The RGB (Red Green Blue) singleplayer mod for MoW v1.17.5. Large urban ruins map with missions. Three 2 stage RGB missions and 1 fixed cam RE style intro mission. Two WW2 missions set in the city of Berlin. In play randomiser to make the mini missions a little different for each restart. Custom skins and new weapons. Night vision and follow cam for the Kingtiger. Random attack paths/minefields and supply trailers. Selectable paradrop reinforcements / low-level bombing run and off map artillery.

RSS Tutorials
RGB2 Mod (Hints & Tips)

RGB2 Mod (Hints & Tips)

Other Tutorial

A few pointers to help you complete the missions if you get stuck.

Adding gunlights to Men of War weapons

Adding gunlights to Men of War weapons

Weapons Modelling Tutorial

Demo of how to use notepad to alter MoW files to add a tactical light to in game weapons for use in night missions.

RGB Origins Mod (hints&tips;)

RGB Origins Mod (hints&tips;)

Other Tutorial 1 comment

A few ideas to help you with missions on the RGB Origins Mod for Men of War.

RGB Mod hints

RGB Mod hints

Other Tutorial 8 comments

Hints and tips for completing the single player missions in the RGB Mod