a few things about the mod, to finally get a star wars mod that uses E4X is wonderful, as before, though I love the changes made with E4X, I just wouldn't use it, as I don't really like the ships used by vanilla sins factions. Compared to SoGE, I like this mod much more, even with only the empire added thus far; the roles of ships make much more sense here than some in SoGE(to me at least, like the dreadnought, i mean come on, that thing shouldn't be considered a capital ship. honestly the design was at least 80 years old by the time of the clone wars. also, is it just me or does that thing look... odd. i've always felt that it looks to wide, like it's stretched out a bit, especially when i see that dish thing on the top. saw a model in one mad that was thinner in a mod for EaW a while back that looked better, but never saw it used in anything else.) with the exception of the skipray, but i can see why that is used instead of other ships.

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

I must say, this mod is a true gem. As far as first impressions, I have a few issues with it though(though these may be caused by incompetence on my part), the empire is really hard to use for people like me; I am a turtle, I REALLY enjoy playing defense and from what i have experienced while playing as the empire, that is a very easy way to get rekt. It may just be me, but it also feels like star destroyers are just a bit underpowered/underarmoured compared to ships from other factions when looking at the cost, especially looking at the TEC. Imperial warships are just that, warships; unlike the the sins factions, the empire has dedicated, purpose built warships, whereas the TEC and to some extent the Vasari are not using ships originally built for combat, with the TEC using converted merchant vessels and vasari with ships that, when looking at sins lore(though i may be wrong) are meant for running from whatever it is that is hunting them.

Good karma+2 votes
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Fairy Empire(Yaodu) Mod

i get the feeling, that if you are talking about trading mode, that there aren't any ships owned by the player that can produce ANYTHING(at least from what i have seen thus far)... this is a very saddening fact indeed, as some ships should be able to build things like their own modules, fighters, frigates and the like if you have the proper materials, but perhaps i just haven't been doing it right.

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Fairy Empire(Yaodu) Mod

is there a way to get the tactical ship in trade mode? i think that ship would be awesome for it, though i can see it wouldn't be available if it isn't.

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Fairy Empire(Yaodu) Mod

Im having this same issue, also, i found what seems to be a typo, with the "atlanta calss armored cl" other than that i think this is great!

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Centurion

lulz. give all the star forge.

Good karma+2 votes
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Pew Pew


Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ CR90 Corvette

honestly, i just think the hull should be a tad lighter, and set the other color to whatever the team color is, but the grey works too.

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ CR90 Corvette

nice job!

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Some things never change...

i never play cis personally, so the only times i've seen those things ingame was when blowing 'em up, they never lasted long enough to get a good look at them really.

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Some things never change...

oh, that makes much more sense then. i didn't notice that at all... i feel rather foolish...

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Allegiance

Hrmm, now that i look at it, it seems that the allegiance was the same way...

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Some things never change...

Depending on the Providence that may well be the proper scale as well, after all the Venator has a length of 1,137 meters, while the providence has two versions, one at 1088 meters, and the other at 2,177.35 meters. the second version is the ship boarded at the beginning of Ep. III, I think.

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ These are not the images you are looking for.

i think it is totally understandable. personally, i would end up naming all of my cruisers, and would never get anything done in game, so i'm kind of happy that i can't.

Good karma+2 votes
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Sins of a Galactic Empire

good point, i was only wondering because of the carracks having colors but nothing else.

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

so, are you going to have it set up like SoGE then? where you activate specific factions to reduce the memory usage?

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

that sounds... really useful for larger mods that use a lot of ram. does that help lower mini-dumps then?

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Sins of a Galactic Empire

don't know if this has been asked before, and if it has, i apologize, but are we ever gonna see team colors on imperial capital ships?

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

what is LAA? i haven't tried armada 3, as though i like both star trek and star wars, i am much more of a warsie, and just didn't feel like trying that one.

Good karma+1 vote
Seran_Hawke - - 62 comments @ Allegiance

's understandable, after all, though absolutely awesome looking, the Bellator isn't exactly the most well known class of ship, heck, I discovered it on accident just wikiwalking on wookipedia. and the Allegiance isn't a bad looking ship either, it fits in more with what people see as "standard" imperial aesthetics, and to be honest, the Bellator is a bit odd looking compared to what most people would see as an imperial warship.

Good karma+1 vote