I am the lead host of Tomahawks and Timebombs, I play alot of Mount and Blade... Alot..

RSS Reviews

Crusader Kings 2: A Game of Thrones (CK2:AGOT)

Mod review

The banners have been raised and the North marches to Kings Landing to displace the Mad King and his family from the Red Keep by any means at their command, but they do not march along... In the Stormlands a young Robbert takes to the field to muster an army large enough to hold onto his lands and link his forces with that of the north, but the whole of the south rushes to stop his efforts before any help can arrive... The North makes a daring move once the bulk of their forces reach of the western parts of the Riverlands, they reach out to the Westerlands, the home of the rich Lanister family and home to a former hand of the king; feared through out all of the 7 kingdoms... Marriage is the Norths aim, a marriage of Cersi and Brandon, Ned's younger brother... The Stormlands have all but been crushed, but the North is stronger then it has ever been with the full forces of West, Mountain, and River fallowing in tow... The Trident, what would have been know as the place where Robbert killed the Dragon Prince and won the hardest fight of the war, but Robbert lays dead, and Ned must take his place, as the Red Viper must of a other Prince... Ned kills the Viper in single combat, scattering the enemy forces and capturing key lords... Kings Landing falls to Ned Stark and he claims the Iron Throne... Ned's "stolen" sister is recovered, and with a child; he is named Jon after Jon Ayrn, Ned's trusted mentor and hand of the King... The young Jon grows quickly, he is now the ward of Ned since he fathered no children of his own after the murder of his wife at the hand of her brother who was driven mad... Jon is now old enough to wed, he is married off to a Dragon girl, daughter of the slain mad king and sister to the missing Prince... The years go on and the great lords of the war die of old age or scheming, Ned too grows old... Ned dies, with no child of his own the throne passes to Jon; Stannis, brother of the late Robbert is made hand, and his younger brother Renly made master of coin for their part in the war... A second revolt breaks out, many houses are crushed by the Iron Throne, those who could not make bail where executed for treason, a 3rd revolt tears the land apart once again... The Prince returns, with the Gold Company at his back and a dragon at his command... The second war of conquest begins... 9/10, this doesn't happen often, but when CK2 is in a good mood you get the best stories, the most daring moments and acts of betrayal that keep you coming back for more... Thank you for reading and thanks to the makers of CK2 and his mod, top notch.


Elder Kings

Mod review

Mount & Blade: Warband

Game review

I have never spent more hours on a game then I have with Mount and Blade: Warband. The mods are endless, the journey is endless, this game is what you make of it, warlord or merchant, even failure can be fun. This game gives you the true(started from the bottom now we are here) feel when you conquer an enemy lords capital and fly your own banner in its place. Best game I have ever played. Try Clash of Kings if you love GoT or some of the other overhauls for an even better experience, worth every penny.



Warband Enhanced

Mod review

Europe 1200 (Warband)

Mod review

I enjoyed this, keep up the good work.