Rise of the Reds – or ROTR for short – improves upon the C&C Generals formula while also adding its own distinct elements to it. Most notably, the mod adds two completely new factions, the tank-heavy Russian Federation and the defence-oriented European Continental Alliance. In addition, the three original factions China, USA and GLA have been greatly expanded and redesigned in a variety of ways, with several new units, buildings, powers and abilities to explore and combine in your in-game tactics.

Neroascendant says

10/10 - Agree (3) Disagree

This mod id amazingly well done. It looks as good as it plays. Challenging computer players, well organized tech trees as well as General Power trees. And on top of it all the game is still in progress. I can hardly wait for the next expansion and see what this team has to offer.

Great quality download with content that looks and sounds like it was from the the original developing team.