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RSS Reviews


Mod review

It is really interesting changes in gameplay, though have some minor troubles.

I don't really understand, how should be played second character, that fights with knuckles. First revolves around deflecting shots with sword... You can do it now so I die really quickly. I could go more acurate, use cover... But mod implies I should not. It's fast paced, with combo moves and style-meter... So how?

But when you take first character... well. I kinda stormed first episode of Doom in less than an hour. It was interesting expirience, when you run like whirlwind throught level, killing anything in your way.

And here's some other niggle. It feels like I did wrong difficulty or old Doom is just too dull for this new type of gameplay. I feel like it need it's own maps, revolved around it's gameplay. Maybe evene some plot. At least characters seems like a personages for one.

But it's all just minor issues. Mod is great and lot of fun. Thanks for making it.



Early access mod review

Played mostly Sorcerer, because see most changes and ideas in that character. Also I kinda like that class more then other. So I will say mostly from this perspective.

Finished one epsiode of Heretic under that mode. There is some problems with balance, like when you have more problems with nitrogolems, then with iron liches, but it can be done, all I need. It fells more or less Realisc Mod of Brutal Doom - your magic can hurt a lot, but your health too can be depleted in seconds. So you play more cautiosly, often use saves and often dies because mistakes.

It really rebalance whole system and I feel it's need some other maps as well. Maybe some whole new plot, that will use this new gameplay mechanics.

What I miss most is how to use magic book - I see in trailers, that it can be used in different spells. But all I can do is use it as some mine/grenade device. And need to dig ammo for this weapon in dangereous fights in melee making it unrelaible choice. So if it will be evolving in separate maps, it definetly would be good choice to provide some tutorial for newbies, like me.

I talk a lot about minuses of mod but it's only because it really interesting one. I really like how magic system is implemented. How you can choose some other means to make more or less noise around. And how it is working through some acurate keywords punching. I just feel it could be even greater if it had adequate maps for it. At least I feel so.

Or maybe I just feel dull about old maps of Heretic, Doom and Hexen. I did those games several times each, and interested more in new stories, new maps and such.

But still I like this mode a lot. Thanks for making such a great thing!


Legend of Doom

Mod review

I never played original Legend of Zelda, but big fan of original Doom. Accidentally stepped onto this mod and played it. Truly interesting piece of modding. Difficult through likeness with original, I guess. For some trouble moments was forced to go and see some guide to original Zelda. Probably, would never finished game without help.

Still, it was very interesting experience, and I strongly recommend this one.