Jordon McClain is the Founder and CEO of a small indie game company called Steel Cyclone Studios. While working full-time to support himself, Jordon is a self-taught Game Artist, Designer and Developer in his spare time. Jordon is creating several video games built upon his in-house engine known as the Cyclone Game Engine. The Cyclone Game Engine is a 2D/ 3D game engine built upon MonoGame and the XNA Framework to help make it easier and save time creating games. The game engine is not perfect by any means. The game engine is still in its infancy stages of development which is why its not available yet to the community. The Cyclone Game Engine is primarily built to serve the needs of Steel Cyclone Studios' game projects. Once it is further developed, Jordon plans on releasing it. Jordon's ultimate aim is to make it into the video game industry and join the greats of game designers. In the meantime, Jordon is trying to hone his skills and learn as much as possible.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 22)

Homefront The Revolution

Game review

This next recent update did some major positive changes graphically. I enabled HDR in the settings menu on the PS4 as well and was blown away even more so. I played through the trial and the environments are huge! The gameplay improves as the player progresses and unlocks more gear and weapon attachments. Its a shame the game didn't release with these enhancements visually. Already its been highly criticized as one of the worst looking games, but the update makes it one of the best visually. Before the update, there was not enough color. The game just seemed rushed and incomplete; not only graphically, but gameplay wise as well. Now with the update, it looks like they added improved lighting and shaders. his new update really displays the power of CryEngine visually.

Now on to the gameplay. There are a few moments for me where the AI glitched pretty badly. A feature I liked the game had that I thought seemed to be overlooked was the ability to recruit resistance characters to fight with you. This comes in handy if the AI enemies try to swarm you. However, I still had moments where they AI glitched so bad, they got stuck to models or ran backwards.. haha weird stuff. The AI still needs some improvements but when they fight in bigger numbers as a unit, it makes the game more challenging. The characters on the resistance; the side that players fight on, says some pretty racist stuff so its hard for me to recommend this game to friends at this point. I do recommend the trial before anyone decides to buy. However, my play-through experience of the trial after capturing each outpost was fun and driving the motorcycle in this vast open environment was a ton of fun as well. It would be cool if players could shoot while driving the motorcycle. What if players could use their side-arm like the pistol and shoot while driving the motorcycles? There are still some slight drops in frame-rate but not to the point where it makes the game unplayable. Considering the amount of detail and number of models in the first level, I wasn't too surprised. The art team did a fantastic job. Just to be clear folks, this is the kind of game that improves as you progress so you are limited at the start. Don't expect to run in guns blazing haha. There are times you have to be patient and stealthy.

As I played through the game, there are moments were I ran out of ammo pretty fast. Ammo was easily replenished by looting defeated enemies on the ground. To go along with the weapon customization, what if players could craft their own melee weapons when they run out of ammo for their guns? There are so many models and props in the environment, what if players could find scattered junk and build their own melee weapon? More enemy types would be interesting but I have not beaten the game yet so don't take my word on that. At release, this game was highly rushed, poorly optimized and unfinished. It still feels unfinished and I had a lot of high hopes for this game. It has so much potential: weapon upgrades, open-world, looting.. I wish the character you play as had a voice but.. he doesn't. Characters in the game makes decisions for you. What really hurt people's gameplay experiece before the update was the poor optimization which resulted in low frame-rates and for many it hindered their gameplay experience. The game is not terrible and I felt some reviews were too harsh but improvements can still definitely be made.



Engine review

With MonoGame, I was overwhelmed with joy as it enabled me to revive my XNA 4.0 game projects from the dead and allow me to continue working on them. The skills and experience I nurtured and continue to learn in XNA carries over nearly seamlessly to MonoGame. While there are a few little hiccups transferring projects over, the MonoGame Framework does an excellent job in preserving everything.


Blood and Bacon

Game review

Blow up some pigs in this hilariously gory Xbox Live indie shooter. I hope you have an umbrella because this is one bloody game! It's probably the bloodiest game I've ever played. Between every wave, you get your weapons and talk to a farmer, who hangs from the wall of a barn via pitchfork impalement. Oh, and he's missing a leg too. I have to tip my hat to the guy(s) who wrote and performed the farmer’s lines: wondering what the farmer will say next motivated me to complete a wave. The farmer adds humor to the game. The blood splatter and particle effects are entertaining. Even though you face wave after wave in a single setting, the game incorporates strategic elements like a meat grinder that feeds on blood (and the machine can also give you extra ammo and such), an electric fence that fries enemies, and a water pump that heals you. B&B doesn't have a large arsenal of weapons, but this limitation is mostly made up with items that make you fast/agile or turn you into a dangerous melee freak. Its fun to play something not too serious every once in a while and with friends. I forgot to mention that this game has coop. My friends and I got a few laughs playing coop together. The HUD reminds me of Left 4 Dead's HUD some. The game plays really well and the controls are excellent. I think the game would be more fun if the challenges added a bit more variety. Overall, its a fun wave-based shooter. Go download it now on Xbox Live Indie Games on Xbox 360 for only $1.00



Engine review

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

Game review


Game review

F.E.A.R. 3

Game review

FPS Terminator

Game review

Zombie Football Carnage

Game review

Zombie Football Carnage is an amazing Xbox Live Indie Game. The game is very well crafted and so much fun to play. You can throw footballs at monsters to attack them. There are a bunch of different enemies and you can upgrade your character. You can upgrade your health, armor, your football throwing attack, your dash, and primary and secondary abilities. This is great especially since I found it very challenging from the start. There are different powerups in this game and it get addictive to play. There are so many waves in this game, I don't know when it ends. When does it end? The boss fights are interesting. The graphics are very impressive with great quality textures and a unique art style. The particle effects look stunning. This game has its own achievements as well but they don't go towards your Xbox Live Gamerscore since its an indie game. Go purchase this game... Go.. Go NOW! Get IT!


Barrage Engine

Engine review

Milkstone Studios has made an excellent game engine built upon the XNA Framework and their work is amazing. Contrary to many Xbox Live Indie Game Critics, their games are fun, they look professional, and you can tell that they put a lot of effort and work into their creations. Its not easy to make an indie game or a game engine from scratch using XNA. I hope the gaming community recognizes their hard work and find their games fun to play as much as I do. This engine deserves a 10/10!