This project was created solely for one purpose: To pay tribute and give Battle Realms a second life. The goal is to improve and show the true beauty of Battle Realms to all RTS players around the globe. Fix the existing (and persisting!) issues, and let the project serve as a memorial for this work of art. Goals: ⚈ Improving the visuals: Overhauled textures, UI Redesign, updated resolutions. ⚈ Correcting the flaws: Bug fixes, game mechanics fixes, sound fixes, text fixes and a lot of other... fixes. ⚈ Restoring the old: restoring certain game features that were left unused and making them work properly. ⚈ Maintaing the balance: Rebalancing the gameplay with the focus on the vanilla setting. Restructuring the game mechanics. ⚈ Adding to it: New maps, completely overhauled BR manual. Are you familiar with coding? BR Modding? BR Map making? Are you ready to work purely on your enthusiasm? If so, then join up! Let's make Battle Realms shine once again

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Battle Realms is coming to Steam on December 3, 2019. Store page is up! :)

BattleRealmsRevival Blog 2 comments

I couldn't be happier to announce this.

Ed Del Castillo explains why it's Early Access and talks about his future plans concerning BR.

TL;DR: The original BR + WOTW with Steam Online Multiplayer and some other improvements is coming to Steam Early Access. The page is already up on Steam Store. Release date should be December 3.

Some details of what to expect on release: here and there .

You can discuss it with others in BR Discord.

/ Original post from the Battle Realms Facebook group./

Your support has been amazing so far, and we need it now more than ever. Thank you everyone.

Those who didn't believe us, I hope we've regained your trust now. :)

Battle Realms Steam store page is on and the release date is set to December 3, 2019 by Valve. Add to the wishlist and tell a friend!

Official comments from Ed Del Castillo:

> Battle Realms is finally ready to launch on Steam Early Access! It should be out at the end of the month. Go check it out. :)

> The game will be 9.99 (same as GoG), until we get to 1.0 at which point the price will change, but we're not sure to what right now.

> Just got word from Valve. The earliest release date possible is December 3rd. I'll release it as soon as they allow.

Battle Realms Revival Project is cancelled.

BattleRealmsRevival Blog 1 comment

Good day everyone.

It's unfortunate that I have to bring these news, but the project will not be worked on anymore, at all.

There's quite a number of reasons for that, but the principal one is miscommunications and creative differences inside the team. We weren't able to come to a consensus and decided it's best for everyone involved to go separate ways. As every member of it was a vital part and played a certain role there, the project won't be the same with even 1 member missing.

I'm sorry for disappointing anyone looking after our work and awaiting releases, but the project has been cancelled for the better good.

Thanks to everyone who wanted to help us out by testing or helping with translations. We really appreciate the support that was given.

Nonetheless, the community lives on, don't forget to visit the Discord server or Reddit if you aren't on there already.

Until next time.

- KoMiKoZa

Open call for language localizations. Is there a BR in your language? Do tell us!

BattleRealmsRevival Blog

Meanwhile, the BRR team is working on integrating multilanguage functionality into the game. Russian, French and German languages will be released along with the patch 1.50s this month, with fixed tooltips as well!

The multilanguage functionality allows you to switch the text and speech files for the game depending on the settings in the game configuration file (* ini). Thus, it will be possible to listen to the original voice acting in English while reading the subtitles in Russian, German or French, works both ways.

Language packs will be selectable during the installation of the patch.


We need your help! We're aware there exists a number of BR translations, we've got info about the following languages besides RUS, GER and FR:

  • Spanish (Only base game, voice + text, no WOTW).
  • Italian (Only base game, only text, no WOTW).
  • Korean (Only base game, only text, no WOTW).
  • Polish (Only base game, only text, no WOTW).

If you are sure BR is translated to your language, let us know! Either down in the comments, or in the Discord server. Please, if you can, provide info as to how well it's translated (by who if possible), what is translated (text/speech), if addon WOTW is translated as well. This will help us to possibly integrate the translation to YOUR language into BR.

Battle Realms Revival Team

Patch 1.50s is back in the works!

BattleRealmsRevival Blog

Good day, everyone.

In our past announcement we mentioned that 1.50s was "coming soon", that didn't happen because we ran into major issues, and had to sort many things out. The future of the patch was unclear and we couldn't give any substantial information on the matter.

Now, although, we're proud to announce that the 1.50s patch is in the works again!

As always, here's a sneak peek on some of the new features.

Available resolutions and FoV options

The .ini file now has updated settings that will further allow to customize your game, stuff like FieldOfView or Fullscreen / Borderless.

The game now also supports all of the resolutions that are supported by your monitor (don't experiment with nVidia's DSR though), with proper aspect ratio scaling that is!


Extended population cap

That's done too! Now the game supports an additional cap of 60 (Very High).


More extended settings to come!

Reworked siege damage system

We had to take note of 1.50r feedback and reshaped the system to be closer to the original game (1.50q). Some units, however, will still have their building damage reduce, or they will only become effective against buildings upon researching an upgrade.

More things to come

Of course that's not the only stuff we will include in 1.50s, there's much more to be seen in there. For example, well functions have been fixed and enhanced, meaning your peasants will be better at taking water from your ally's well for ANY purpose. They will also be able to use enemy wells, because why not? :)

Additional information

We have deleted the Patreon page due to personal reasons. If you're willing to support us, please, test our patches and participate in the life of Battle Realms Revival project. Here's how you can do that:

Don't forget to annoy all of your friends about this and spread the word! That's all for now, have a nice day!

Patch 1.50s coming soon!

BattleRealmsRevival Blog 5 comments

Short teaser concerning our upcoming patch to fix the issues of its predecessor and improve the game even further. Also- news about the established Patreon account.

It's much better.

We've eliminated all of the issues from the previous 1.50r patch that were reported by the community. 1.50s is currently being tested so we don't let anything nasty slip into the release. Besides the 1.50r shenanigans, the patch also brings some VERY nice changes.

Teasing some patchnotes...

Better how? Well, let's see... The bug with no reloading while on horse is fixed and works as it should. The 'S' (stop) hotkey now also works as it should- it no longer affects melee combat. We've also completely reworked the siege system and balanced it closer to 1.50q. You can also expect some resolution changes.

Patreon announcement.

If you're not aware about what Patreon is, it's basically a donation site where you can support your favorite creators. Some of you have asked about ways to help, Patreon, in this case, would be your best bet. Once we develop the project further, our Patreon page will be a good place for us to post updates and supporter specials. All the info concerning our Patreon you'll be able to find by clicking the button bellow.

1.50r issues, reports and community feedback.

BattleRealmsRevival Blog 5 comments

by KoMiKoZa,

Designer, Battle Realms Revival Team


Huge thanks to everyone who's already tested, reported, appreciated and criticized things concerning our patch. We appreciate the feedback.

We know you find the lack of resolutions disturbing! And that, sadly, turns you away from the patch, but we will add them later on as the time goes. Our next big patch is supposed to be 1.50t where resolutions will be present.

So far, the following issues from 1.50r will be soon adressed in the new hotfix-patch 1.50s that's already in the works:

- Siege bugfix causing massive issues across the game, basically butchering the gameplay element. We haven't thought this one through well. While the technique bugs are fixed, this causes a massive damage decrease for a number of units, so chemists, for example, become useless vs buildings until the technique is researched.

We will balance it out in the new patch. Many people seem to not understand that Siege parameter not working in the game is a bug, game's techniques depend on that parameter as well as some of the units in general.

Same goes for the peasant huts, but about that- a bit later and in detail.

- Heroes not counted as summonned in stats for P3+. We will fix that.

- Shift (queue key) not working while building stables, this is 100% our oversight that we will fix.

- We've detected abnormal Dragon Watchtower stuns, which should not be relevant to our patch at all as we didn't change a single thing concerning that. We weren't able to reproduce the bug in 1v1 or 2v2 games and need videos from other players who report it. Please, help us out here and make sure this bug is not present in 1.50q (previous version) before blaming it on our patch. Test and record videos where as 2-4 diferent players are under an enemy Dragon tower as we believe it directly influences the stun longetivity.

The patch was a bit rushed and came out a little raw, I'm sorry for that. Thank you for the all the support nonetheless! We will make the situation much better in the future, stick around!

One more thing that's important in the online area of BR...

It has come to my attention there's a feedback-statement from the oldest (supposedly) BR Online player by the nickname of Ben who's got a relatively big following on the other side of the community. Personally, I feel the need to address this. Unfortunately, the poster didn't really grasp the idea of what our project is and what the patch is, also there's some misinformation that seems to be spreading around that community. So allow me to be your guest and reply to each of the points one by one. This is also aimed at the people who supported the statement without reading into it. I'll write this as an online-player-modder to other players.

A couple of things for the poster before we dive into it:

1. Please, take your time to get familiar with what the Battle Realms Revival project is. Here or here (This is the actual BR Community Discord that the creator of the game knows about).
2. If you want to advise people against using our patch, perhaps it would be wise to first share your thoughts on the mod page and not your personal space that no people from our team follow. Then we could also give you details so you don't misinform people about the patch.

I encourage all of you "NOT" to use the Battle Realms Revival Patch at the moment because I personally believe from playing this game for more than 17 years that this patch ruined many player's game play, particularly professional players. If you want to test the patch, go ahead.

I would say this is a really bold claim. People are always resistant to change, especially those who've been playing the same game, the same way for 17 years straight, but going as far as saying we've "ruined" the gameplay for "particularily professional players" is a tad bit dramatic.

I do respect the Revival Team for trying making the game better. I was excited and expect a bug fix, not a change of game. When I mean basic bugs, I mean the bugs that we know and popular, such as smoke spam, shift rice and water, super push, and some unit not reloading on tower and on horse, yin cheat from lotus, townsquare cheat. Fix that, and not changing the game we know it. Most players are happy with the current Battle Realms as it is, they only dislike the bug that we mostly talked about. That's why it's only good to fix those bugs.

Battle Realms is not only ridden with bugs, but also imbalanced and broken in many aspects. Many professional players may tell you about the disbalance, the rest you can't see because you're a player and not the modder/developer. You're used to what Battle Realms has been for a long time and I understand that changing it now may not be appealing to you.

Before expecting anything, it's important to read what our project is about and follow our progress, or perhaps even participate in it. 1.50r is mostly about bugfixes and not game changes.

"Most players" might be an overstatement considering you're talking about the online part of the community which is only a few players. A lot of them, by the way, have left the online scene because the game is imbalanced/bugged/broken. I wouldn't go as far as saying "most" either.

It's not "only good" to fix THOSE bugs. It's good to fix its bugs and rebalance the game so its every unit is viable, so there's a lot of opportunities for different battle strategies. Now the online gameplay is shallow and mostly comes down to 3-4 meta tactics for each clan, as well as replaying the same maps and doing same things over and over.

Before you judge me as a bugger of this game, read first what I would be willing to fix instead for the Battle Realms Revival Patch if I am the developer of it.

It's interesting how you have to adress it in the first place. But "willing to fix" doesn't make you less of a bugger if, in the end, you resort to those bugs.

For now, I will start with why I believe this patch has failed…

We've just started working on the project. This is also one of many patches that are yet to come. For you it failed, for others it didn't. We'll adress the general issues with it, but not everything that you claim "shouldn't be changed".

To get started, Kabuki Warriors + Horses + Whirling Spear = LOTUS DEAD. Yes, there is a way to avoid this, but Lotus is very slow. That's okay if we want balancing Lotus vs Dragon.. but....
Dragon Tower Stun, before ~7 seconds, now 10+ sec Army Dead. You may already know, Dragon vs Serpent in long game is already hard for Serpent. Powerful healers, high resistance monk, long ranged Arah, and inescapable Dragon fire. Dragon is already hard for Wolf as well in long game. Doing this will make dragon more powerful as a clan.

Dark Canopy protecting from Battle Gears was a bug that we've fixed in the patch.

Dragon Tower Stun is not related to our patch and we didn't make it longer than it is by default (6 seconds ). I don't think you've tested it yourself (because I, for example, can't reproduce this bug).

And instead listened to the players we played a test 4vs4 match with. It indeed happened there (we had 8 witnesses), but there were always big quantities of units from all 4 players under the Dragon towers. Test it yourself, record videos and show it to us (down in the comments to this post) if it occurs more.

The Dragon Watchtower stun was already bugged in the game and could've stunned for a very long time. We believe it may be dependent on the number of players and their armies, or it's another random bugged/underdeveloped function in the game.

The Lotus being a slow clan will be adjusted in our further rebalancing stages just like the others.

The patch Peasant's production rate bonus will not increase anymore beyond 6 peasant huts. I understand that the original developer of Battle Realms may have had said they intend to limit the peasant production rate to 6 hut. They said this, but they did not play the game like we do. We played this game for many years and realized that building peasant hut to increase peasant production speed is a skill. I am telling you, players are better at accessing the balancing of the game than developers, while developers made the game, we are players, so we know what is good and what is not, and I can be better at accessing the balancing of the game than almost anyone who are currently playing Battle Realms.

This is a big one. First of all, this is also a bugfix.

It wasn't just "may have said they intended", they stated that it's limited in the game by default, it was in their original F.A.Q for Battle Realms that was posted on the official BR site by Ubisoft.


Peasants huts are indeed supposed to increase the peasant production speed. But each hut is supposed to give less of a bonus. Also, there was a hut cap, 6 was stated to be "enough" but no further info was given on that, we decided to cap it like that since the value is the same for all huts (and we don't plan to change it). In 1.50q (last official version), not only all peasant huts give the same speedup bonus (doesn't matter how many you already have), they will not cap and you can have around 30 of them aside from the main clan buildings, with all of them giving the same speed up boost each. That led to games where no matter if your micro is good and you destroyed your enemy's main army, they can still quickly recover by simply rushing units while enjoying the hut speed boost. And that would really favor agressive gameplay more where you would create the same units over and over to attack and lose them, then train again just to wear down your opponent who loses units and doesn't have the boost.

Or if you keep your enemy base "sieged" where your opponent has to gather army/resources where as you constantly keep it under attack and meanwhile have time to mindlessly build more and more huts.

All of that would also often lead to absurdly long games.

Thinking that this removes the "skill" factor or calling other players "lazy" or "unskilled" because they're not interested in building the huts (and exploiting the game glitch) is a very poor judgement.

You may call it "skill", but many would beg to differ. This actually makes "skill" more obsolete and combat less decisive. We call it "abusing the game's behavior" or "exploiting a glitch".

To support this further, here's a statement from the Battle Realms Designer Diary #1 by Ed Del Castillo who is the main creator of the game:

RTE?! What's an RTE? RTE stands for real-time economy, and it's what you usually play when you think you're playing an "RTS." Think about it - how many games have you played where the combat was relatively unimportant, and the game was won based on how quickly you built units, not on how well you used them? The formula is mindless: grab your units, throw them at the enemy, go back to your base, build more units, and repeat. You quickly learn that if you try to maneuver your soldiers, they'll just get slaughtered. The only important thing is outproducing the enemy. Battle Realms is real-time strategy - featuring line of sight, advantages for being mounted and for occupying high ground, battle plans that go beyond simple formations, and unit balance that allows a single well-positioned soldier to do grievous damage to many opponents. You will spend most of your time fighting, not managing your resources. Suddenly the battlefield matters.

Playing the game for many years doesn't give much credibility in this case. You "realized" it's a skill where as you actually just made it up. As you see in the statement from Ed, that basically destroys all of your points, the game was planned to be like that.

Dismissing developers like that is also a very bold claim. They created the online aspect, the gameplay aspect and the way you play it now. Not the other way around. We here, at Battle Realms Revival, are also players, me, in particular, being a frequent online player, we know what's good as well. Based on your claims in this message, and the overall reasoning, you would not be better at balancing the game than the developers, and not us either.

I noticed only professional Battle Realms player do this because they have the skill to do it while attacking and defending, this is call multi-tasking. Limiting peasant production rate to 6 hut just removed one the factor to become a professional Battle Realms player. Now I understand that the game only intend to have low number units and focus more on micro. Do we already have this? This game is all about micro. It doesn't really matter how much units you have, we still have to do good micro control to win.

This is overall irrelevant. It didn't remove any factors to becoming a professional player. If you understood that, you wouldn't write this part in your message.

Your point about Starcraft or "real world" is very irrelevant as the two are very different games. Battle Realms can't be compared to any of the existing RTS games. Because Starcraft or other strategy is like this or that, doesn't mean Battle Realms should be as well.

To make Battle Realms good, we need both micro and macro, not removing the aspect of macro from it. Also in the real world, it makes more sense that more building means more people.

Battle Realms macro aspect lies in building combat buildings, upgrade (BG) buildings, towers and the Keep as well as its alternatives being Dragon Fire, Warlock's Tower and The Necromancer's Throne. Not building a lot of huts to gain a speedup to the unit production. This may be a shallow macro aspect, but Battle Realms doesn't need more as it's not the focus of the game. :)

Fixed a bug that allowed peasants to tame horses without a stable. This is not a fix, this is a ruined of controls. Now with the patch, you can't shift to get horses anymore while you are building a stable or a wolf's den.

As stated earlier, this is an oversight on our side. I agree with this point and it won't be there in our hotfix.

A horse is a usable wild animal in Battle Realms, we should be able to click on it anytime we want. We can't make use of it anyway if we don't have Stable or Den, but it makes more sense that we can select it. I think it like that. We should be able to select the horse even we have no stable. That should be the fix. You can only do this in the original version 1.50q if you use shift.

It's just like you can gather the rice and pick up a bucket of water without a peasant hut, you can't use that rice or water anyway because you don't have a peasant hut. Horse should be that way too. To touch the horse without a stable is not a bug, it is only a bug if you can use and ride the horse if you have no stable

You can use the horse, that's taming (while not having stables).

It should only be usable when you have Stables, that was the original intention of the developers (another thing is if it's questionable). Shift is a very well known "bug key" and just because you can tame horses by holding it doesn't mean it's a game feature that should be there or is another "skill factor". It was not documented anywhere and was found out by players just like many other bugs.

This can also be used to one's advantage in multiplayer by taking horses early on, mostly in team games. Concering your comment - you should be very well aware that preventing an enemy from stealing horses is not always possible and is not that easy.

Now, what I would do more besides the fixed above:

We perfectly know what to do. I think it's important to note that the fixes are not easy to do. Especially those that you'd listed there. We are very well aware of them but can't yet fix them. But we will.

My thoughts on making Dragon vs Lotus balance. Just make whirling spear works under DC, and also horse trample works under DC (That should help serpent a little bit, But I consider Serpent vs Lotus is currently balance in the original version 1.50q). AS for Wolf vs Lotus, is pretty much balance right now until Lotus have keep.

As stated earlier, that was a bugfix and won't be reverted. The point about balance was talked about earlier in the message.

To adress one more point from one of the comments:

In conclusion, please do not limit this game. There are so much thing to do, limiting hut and not letting to select horse without stable is a skill limiting aspects. This sucks.

Limiting skill and limiting the game are two different things. By fixing its bugs, we're not limiting the game. If that affects your vision and you don't want to play BR with our patch, we're sorry, and it's your right. We also love Battle Realms and this is not us "butchering" it. :)

I think I've covered everything and listed proofs where I could. No further reply will be given by me concerning the matter.

Until next time!

Announcement №1 - Battle Realms bugfix patch 1.50r coming soon.

BattleRealmsRevival Blog 8 comments

by KoMiKoZa,

Designer, Battle Realms Revival Team

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the first announcemt from the Battle Realms Revival Team. I feel I like have to give everyone a little bit more detailed rundown on what is the goal of our Battle Realms Revival Project, so allow me to be your guest and explain everything.

Project Overview

Battle Realms Screenshot 2019 02

The idea of making a BR overhaul first came to me not long before the announcement of Battle Realms on Steam. Surely, it was put aside right after the news of Steam BR hit the fans. After the last steam update from Edward Del Castillo, having lost all hope, I decided to come back to the project and started researching a lot of various materials related to BR, studying the game, contacting various people and sketching out an approximate plan for my idea.

The game was dropped after WOTW and never updated since then. Nobody's ever publicly released proper fixes for BR (including the fanbase), they might've been advertised but never posted anywhere. It's partly due to the lack of proper modding tools, but even when those appeared, no mods like that were released.

A lot of old games have already been or are being fixed by its loyal communities, so why not do the same for Battle Realms? Its community is small, but now there's an able-bodied team to do that.

Basically, this is the official announcement that BRR project is being worked on, we don't plan to put it aside although we can't give any EST's aside from April being the release date for the 1.50r bugfix patch.

Originally, my plan was to make one massive mod-overhaul to cover the whole game from head to toe all at once, but later my vision shifted and so the project was broken into a number of stages, to appeal to everyone. Allow me to list all of them to give you a better understanding of how the project will be developing.

Project Stages

  • Stage 1: Bug & oversight fixes

The most improtant stage is, no doubt, fixing the bugs BR's got there going. Mainly it's aimed to improve the multiplayer aspect of the game to make the game more fair for all players, but it also fixes a couple of bugs that can be encountered during Journeys (in-game campaigns).

Basically this is what our mentioned 1.50r patch is supposed to do. So far, we've counted around 60 gameplay bugs ranging from minor to game-breaking ones, and maybe a dozen of text-related issues (console tooltips mostly). Not all bugs will be fixed at once, but we will be fixing everything to the best of our ability.

Blankname's already fixed the infamous Wolf Swamp crash (Kenji's Dragon Journey), the patch is released to the public, go get it if the bug still bothers you!

Oversights are self-explanatory, basically everything that was obviously overlooked (mainly .dat related parameters.

Await the patch by the end of this month if not sooner. Don't forget to tell your friends!

  • Stage 2: Textures overhaul

Self-explanatory as well. This is all about improving the base textures of the game to make them look more appealing. Note that the screenshot shown below is from early works and is not going to be the final version.

Battle Realms Screenshot 2019 02 1

Restored Alpha resource indicator, reworked UI and textures for the Dragon buildings

  • Stage 3: Content restoration

Battle Realms also fell victim to its developer's "content scissors" and it has a bunch of cut content still present inside the game. This stage will be about restoring most of those (there are also some that don't really need to be restored), mainly it's all about visual effects. Most of these will be shown on our youtube channel along with the trivia behind it.

Battle Realms 2019 02 23   13 24

Restored Archer's zenning effect

  • Stage 4: Rebalancing the game

After all the possible fixes are implemented and the content is restored, comes another important stage- rebalancing.

We will need the community feedback on this one if enough people will be interested in our project. For now, I can't say much about this, but the game needs some rebalancing to make the overall game flow smoother. Some battle gears may be reworked, including unit attacks and such. The gameplay will be optimized for both: singleplayer and multiplayer.

Don't worry, the Lotus Clan will finally be nerfed!

  • Stage 5: Journey overhaul

Yes, it's 2019 now and tech-limitations are now far behind. Battle Realms has a beautiful in-game world and our goal during this stage is to expand it. Add a lot more details to the level and make the player feel more immersed in the journeys.

Mainly this is about remaking journey levels and adding a lot of stuff to it along.

Battle Realms Screenshot 2019 04

Kenji prologue with overhauled textures

  • Stage 6: Tools and experimental works

A couple of people is working on user-friendly tools to modify Battle Realms. That includes another DAT editor, various (un)packers and modifying the existing WorldMaster to improve its capabilities. :)

Experimental works include restoration of battlegears, abilities, visual fx, the way units worked back during the alpha stage of the game. It'll be released just for fun if we ever get our hands on that.


That about sums it up. Stay tuned for more information.

Let us know what you think, give us your feedback, throw in ideas, balance suggestions, words of encouragement, we'll be happy to hear from you. :)