The Empire has fallen and a New Republic is born out of the conflict. But in the ashes of civil war, yet another life stirs...

forestfur147 says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

I'm late to the game in finding this mod because I bought the Gold Pack this year and I am glad as ever that I found this amazing mod. First to compliment is the unit re-balancing. Now every single unit has clear advantages and disadvantages compared to other units and the new units added give it all a fresh feel.

This brings me to the next thing to compliment: the graphics. All the models are supremely detailed and explosions, lasers, just everything looks better than ever. I'm not just playing a Star Wars game, I'm watching epic, visceral battles unfold before my eyes. I wish the vanilla game looked like it does in this mod. Hell, I wish the vanilla game played like this mod. Oh, and let's not forget the new animations. Is your Imperial army tearing through the Rebel scum? Their burning T4-B Tank husks say yes, yes you are. And that's just one thing.

Finally, the sound. Sound sometimes makes a game, and boy does this add some fun. Now missiles sound like they're crashing against a target instead of rocks against a window. The music as well; we have more true blue Star Wars music gracing our ears. Just a few minutes ago, I finished a space battle with music from the final moments of the original Death Star playing. Star Destroyers and the enemy base went down in blazes of fire. I felt like a hero.

If you want to play any mod, play this one. You'll have fun, I guarantee it.