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Comment History
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Warzone-Acron

Seriously, how does night-vision work? maybe it's not implemented yet?

I tried looking it up, can't find anything, also can't join the discord server

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Warzone-Acron

How does one use night vision?

I got a helmet that says it will give me night vision if equipped before entering a battle, but it does nothing in night time situations, as dark as ever..

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Deeds of Arms & Chivalry

How do I use the alternate attack for weapons?

It's pretty cool how like a warhammer can be either blunt or piercing (makes perfect sense, the freaking spike is right there!), or how you can throw any spear (apparently), don't know of any other mod that does this.

The default button for alternate weapon attack toggle (X) does nothing...

Good karma+3 votes
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Agent

*dude dancing*

Enforcer: "...can we kill this guy?"

Good karma+2 votes
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Is there a way tone down the smoke effects when using firearms?

They tank my FPS, specially when I have like 50 dwarven mine-sweepers/engineers in my army heh, creates quite the smoke cloud.

I can turn it off in wse2 options (particle systems), but then I stop getting the cool blood squirts when hitting enemies.

This is mostly my fault, since I'm running warband on intel integrated graphics, but I was just wondering if perhaps there's some way to address that.

Good karma+2 votes
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Have you tried using wse2? using it reduced crashes dramatically for me, with any mod.

I've yet to have any crash with this version, plus I play it on linux via proton, truly astonishing how stable wse2 makes it for me.

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Deus Ex Community Update Version 2.4.1

use protontricks, go to for instructions.

I think the easiest way is to install it via pipx, just do

"pip3 install pipx"


"pipx install protontricks"

You also need winetricks installed, you can get that from the official repositories of whatever distribution you use.

Usually the winetricks version will be outdated in said repositories, so you can do "sudo winetricks --self-update", and that'll bring it to the latest version, only problem is you'll have to do that every time there's an update, but it's better than using the outdated version in the repositories.

then you do "protontricks --gui" and simply navigate the gui, you'll pick a game, in this case deus ex.

You cn ignore any warning messages about using a 64 bit prefix or anything like that

and then there'll be an option to "select the default wineprefix" or something along those lines, pick that, then next there'll be an option to "run explorer", pick that, it'll open a file browser sort of thing, navigate to where the installer for the mod is and run it.

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Far Cry 2: Realism+Redux

Yep, that was it :)


Good karma+2 votes
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Far Cry 2: Realism+Redux

Ran into a weird bug, not sure if related to the mod or not.

But I got to the second map, did all the side missions, a few main missions, and now there's only an APR mission left, but I can't get it

There's the exclamation point in the map and all, but when I go to the APR place, the dude at the front door doesn't say anything

here's the save

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Far Cry 2 Realism+ Redux

nice :)

Good karma+2 votes
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Far Cry 2 Realism+ Redux

is it the intended behavior for safehouses not show at all on the map?

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Far Cry 2 Realism+ Redux

thx :)

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Far Cry 2 Realism+ Redux

What changed in the update that came out today? do I need to start a new game?

I had downloaded the mod just yesterday

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Between Empires v1.0 Release

This seems pretty cool, but I'm having a hard time playing, it crashes way too much

Like for instance, I can't go back to main menu and load a game, it will crash 100% of the time.

Could be because I'm running Warband via proton in Linux (since the linux build is no good), But I've been playing other mods pretty well.

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ The American Civil War Mod: Revived!

It's working for me, though it crashes a lot when entering town scenes, not sure if it's related to wine or not.

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Far Cry 2 Redux

Can I use this with the blood and gore mod?

Good karma+2 votes
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ PARADIGM WORLDS


Yep, it 100% was during character creation, I'm guessing it's because I choose to have been a "assistant to the hangman", I just thought it would be funny since my father was a conspiracy cybernetic hacker (forgot the actual full description) and died at the gallows.

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ PARADIGM WORLDS

Ah, you know it could well be something I chose at character creation, i'm not sure, imma do some testing for that later

As for the crashing, yeah, I know, I believe it's mostly because the game is 32 bit, hence it can't use more than 4GB of RAM (and that because it has the "Large Address aware" flag enabled, otherwise it would be 2GB max)

I honestly can't wait to see what you'll make with Bannerlord once that arrives :P I can only imagine the bat-**** craziness increasing to a factor of 1000, at least I hope you keep on modding.

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ PARADIGM WORLDS

An update to the crashing issues I was having.

I lowered texture quality to 70%, plus shadows to low and they stopped, though I really shouldn't have to do that since I have a GTX 980 plus 16 GB of RAM.

Of course it's very possible that it had nothing to do with that.

On another weird thing that happened, all of a sudden I have terrible relations to every single Lady on the faction I joined, including the one I was courting, I was like 30+ with her, then out of the blue she stopped calling me for a visit, so I went there to check what was up and the relations was -14.

After that I noticed (during feasts) that I have negative relations to every lady pretty much, and I think some lords as well, I have no idea what triggered it.

Not sure if it has anything to do with the negative honor rating for my character, I already had the negative honor when becoming a vassal so I dunno.

Also, I believe setting the player honor to -130(or whatever the value is) just for selling a single prisoner is a bit harsh don't you think? I just had some prisoners, went into a scoyatel camp, they said they'd pay for them so I was like "Why not?!" and bam, suddenly I'm a bandit...

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ PARADIGM WORLDS

well, just boosting their stats a bit, and some better equipment for the higher tiers would suffice I think.

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ PARADIGM WORLDS

Bad news, all of a sudden it began crashing like crazy on tournaments again, I swear to god that the first time around it pretty much stopped once I disabled the formations AI, like I said I was able to complete at least 3 or 4 full tournaments after that.

I have both ragdolls and particles disabled, but it crashes constantly, don't know what else it could be, seems to be quasi intermittent(meaning some tournaments work perfectly, and then sometimes they are sure to crash).

edit: oh and to answer your question I had the full "Formations AI" enabled at that time, and not "native with formations".

edit2: not sure if this is going to help, but here is a fresh rgl_log file, I started the game, loaded a save, got into a tournament and then crashed

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ PARADIGM WORLDS

May I suggest you show the Sanitarium conspiracy some love?

Their troops are so underpowered it's not even funny, to the point of being useless, both in stats and gear, I mean compare them to the Alien Shogunate troops.

And I like the Sanitarium Conspiracy, they're the funniest, where else can I have mobile terrorists in my army? or palantir hackers

Good karma+2 votes
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ PARADIGM WORLDS

Ah yeah, I wasn't very clear there, turning Formations AI off apparently fixed the tournament crash problem, I participated a bunch of times after turning it off with 0 crashes, and with it on it would crash pretty much every tournament attempt.

Also I do use the moddb version, I had 1.10 at first, then installed the patch, pretty sure I did it right, the images I refer to are only the main menu and when the game is loading

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ PARADIGM WORLDS

Did you perchance turned "Formations AI" on? it comes with it disabled (using native AI) per default I think.

I believe that was what was causing tournaments to crash for me, because I had enabled it, after disabling I managed to complete 2 full tournaments with no problems.

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ PARADIGM WORLDS

I'm crashing all the time on tournaments... outside of them it's pretty much perfect, but for some reason it crashes all the time when participating on them... and it's extremely frustrating when against all odds (of been given some bs unintelligible "weapon" that is useless, multiple times) you manage to get to the final rounds and then bam... crash..

Tried setting ragdolls to 0, but same thing, playing with the 1.20 patch

Oh btw, there are still some images that say version 1.10, when the game is loading, plus the main menu.

The mo d is super fun though, got both Jason and Freddy in my party, and Jason was a giant before, then mutated into a lady (btw that made the armor look all messed up).

update: huh, apparently it was the formations AI I had turned on, turning that off fixed the problem :)

Good karma+2 votes
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ PARADIGM WORLDS

After the first couple of ingame days I'm finding 0 low level parties to fight... this in the alien shogunate area, perhaps because all of the weird (and sometimes nonsensical) calculations that factor in speed, these parties simply can't get away from the huge strong ones.

And that's super frustrating, because in the early game I'm finding nothing to fight, can't train my troops, always running for my life (if I can outrun a party that's 5x the size of mine that is).

I think that's something that migh be worth a look into.

Good karma+1 vote
hvcrios - - 27 comments @ Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Unofficial Patch

Is it ok to start playing it with rc2 and then once the 10.3 final (or further release candidates before final) comes along just update and keep playing the same save?

Thanks for your hard work btw.

Good karma+1 vote