Ultimate Apocalypse is a mod for Dawn of War Soulstorm, which aims to create the most diverse possible unit and faction selection within the confines of the original DOW engine. We strive to create the most engaging and balanced Warhammer 40,000 game that we can, without sacrificing the fun factor. From hordes of Orks to the towering Titans, you can always find a new way to play UA. We invite all of you to join us on our Discord server to keep up with the development of the mod!

DivinusWashington says

1/10 - Agree (7) Disagree (19)

This patch has completely, utterly broken multiplayer. Balancing issues have been completely ignored. 95% of the modifiers completely crash multiplayer games because the mods don't seem to comprehend functioning multiplayer with a good community keeps RTS mods alive. When you've had it as long as I have the singleplayer does finally start to get old. It becomes Army Painter Simulator very quickly. The singleplayer just doesn't provide the same energy and fun as multiplayer.

The mod needs working, functioning multiplayer. I would even forgive the balancing issues if the damn thing simply -worked-. Don't even bother adding modifiers that don't function in the game. Don't even bother making game-ender abilities that arbitrarily crash the game for everyone.

I love this mod and always will, but it might as well not exist if it doesn't ******* work. The creators need to admit they have bitten off more than they can chew with THB.