Semi otaco fan de gundam y los tereres, encima buto pasivo, bien rancio. Si me seguis, atenete a las consecuencias.

Comment History
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ RE:PACK Bibliotekar 1.3

wait man, doenst this mf one shots you if he sees you?

Good karma+1 vote
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Fracture terryfying v5

what mod is that for the fracture? that one in your video is way faster tan the one in the base anomaly, i want that and your mod!

Good karma+1 vote
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Weird Tasks Framework

lmao trash addon

Good karma0 votes
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Hideout Furniture (HF) v2.2.1

Im having this error, note that it says anomaly 1.5.1 but i have the game updated to 1.5.2, i never changed the name of the folder, have the modified exes, have dltx:


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 262
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
1 : [Lua] ...nomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\scripts\placeable_furniture.script(324) : func_or_userdata

LUA error: ...nomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\scripts\placeable_furniture.script:324: attempt to call field 'simple_press' (a nil value)

Check log for details

stack trace:

! [LUA] 0 : [C ] simple_press
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...nomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\scripts\placeable_furniture.script(324) : func_or_userdata
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script(271) : make_callback
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(118) : SendScriptCallback
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] ...s/anomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker_ext.script(249) :

i tried with dependencies, i do have ARM, i tried load order, i havent seen anyone else have this error in particular in the comments neither, so i dont know what could be causing this

Good karma+1 vote
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Gunslinger Food, Drinks & Drugs Animation replacements

Is it there a discord link for all the guns backup? Or a channel, because it seems all the backups on the internet got deleted for copyright, and probably the reason why teivacz didnt finish the proyect

Good karma+1 vote
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ [1.5.2]Gunslinger, but Anomaly

This is good, but its so incomplete. Teivacz did way more ports and i cant find them anywhere. This is like 25% of all he did

Good karma+2 votes
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ 1:1 Ammo Restoration v2

damn i am the only 2022 comment for anomaly 1.5.2

i dont know if it works but i am going to try, i love picking and scavenging ammo and going through the hustle of crafting my own ammo cuz the trader sells it at really high prices

if it works? ill edit the comment here

Good karma+2 votes
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Artefact Spawn Rebalance [1.5.2]

this is how it should be, or at least in soc you find them laying on the ground but the best artifacts are closer to the cnpp

great addon, must say this could be even essential

Good karma+4 votes
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ More foggy fog

this the kind of silent hill fog i wanted, thanks man

Good karma+7 votes
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Anime Voice Actor

how dare you, you effin baka *** mf lmao

Good karma+2 votes
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Display Campfires On Map

i like the fact that there is a "visited" part, it kinda makes you want to go on a zone tour, a grand tour lemao, you could even do one complete tour and every time you repeat the trip it would be different because there is always something going on in the zone

this sounds like my kind of endgame now honestly, just chill and visit all campires and turn the fire on

Good karma+3 votes
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ [DLTX] Attachments Position Fix for Vanilla Icons

does this fix the missaligned silencers too? this looks like an essential addon, 10/10 of top, thanks

Good karma+1 vote
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Project Zomboid Music Replacer

i play project zomboid, discovered recently, but i have been a stalker since almost 15, so this is a 10/10 for me

Good karma+2 votes
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Modern UI All DirectX & Vanilla, HTS Bar

omfg, no lo puedo creer, i cant believe it, i wanted this addon day 1 but i am a dx8 pleb, and nobody gave a S about us... you are a life saver my man, i love you <3

Good karma+4 votes
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Outfit Upgrades Upgraded

this is really good, because it makes low and mid tier suits actually not feel like a bandits coat even when they are sunrise suits, 10/10

Good karma+1 vote
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ x3 Performance tweaks

Lately i wanted to play the game with more fog, wanted a silent hill vibe on the zone so much, left only foggy weather and still wasnt enough fog... fren, i love you. 10/10 because is two birds with one stone with more fps, thanks so much, seriously thanks.

Good karma+4 votes
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ (OBSELETE) Wolf Follow You Every Faction

i saw anime waifu and i thought to myself... "did this weebs faction added another girl companion?" then my bird brain remembered that wolf is an important npc too

Good karma+1 vote
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Vicious PSI-STORMS

i literally deactivated psy storms because not only they where longer than blowouts, but they where boring as hell, like it felt that you were forced to take shelter from a smol rain.

im going to try out your addon and thanks so much for your work man, 10/10 just because this could be essential

Good karma+1 vote
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Maid's Vanilla HD Icons

i cant believe i am seeing anime waifus in my stalker, yet im a weeb so is my duty to give 10/10

Good karma0 votes
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Fixed Player Thermal Resistance

that makes some f sense, 10/10 mod thanks so much and now i can probably try artifact hunting again

Good karma+1 vote
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ [DLTX] Ammo Crates with Streamlined Ammo Maker

hell yes ill be installing this right away, thanks! 10/10

Good karma+1 vote
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Maid's Assorted Icon Design

i want some "awa de uwu" please, extrap points for the weabness of the mod

Good karma+5 votes
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Visible artifacts from the Shadow of Chernobyl

ill give you a 10 just because is nostalgic, but im not trying out, i like the hard mode of not seeing them and progresively upgrade the detector

Good karma+2 votes
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Bloodsuckers from S-2 "2011"

that face looks like something out of dead space, and i love it

Good karma+1 vote
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Voice acting mutant Flesh

does the flesh will say "cyka!" when i shoot it in the bum, fren?

Good karma+1 vote
konekomuffling - - 28 comments @ Neutral Mercs

10/10 because of the loner dabing on this amazing addon <3

Good karma+4 votes